

单词 fracture
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clinic〕fracture clinic 伤骨科英汉大词典〔compression fracture〕a lumbar/spinal/vertebral compression fracture 腰椎/脊柱/脊椎压缩性骨折剑桥高阶〔condyle〕a condyle fracture 髁骨骨折剑桥高阶〔coronoid〕a coronoid fracture 喙突骨折剑桥高阶〔depressed〕a depressed fracture of the skull 颅骨的凹陷骨折英汉大词典〔diaphysis〕a fracture of the left femoral diaphysis 左腿股骨骨折剑桥高阶〔fibrous〕fibrous fracture 纤维状断裂英汉大词典〔fibular〕a fibular fracture 腓骨骨折剑桥高阶〔fracturable〕to fracture the friendship破坏友谊21世纪英汉〔fracture〕fracture a bone.折断骨头美国传统〔fracture〕fracture a rib 折断肋骨英汉大词典〔fracture〕a fracture in a bone.骨折。牛津同义词〔fracture〕a fracture in the Earth's crust 地壳裂缝韦氏高阶〔fracture〕a fracture in the pipe 管子的裂缝英汉大词典〔fracture〕a fracture of the leg/skull 腿骨╱颅骨骨折牛津高阶〔fracture〕a hairline fracture (=very thin crack) 细小的裂缝朗文当代〔fracture〕a stress fracture in his left knee 他左膝上的应力性骨折朗文当代〔fracture〕ignorant writers who fracture the language.滥用语言的无知作家美国传统〔fracture〕to fracture a bone.弄得骨头折断。牛津同义词〔hackly〕hackly fracture surface of a mineral 矿石的粗糙断裂面英汉大词典〔hairline〕a hairline fracture 很细的裂缝剑桥高阶〔hairline〕a hairline fracture in a bone 细微的骨折朗文当代〔hairline〕a hairline fracture of the skull 颅骨细微骨折麦克米伦高阶〔impacted〕an impacted fracture 嵌入骨折英汉大词典〔intercondylar〕an intercondylar fracture 髁间的骨折剑桥高阶〔malleolus〕a malleolar fracture 踝骨骨折剑桥高阶〔maxilla〕a maxillary fracture 上颌骨骨裂牛津高阶〔metacarpal〕a metacarpal fracture 掌骨骨折剑桥高阶〔pedal〕a fracture of the pedal bone蹄骨骨折外研社新世纪〔pelvic〕a pelvic fracture 骨盆破裂麦克米伦高阶〔quadruple〕a quadruple fracture of his thumb 他的拇指四处骨折剑桥高阶〔reduction〕reduction of fracture (dislocation) 骨折(脱臼)复位(术)英汉大词典〔scapular〕a scapular fracture 肩胛骨骨折剑桥高阶〔stress〕a stress fracture of the foot(= one caused by such pressure) 足部应力性骨折牛津高阶〔supracondylar〕a supracondylar fracture 踝骨骨折剑桥高阶〔talus〕a talus fracture 距骨骨折剑桥高阶〔transversely〕a transversely oriented fracture 横向裂缝剑桥高阶




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