

单词 funny
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FUNNY〕a funny film, play etc 滑稽有趣的电影、戏剧等朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕how you feel when you think something is funny 你觉得某物有趣时的感觉朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕the ability to realize when something is funny 能领会到某物有趣的能力朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕the quality in someone or something that makes them funny 某人或某物具有的有趣特性朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕something you say or write in order to be funny 为取乐而说或写的东西朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕to laugh because something is funny 因为某事物有趣而发笑朗文写作活用〔adlib〕adlib lines more funny than those in the script 插入比脚本上更有趣的即兴台词英汉大词典〔amuse〕a funny story that never fails to amuse 总能把人逗乐的有趣故事韦氏高阶〔anywhere〕jokes that are so funny they always work anywhere.屡试不爽的极为有趣的笑话柯林斯高阶〔apropos of〕a funny story apropos of politics.一个有关政治的有趣故事美国传统〔artiste〕a very funny Indian drag artiste called Kumar一个名叫库马尔的非常滑稽的印度男同性恋异装癖艺人外研社新世纪〔do ... up〕to be done up in funny costumes穿着奇装异服21世纪英汉〔either〕music that fails to be either funny or funky.既无趣又没有强烈节奏的音乐柯林斯高阶〔entertain〕to entertain children with funny stories给孩子们讲有趣的故事21世纪英汉〔farce〕a bedroom farce(= a funny play about sex) 床上笑剧牛津高阶〔feeble〕a feeble attempt to be funny 拙劣无效的逗趣招儿英汉大词典〔funny〕a funny black hat 古怪的黑帽子英汉大词典〔funny〕a funny joke.好笑的笑话。牛津同义词〔funny〕a funny pain.古怪的疼痛。牛津同义词〔funny〕a funny story 滑稽故事英汉大词典〔funny〕a funny story 滑稽的故事牛津高阶〔funny〕a funny story/joke 滑稽故事/笑话麦克米伦高阶〔funny〕a funny story/movie 有趣的电影韦氏高阶〔funny〕a wickedly funny scene from the film 影片中恶作剧似的滑稽场面朗文当代〔funny〕an inquiry into funny business in Ireland's biggest export industry.对爱尔兰最大的出口行业违规行为的调查柯林斯高阶〔funny〕his funny little grin 他微微咧嘴的怪笑朗文当代〔funny〕talk (act) funny 言谈(举动)乖张可笑英汉大词典〔funny〕warn the soldiers not to get funny with the officer 警告士兵不得对军官放肆英汉大词典〔geezer〕a funny old geezer 一个滑稽的怪老头剑桥高阶〔hilarious〕hilariously funny 滑稽可笑牛津高阶〔hysterical〕hysterically funny 好笑极了麦克米伦高阶〔hysterical〕hysterically funny 极其可笑牛津高阶〔improv〕did a funny improv about looking for a job.即兴演出一场有趣的找工作过程美国传统〔incisively〕an incisively funny film 滑稽至极的电影韦氏高阶〔nonstop〕a nonstop teller of funny tales 接连不断讲述有趣故事的人英汉大词典〔portrait〕this gripping, funny portrait of Jewish life in 1950s London.这段扣人心弦、令人捧腹的对伦敦20世纪50年代犹太人生活的描写柯林斯高阶〔portrait〕this gripping, funny portrait of Jewish life in 1950s London这段扣人心弦、令人捧腹的对伦敦20世纪50年代犹太人生活的描写外研社新世纪〔portrayal〕a sensitive and often funny portrayal of a friendship between two 11-year-old boys对两个11岁小男孩之间的友谊所作的细腻而不乏风趣的描述外研社新世纪〔razz〕give sb. the grand razz for his funny accent 因某人口音奇特对他大肆嘲笑英汉大词典〔riotously〕riotously funny 滑稽至极牛津高阶〔screamingly〕a screamingly funny film 极其滑稽的一部电影朗文当代〔screamingly〕a screamingly funny film 非常有趣的电影韦氏高阶〔screamingly〕a screamingly funny joke.非常有趣的笑话柯林斯高阶〔screamingly〕a screamingly funny story.极其好笑的故事剑桥高阶〔screamingly〕a screamingly funny story一个非常有趣的故事外研社新世纪〔screamingly〕screamingly funny 可笑无比文馨英汉〔side-splitting〕side-splittingly funny 极其滑稽可笑的牛津高阶〔spice〕a boring film spiced with the occasional funny moment.仅有几处笑点的无聊影片柯林斯高阶〔stick〕a funny (queer) old stick 滑稽可笑(古怪)的老头英汉大词典〔such〕such beautiful flowers; such a funny character.如此美丽的花朵;那么滑稽的性格美国传统〔trenchantly〕a trenchantly funny critique 犀利且幽默的批评韦氏高阶〔turn〕a funny turn(= a feeling that you may faint) 感到一阵晕眩牛津高阶〔turn〕a funny turn犯病;头昏眼花外研社新世纪〔unintentionally〕an overblown and unintentionally funny adaptation of 'Dracula'.对《吸血鬼德拉库拉》过度夸张且带着并非出自本意的滑稽意味的改编柯林斯高阶〔unintentionally〕an overblown and unintentionally funny adaptation of 'Dracula'对《吸血鬼德拉库拉》过度夸张且带着并非出自本意的滑稽意味的改编外研社新世纪〔uproariously〕an uproariously funny comedy 令人捧腹的滑稽喜剧韦氏高阶〔uproariously〕an uproariously funny story.令人捧腹的有趣故事柯林斯高阶〔uproarious〕uproariously funny 滑稽得令人捧腹朗文当代〔uproarious〕uproariously funny 滑稽得令人捧腹牛津高阶〔wicked〕a wickedly funny comedy 恶作剧式的滑稽喜剧牛津高阶




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