单词 | appendage |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affix〕Something that is attached, joined, or added; an appendage or addition.附加物:贴上、加入或加上的东西;附件或附加美国传统〔apodal〕Having no limbs, feet, or footlike appendages.无足的,足部不发达的:无肢的,无足的或无足状附属物的美国传统〔appendage〕He had a tattoo on every visible appendage.他四肢裸露的地方都刺有纹身。剑桥高阶〔appendage〕Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics.麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢只被当成国内政治的附属品。柯林斯高阶〔appendage〕Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics.麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢被当成国内政治的附属品。外研社新世纪〔appendage〕The committee is a mere appendage of the council and has no power of its own.这个委员会只是政务会的一个附属机构,本身没有任何权力。剑桥高阶〔appendage〕The court system acts as an appendage to the government.法院系统附属于政府。韦氏高阶〔appendage〕The organism has small leaf-like appendages.这种生物体长有很小的叶状附属器官。剑桥高阶〔appendage〕The porch wasn't part of the original house but added later as an appendage.门庭不是原屋建筑的一部分,而是后来增建的。英汉大词典〔appendant〕Affixed as an appendage.附加的,附属的:作为附属品附加的美国传统〔appendix〕An appendage.附属物,附加物美国传统〔arista〕A bristlelike part or appendage, such as the awn of grains and grasses or the process near the tip of the antenna of certain flies.谷芒:刺毛的部分或附属物,如谷物和草的芒状生长物或某种苍蝇触须附近的突起物美国传统〔articulation〕A movable joint between inflexible parts of the body of an animal, as the divisions of an appendage in arthropods.关节联接:动物身体中不可弯曲部分之间可活动的联接,如节肢动物附属物的不同部分美国传统〔auricle〕Biology An earlobe-shaped part, process, or appendage, especially at the base of an organ.【生物学】 耳状突起:一个耳垂状的部分、突起或附肢,尤指生于器官根部美国传统〔awn〕A slender, bristlelike appendage found on the spikelets of many grasses.芒:一种在很多种禾本科植物的穗上能看到的细长、毛状的附属物质美国传统〔batfish〕Any of various marine anglerfishes of the family Ogcocephalidae, having a retractable appendage above the mouth.蝙蝠鱼:一种蝙蝠鱼科的海洋鮟鱇,在嘴上有一个可伸缩的附器美国传统〔biramous〕Consisting of or having two branches, as the appendages of an arthropod.两支的:组成或有两肢的,如节肢动物的附属物美国传统〔brachiate〕Having arms or armlike appendages.有臂的:有臂或臂状附肢的美国传统〔bristletail〕Any of various wingless insects of the order Thysanura, such as the silverfish, having bristlelike posterior appendages.衣鱼:一种缨尾目的无翅昆虫,长有刚毛状后鳍,如蠹虫美国传统〔caruncle〕Botany An outgrowth or appendage at or near the hilum of certain seeds, as of the castor-oil plant.【植物学】 脐阜:在某些种子如蓖麻籽的种脐或靠近种脐处的一个突出物或附属物美国传统〔caudate〕Having a tail or taillike appendage.有尾的:有尾的或类似尾巴的附肢的美国传统〔cercus〕Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito.尾须:某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须美国传统〔chelicera〕Either of the first pair of fanglike appendages near the mouth of an arachnid, such as a spider, often modified for grasping and piercing.螯肢:蜘蛛等蛛形纲动物在嘴边的第一对肢状附属物,常用来抓握和刺穿物体美国传统〔cirrus〕Zoology A slender, flexible appendage, such as the fused cilia of certain protozoans.【动物学】 触须:一种细长、柔软的突出物,如某些原生动物的融合的纤毛美国传统〔clasper〕Any of the appendages of the male of certain insects and crustaceans that are used during copulation to hold the female.抱握器:一种雄性昆虫或雄性甲壳类动物的悬垂物,在交配中用来持住雌性美国传统〔earwig〕Any of various elongate insects of the order Dermaptera, having a pair of pincerlike appendages protruding from the rear of the abdomen.蠼螋:任一种革翅目的细长昆虫,长有一对从腹部后方伸出钳状附肢美国传统〔extremity〕A bodily limb or appendage.四肢或身体的附属肢体美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔flagellum〕Biology A long, threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or unicellular organisms that functions as an organ of locomotion.【生物学】 鞭毛,鞭状体:一种作为可移动器官的长的线状附属部分,尤指某种细胞或单细胞生物的鞭状伸展部分美国传统〔forceps〕A pincerlike pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects, such as earwigs.尾铗:一种形如钳子的可移动附属物,附着在某些昆虫腹部的后端,比如蠼螋美国传统〔forelimb〕An anterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, or flipper.前肢,上肢:动物前部的附肢,如前腿、前翅、前鳍等美国传统〔gnathite〕A jawlike appendage of an arthropod.颚形附器:节肢动物的一个口部附肢美国传统〔hind limb〕A posterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, or flipper.后肢,下肢:(动物或昆虫的)后部的附属物,如肢,翅或鳍美国传统〔lateral〕A lateral part, projection, passage, or appendage.位于侧面的东西:侧面的部分、横向发射、横向通道或附属物美国传统〔leg〕A limb or an appendage of an animal, used for locomotion or support.腿:动物的肢或附属肢体,用于运动或支撑身体美国传统〔ligule〕A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.舌叶:带状结构,如伞形头状花序的花冠,或草叶的叶束与叶片之间的膜状或茸毛状附着物美国传统〔limb〕One of the jointed appendages of an animal, such as an arm, a leg, a wing, or a flipper, used for locomotion or grasping.肢,翼:动物身上由关节相连的附肢,如胳膊、小腿、翅膀或鳍状肢,通常用于运动或抓取美国传统〔maxilla〕Either of two laterally moving appendages situated behind the mandibles in insects and most other arthropods.(昆虫的)下颚骨:位于昆虫和大多数其他节肢动物上颚后面的附属活动器官美国传统〔maxilliped〕One of the three pairs of crustacean head appendages located just posterior to the maxillae and used in feeding.(甲壳动物的)颚足,颚肢:位于甲壳纲动物的上颔骨后面的三对头部附属器官,用于喂食美国传统〔nauplius〕The free-swimming first stage of the larva of certain crustaceans, having an unsegmented body with three pairs of appendages and a single median eye.无节幼体:某种甲壳类动物的幼虫的能自由游泳的第一期,有一未断节的身体,三对附肢和一只中眼美国传统〔obtect〕Having the wings and appendages enclosed or covered by a secretion that forms a hard shell or horny case, as the pupae of most butterflies and moths.具被的:翅膀和附器被罩住或为硬壳或角状壳的分泌物所覆盖的,如大多数蝴蝶和蛾的蛹美国传统〔paddle〕A flipper or flattened appendage of certain animals.桡足:某些动物身上的鳍状肢或扁平附肢美国传统〔parapodium〕One of the fleshy paired appendages of polychete annelids that function in locomotion and breathing.疣足,侧足:多毛目环节动物成对的起移动和呼吸作用的肉质附属部分美国传统〔pedipalp〕One of the second pair of appendages near the mouth of a spider or other arachnid that are modified for various reproductive, predatory, or sensory functions.须脚:靠近蜘蛛或其他蜘蛛纲动物嘴部第二对附属器官的一个用于生殖、捕食或感觉的器官美国传统〔peristome〕Botany A fringe of toothlike appendages surrounding the mouth of a moss capsule.【植物学】 孢蒴齿:围在苔藓或苞蒴口周围的皱褶状或齿状附加物美国传统〔phyllopod〕Any of various branchiopod crustaceans having swimming and respiratory appendages that resemble leaves.叶足亚纲甲壳动物:一种鳃足类甲壳纲动物,具有象叶子的游水和呼吸的附肢美国传统〔pinna〕Zoology A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage.【动物学】 羽、翼或鳍状结构:羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物美国传统〔pinnule〕Zoology A featherlike or plumelike organ or part, such as a small fin, or one of the appendages of a crinoid.【动物学】 小鳍,小鳍状物:一种象羽状或羽毛状的器官,如小鳍或海百合类的附属肢体之一美国传统〔spine〕Zoology Any of various pointed projections, processes, or appendages of animals.【动物学】 刺,刺毛:动物的各种尖状突出物、突起或附器美国传统〔stipule〕One of the usually small, paired appendages at the base of a leafstalk in certain plants, such as roses and beans.托叶:一些植物叶柄基部通常较小的一对附属物,如玫瑰和豆科植物等美国传统〔stylet〕Zoology A small, stiff, needlelike organ or appendage, such as the feeding organ of a tardigrade.【动物学】 螫针:坚硬的针状小器官或附器,例如节肢动物的取食器美国传统〔tailpiece〕A piece forming an end; an appendage.附属物:形成尾端的一件东西;附属物美国传统〔tetrapod〕A vertebrate animal with four feet, legs, or leglike appendages.四足动物:有四只脚,腿或腿样附器的脊椎动物美国传统〔tetrapod〕Having four feet, legs, or leglike appendages.四足的:有四只脚,腿或腿样附器的美国传统〔trunk〕A main body, apart from tributaries or appendages.主干:除从属物或附属物外的主体美国传统〔uropod〕One of the last pair of posterior abdominal appendages of certain crustaceans, such as the lobster or shrimp.尾足,尾肢:某些甲壳纲动物(如龙虾和褐虾)腹股最后面的一对足中的一只美国传统〔winged〕Having wings or winglike appendages.有翅膀的:有翼或有翼状附属物的美国传统〔wing〕To wound superficially, as in an appendage.侧击:击中…的非要害部位,如击中动物的附属物美国传统He hates being made to feel like an appendage (=to feel unimportant).他讨厌被迫充当一个附庸。剑桥国际The committee is a mere appendage of the council and has no power of its own.这个委员会只是理事会的附庸, 没有自己的权力。剑桥国际The organism has small leaf-like appendages.这种生物体长有小小的叶状附属器官。剑桥国际 |
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