

单词 fuel cost
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets. 不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Any increase in fuel costs could have a bad effect on business. 任何燃料的涨价都会对业务造成不良影响。朗文写作活用〔applicable〕Include fuel costs, if applicable.算上燃料费用, 如果有的话。外研社新世纪〔bump〕Increasing fuel costs are bumping the company's prices higher.不断上涨的燃油成本推高了公司产品的价格。韦氏高阶〔conservation〕The expensive fuel costs are forcing stepped-up conservation efforts by all airline companies.高昂的燃料费用迫使着所有的航空公司加强为防止浪费所作的努力。英汉大词典〔feel the pinch〕We are starting to feel the pinch of high fuel costs.高额的燃料支出开始让我们感到手头拮据。韦氏高阶〔in parallel (with)〕Prices are rising in parallel with increasing fuel costs.燃油费用不断增加的同时,物价也在日益上涨。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕Rising prices parallel increasing fuel costs.物价上涨的同时,燃油费用也在增加。韦氏高阶〔saving〕Crushing fuel costs are offsetting other savings.压得人喘不过气来的燃油费用抵消了其他方面的节余。牛津搭配Airlines are suffering with higher fuel costs.航空公司正因燃料成本的上升而受损。牛津商务Higher fuel costs reduce people's disposable income.高昂的燃料费用降低了人们的可支配收入。牛津商务The airlines have been given permission to surcharge because of increased fuel costs.因为燃料涨价,航空公司已获准收附加费。剑桥国际




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