

单词 fencing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appel〕A quick stamp of the foot used in fencing as a feint to produce an opening.快步佯攻:击剑中为俟机快攻而迅速向前跨出一步的假进攻动作美国传统〔backsword〕A one-handed fencing stick; a singlestick.木剑:单手击剑木棍;剑状单棍美国传统〔button〕The blunt tip of a fencing foil.击剑的钝剑头美国传统〔chicken wire〕A light-gauge galvanized wire fencing usually made with hexagonal mesh.镀锌铁丝网:一种轻质镀锌、通常由六角形网眼构成的铁丝网美国传统〔concertgoer〕Concertgoers pushed through fencing outside the venue, causing havoc with security guards.音乐会听众冲破会场外面的围栏, 让安保人员陷入混乱。外研社新世纪〔counter〕Sports A fencing parry in which one foil follows the other in a circular fashion.【体育运动】 划圆防守:在击剑防守时按圆形方式一招接一招地进行美国传统〔exclosure〕The practice of fencing off an area to protect vegetation.围地禁牧:围地以保护植物生长美国传统〔fence〕The art or sport of fencing.击剑术或击剑运动美国传统〔fence〕To practice the art or sport of fencing.练习击剑或进行击剑运动美国传统〔fence〕To use tactics similar to the parry and thrust of fencing.运用躲闪或向外推挡的战术美国传统〔fencing〕A pile of fencing lay about the yard.一堆建围栏的材料散放在院子里。文馨英汉〔fencing〕A pile of fencing lay about the yard.一堆栅栏材料摊放在场地上。英汉大词典〔fencing〕Beautiful white fencing enclosed the pastures.漂亮的白栅栏围著牧场。文馨英汉〔fencing〕Beautiful white fencing enclosed the pastures.那些牧场围有美观的白色栅栏。英汉大词典〔fencing〕I did a little bit of fencing while I was at college.上大学的时候我练过一点击剑。剑桥高阶〔fencing〕The factory is surrounded by electric fencing.工厂有电网围着。牛津高阶〔fencing〕We bought some new fencing for the back garden.我们买了些新材料, 准备在后花园筑栅栏。外研社新世纪〔foil〕A fencing sword having a usually circular guard and a thin, flexible four-sided blade with a button on the tip to prevent injury.钝头剑,无锋剑:带有一环状保护装置和在顶端带有圆头以防止剑伤的四边剑锋的防御剑美国传统〔foil〕Masks and foils are provided for fencing.击剑用的面具和花剑已经准备就绪。外研社新世纪〔governing〕The league became the governing body for amateur fencing in the U.S.该联合会成了美国业余击剑运动的管理机构。柯林斯高阶〔guard〕Sports A defensive position or stance, as in boxing or fencing.【体育运动】 防卫:在拳击或击剑中所处的防守的位置或姿势美国传统〔hurdle〕Chiefly British A portable framework made of intertwined branches or wattle and used for temporary fencing.【多用于英国】 疏篱:树枝或柳条编成的可移动的纺织物,可以暂时作篱笆使用美国传统〔kendo〕The Japanese martial art of fencing with bamboo sticks.剑道:日本的用竹棍击剑的一种武术美国传统〔let〕The guards were removing a section of fencing to let it through.警卫在拆除一段围栏好让它通过。柯林斯高阶〔modern pentathlon〕An athletic contest in which each participant competes in five events: running, swimming, horseback riding, fencing, and pistol shooting.现代五项全能运动:一种体育竞赛,参加者在五个项目中竞争:赛跑,游泳,障碍赛马,击剑和射击美国传统〔octave〕Sports A rotating parry in fencing.【体育运动】 第八姿势:击剑中一种轮流的闪避美国传统〔outreach〕She had to outreach her opponent to win the fencing match.要赢得这场击剑比赛的胜利她就必须战胜对手美国传统〔parry〕The deflecting or warding off of a thrust or blow, as in fencing.挡开:对于刺或击所采取的避开或挡开的动作,如击剑中的一挡美国传统〔parry〕To deflect or ward off (a fencing thrust, for example).避开或挡开(如击剑中的袭击)美国传统〔passado〕A fencing maneuver in which the foil is thrust forward and one foot advanced at the same time.(击剑时的)向前交叉步:一种向前刺钝头剑的同时一腿向前迈的击剑术美国传统〔pass〕Sports A lunge or thrust in fencing.【体育运动】 冲刺:击剑中的一戳或一刺美国传统〔pass〕Sports To thrust or lunge in fencing.【体育运动】 冲刺:在击剑运动中刺或戳美国传统〔pentathlon〕The pentathlon consists of running, swimming, riding, shooting, and fencing.五项全能运动包括赛跑、游泳、骑马、射击和击剑。剑桥高阶〔prime〕The first position of thrust and parry in fencing.第一姿势:击剑中出击和防御中的第一个姿势美国传统〔riposte〕Sports A quick thrust given after parrying an opponent's lunge in fencing.【体育运动】 还击:在击剑中,在回避对手的弓箭步刺之后所刺出的迅捷的一刺美国传统〔saber〕A light dueling or fencing sword having an arched guard covering the hand and a tapered flexible blade with a cutting edge on one side and on the tip.佩剑:一种轻型的用于决斗或击剑的剑,有一弧型护手柄,一边有从剑尖到剑的弯曲的逐渐细下来的刃美国传统〔singlestick〕A one-handed fencing stick fitted with a hand guard.单手击剑棍:装有一个护手盘的单手击剑棍美国传统〔singlestick〕The art, sport, or exercise of fencing with such a stick.单手击剑:用这样一根棍进行击剑的技艺、运动或锻炼美国传统〔snow fence〕Temporary fencing composed of thin upright slats wired together, used to prevent snow from drifting onto walks or roads.防雪栅栏:用细的、竖直的并缠在一起的条板构成的临时栅栏,用来阻挡雪掉入人行道或道路上去美国传统〔swordplay〕The act or art of using a sword, as in fencing.舞剑,击剑,剑术:舞剑的动作或艺术,如在击剑运动中美国传统〔tierce〕Sports The third position from which a parry or thrust can be made in fencing.【体育运动】 第三姿式:在击箭中闪避或一刺的第三种姿式美国传统〔touché〕Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument.有了:用来确认击剑中击中或成功的批评或辩论中有力的观点美国传统〔traverse〕To slide one's blade with pressure toward the hilt of the opponent's foil in fencing.横挡:在击剑中把自己的剑用力压向对方的剑柄美国传统〔tussle〕They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff.最终他们拆毁了四周的围栏,与保安人员厮打起来。柯林斯高阶〔unbated〕Archaic Not blunted by a guard on the tip, as a sword or fencing foil.【古语】 剑或钝头剑前端未用护手盘弄钝的美国传统〔volt〕A sudden movement made in avoiding a thrust in fencing.转身躲闪:击剑中躲避一刺的突然运动美国传统〔wire〕Fencing made of usually barbed wire.金属栅栏:通常用装有倒钩的金属线做成的篱笆美国传统I did a bit of fencing while I was at college.我在大学时偶尔玩玩击剑。剑桥国际Indoor sports include fencing and squash.室内运动包括击剑和软式墙网球。剑桥国际They use fencing around the football ground as a method of crowd control.他们在足球场四周建了围篱,作为控制人群的一种方法。剑桥国际




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