

单词 father
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FATHER〕father 父亲朗文写作活用〔FATHER〕when someone is a father 某人成为父亲时朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕ancient stories handed down from father to son 由父亲到儿子一代一代传下来的古老传说朗文写作活用〔absent〕an absent father who is not home most of the time 大部分时间都不在家的父亲韦氏高阶〔affiliate〕affiliate a child to its father 判定孩子的父亲英汉大词典〔ailing〕an aging and ailing father 年老体衰的父亲英汉大词典〔alive〕when her father was still alive当她父亲还健在时外研社新世纪〔assuasive〕a quiet and assuasive father 沉静而体贴的父亲英汉大词典〔avenge〕avenge one's father 为父报仇英汉大词典〔between〕the bond between father and son 父子的亲缘纽带英汉大词典〔bitterness〕his bitterness towards / toward his own father 他对自己父亲的怨恨牛津搭配〔black〕wear black for one's father 因父亲逝世而穿丧服英汉大词典〔blasting〕a son who blasted his father to death after a lifetime of bullying.因从小到大一直被父亲虐待而开枪弑父的男子柯林斯高阶〔blood〕avenge the blood of one's father 报杀父之仇英汉大词典〔boy〕a photo of his father taken at the time of the boy's birth男孩出生时他爸爸照的一张相片外研社新世纪〔breathe〕breathe in every word one's father is saying 把父亲的话字字句句听进去英汉大词典〔bury〕the priest that buried her father 为她父亲举行葬礼的牧师英汉大词典〔confederate〕a confederate look between father and child 父子之间密谋策划的一瞥英汉大词典〔deceased〕one's (recently) deceased father 某人(最近)亡故的父亲文馨英汉〔descend〕to descend from father to son父子相传21世纪英汉〔devoted〕a devoted father 慈爱的父亲朗文当代〔disenfranchise〕fears of an organized attempt to disenfranchise supporters of Father Aristide.对剥夺阿里斯蒂德神父支持者选举权这一有组织企图的担心柯林斯高阶〔disenfranchise〕fears of an organized attempt to disenfranchise supporters of Father Aristide对剥夺阿里斯蒂德神父支持者选举权这一有组织企图的担心外研社新世纪〔domineering〕a cold and domineering father 冷漠而专制的父亲牛津高阶〔emulate〕to emulate one's father as a concert violinist作为一名能在音乐会上演奏的小提琴手胜过某人的父亲21世纪英汉〔enemy〕an old enemy of her father 她父亲的一个宿敌朗文当代〔estranged〕a Western thriller about an estranged father and daughter关于一对关系疏远的父女的西部惊悚片外研社新世纪〔expectant〕an expectant father 即将做爸爸的人英汉大词典〔father〕father a controversy 引起争论英汉大词典〔father〕father an article on sb.认为文章是某人所写英汉大词典〔father〕a married father of two 有两个孩子的已婚父亲牛津搭配〔father〕heavenly Father 天父韦氏高阶〔father〕our Heavenly Father 我们的在天之父朗文当代〔father〕the father of a whipping 一顿痛打英汉大词典〔father〕the father of modern science 现代科学之父英汉大词典〔father〕the father of radio 无线电的发明者英汉大词典〔flesh-and-blood〕one's flesh-and-blood father 亲生父亲英汉大词典〔frantic〕a frantic search for her father 疯狂地搜寻她的父亲朗文当代〔grossly〕a father earning £20,000 gross a year.一年总收入为两万英镑的父亲柯林斯高阶〔heavenly〕our heavenly Father (= God) 上帝剑桥高阶〔heavy〕play the part of the heavy father 扮演严父 英汉大词典〔hurl〕to hurl one's father behind him在父亲身后追赶21世纪英汉〔incumbency〕the incumbencies of the father of a family 家庭中做父亲的责任英汉大词典〔lamented〕your late lamented father 您故世的父亲英汉大词典〔poignant〕a poignantly expressed tribute to his father 献给他父亲的令人悲恸的悼词朗文当代〔procession〕the Holy Ghost's procession from the Father 来自天父的圣灵英汉大词典〔propagation〕the propagation of a family trait from father to son 由父亲遗传给儿子的家族特性英汉大词典〔protective〕an overly protective father 过度保护孩子的父亲牛津搭配〔proud〕the proud father of a 5-month-old baby son为其5个月大的儿子而得意的父亲外研社新世纪〔reign〕assume active reign from one's father 继父王开始实施统治权英汉大词典〔relay〕relay sb.'s thanks to one's father 向父亲转告某人的谢意英汉大词典〔remark〕a casual remark to his father 对他父亲随便说的一句话牛津搭配〔remoteness〕his remoteness as a father 他身为父亲的冷漠韦氏高阶〔ridden〕a debt-ridden father 债台高筑的父亲英汉大词典〔set〕a privileged kid whose father set him up in business 靠父亲扶持进入商界的幸运儿麦克米伦高阶〔sighted〕her partially sighted (=having limited ability to see) father 她那弱视的父亲朗文当代〔take out〕a father taking out his daughter for a celebratory dinner.带女儿出去吃庆祝晚餐的父亲柯林斯高阶〔tyrannize〕a father tyrannizing his children 专横地对待子女的父亲牛津高阶〔tyrant〕households where the father was a tyrant.父亲残暴专横的家庭柯林斯高阶〔vicariously〕a father who lived vicariously through his sons' success.通过儿子的成功获得满足的父亲柯林斯高阶




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