

单词 for several days
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕The children were found alive and well after being missing for several days. 孩子们失踪多天以后,被找到时安然无恙。朗文写作活用〔CONTACT〕I've been trying to get in touch with my sister for several days. 几天来,我一直想与姐姐联系上。朗文写作活用〔HERE/NOT HERE〕Becky's been off for several days with a bad back. 贝姬因为背部的毛病好几天没上班了。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Philippides returned with the unwelcome news that the army would not be ready to march for several days. 菲利皮德斯带了一个不受欢迎的消息回来:军队几天内还不能行进。朗文写作活用〔a light bulb goes off/on〕After thinking about the problem for several days, a light bulb went off in her head, and she knew how to solve it.这个问题,她思考了几天之后突然想出了办法,知道该如何解决了。韦氏高阶〔back〕The correspondence has been backing up for several days.待处理的信件已经积压了好几天。英汉大词典〔be on〕Father has been on that medicine for several days.父亲几天来都在服用那种药。21世纪英汉〔been〕He had been in hospital for several days.他已住了几天医院。朗文当代〔bigos〕A Polish stew made with meat and cabbage, traditionally simmered for several days before serving.波兰炖肉:一种波兰炖品,用肉和卷心菜烧制,传统上在吃之前要煨上几天美国传统〔brew〕The problem that had been brewing for several days finally boiled over.酝酿了几天的问题终于爆发了。英汉大词典〔closet〕He closeted himself in his apartment for several days.他有好几天把自己关在房间里。韦氏高阶〔comatose〕The market has been comatose for several days.市场呆滞已有数天。英汉大词典〔concussed〕I hit my head and was concussed for several days.我撞到了头部,患脑震荡好几天。剑桥高阶〔continue〕The good weather continued for several days.好天气持续几天了。韦氏高阶〔deliberate〕She deliberated her decision for several days.她对她的决定仔细考虑了几天。21世纪英汉〔evident〕From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.散发出的气味表明下水道显然已经被堵好几天了。剑桥高阶〔feasting〕The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.一连几天都是宴会、痛饮、舞蹈和狂欢。柯林斯高阶〔feasting〕The feasting, drinking, dancing, and revelry continued for several days.胡吃海喝、跳舞狂欢持续了好几天。外研社新世纪〔firing〕I brought home firing sufficient for several days.我带回家够烧几天的燃料。英汉大词典〔fresh〕Cooked meat will keep fresh for several days in the fridge.做好的肉在冰箱里可以保鲜好几天。麦克米伦高阶〔headline〕The scandal was in the headlines for several days.这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。牛津高阶〔house party〕A party at which guests stay overnight or for several days in a residence, such as the home of the one giving the party.聚会:客人需在一住处里,例如在举行宴会的主人家中,住上一夜或连续住上几天的聚会美国传统〔incubate〕The virus will incubate in the body for several days before the patient experiences any symptoms.在病人出现任何症状之前,这种病毒会在人体内潜伏几天。韦氏高阶〔intensive care〕She needed intensive care for several days.她需要几天的特别护理。牛津高阶〔investigation〕An investigation has been under way for several days into the disappearance of a 13-year-old boy.对一名13岁男孩失踪展开的调查已进行了好几天。剑桥高阶〔lam〕The robbers were on the lam for several days before they were caught.这些抢劫犯在逃窜了数日后终于落网。剑桥高阶〔lie up〕He was down with fever, and the doctor advised him to lie up for several days.他因发烧而病倒了,医生建议他卧床几天。21世纪英汉〔live〕Spiders can live for several days without food.蜘蛛几天不吃依然可存活。牛津高阶〔northeasterly〕They voyaged northeasterly for several days.他们向东北方向航行了好几天。英汉大词典〔nourishment〕He was unable to take nourishment for several days.他几天来一直不能吃东西。外研社新世纪〔prey〕For several days the city was a prey to rumour.一连几天,城里谣言纷起,人心惶惶。英汉大词典〔rage〕Fierce fighting raged for several days.激烈的战斗持续了好几天。麦克米伦高阶〔rage〕The forest fire has raged for several days.森林大火已经燃烧了好几天。21世纪英汉〔revel〕Revelling in her freedom, she stayed at a hotel for several days.沉浸在自由中的她在酒店待了好几天。外研社新世纪〔safety〕Refugees walked for several days until they reached safety.难民们走了几天才到达安全区域。麦克米伦高阶〔several〕The strike lasted for several days.罢工持续了好几天。麦克米伦高阶〔shadow〕Police shadowed the suspect for several days.警方盯梢嫌疑人有好几天了。韦氏高阶〔shelter〕Twelve Cubans left the embassy after sheltering there for several days.12 名古巴人在大使馆藏身了几天后离开了。柯林斯高阶〔sporadic〕The fighting continued sporadically for several days.战斗零零星星地持续了好几天。朗文当代〔squeeze by〕I could squeeze by for several days.我还能对付几天。21世纪英汉〔stick on〕I had to stick on that dirty place for several days more.我还得在那个肮脏的地方再呆几天。21世纪英汉〔turn over〕I turned over the problem in my mind for several days.这个问题我反复考虑了好几天。外研社新世纪An investigation has been under way for several days into the disappearance of a thirteen-year-old boy.对一名13岁男孩失踪进行的调查已进行了好几天。剑桥国际From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.从气味上闻起来,很明显排水管道已堵了好几天了。剑桥国际He has been off school for several days because of illness.他因生病已有几天没去学校。剑桥国际He pondered the problem for several days. 他对这个问题考虑了好几天。译典通I've been looking for my missing wallet for several days, but I can't find any trace of it.几天来我一直在找我丢失的钱包,但是我找不到它的踪迹。剑桥国际My son has had a low-grade fever for several days. 我儿子已发了几天的低烧。译典通The baby is teething and has been irritable for several days. 那个婴孩在出牙齿,这几天一直烦躁不安。译典通The captured tiger was on the rampage for several days. 捕获的老虎几天来一直处于狂躁不安中。译典通




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