

单词 finalists
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOSE〕Let's have a quick word with the two defeated finalists. 我们和两位在决赛中失利的选手说几句话吧。朗文写作活用〔as follows〕The names of the finalists are as follows: Mary, James, and George.决赛选手名单如下:玛丽、詹姆斯和乔治。韦氏高阶〔award〕The judges awarded both finalists equal points.裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。牛津高阶〔award〕The judges awarded equal points to both finalists.裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。牛津高阶〔figure〕Their names did not figure in the list of finalists.他们的名字没有出现在决赛选手的名单上。剑桥高阶〔finalist〕The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.12 名决赛选手的名单将刊登在《星期日泰晤士报》上。柯林斯高阶〔finalist〕There were six finalists from 32 starters.最初的32位参赛者中有6位进入了决赛。外研社新世纪〔finalist〕They interviewed all of the finalists before making a decision.他们在做出决定前采访了所有决赛选手。韦氏高阶〔following〕The finalists are the following: Mary, James, and George. = The following are the finalists: Mary, James, and George.决赛选手如下:玛丽、詹姆斯和乔治。韦氏高阶〔heat〕A preliminary contest held to determine finalists.预赛:决定决赛选手的初赛美国传统〔judge〕A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.评判小组现在正选拔参加决赛的选手。柯林斯高阶〔preliminary〕Sports A contest to determine the finalists in a competition.【体育运动】 初赛:一项竞赛中决出决赛者的竞赛美国传统〔select〕They selected the winner from six finalists.他们从六名决赛选手中选出了获胜者。朗文当代〔select〕They were selected as finalists for this year's awards.他们成为今年最终的获奖人选。牛津搭配〔slate〕His novel was chosen from a slate of ten finalists.他的小说是从十篇最终候选作品中选出的。剑桥高阶〔smoothly〕Twelve extremely good-looking, smooth young men have been picked as finalists.12 名特别漂亮精明的青年男子被选为参加决赛的选手。柯林斯高阶All four regional finalists will advance to the state tournament, which begins next week.四个地区决赛队都会进入将于下周开始的全国锦标赛。剑桥国际Liverpool will play Nottingham Forest, last season's FA Cup finalists.利物浦队将与上一赛季参加决赛的诺丁汉森林队赛球。剑桥国际




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