

单词 fra
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕After the interview Fran was on tenterhooks, wondering if she'd got the job. 面试之后弗兰心里忐忑不安,不知自己是否得到那份工作。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Fran is gaining valuable experience working for her father's firm. 弗兰在她父亲的公司工作,正在积累宝贵的经验。朗文写作活用〔Fra〕Fra Angelo 安杰洛兄弟英汉大词典〔ROAD/PATH〕Fran lives at 37 Appian Close. 弗兰住在阿皮安巷37号。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Fran leant over and whispered something in her sister's ear. 弗兰弯下身子,贴着她妹妹的耳朵小声地说着什么。朗文写作活用〔VOICE〕Fran was shaking her urgently, his voice rough with concern. 弗兰急切地摇晃她,担心得声音都沙哑了。朗文写作活用〔catch〕Fran released the catch on the door, then turned to say goodbye.弗兰拉开门闩,然后转身说再见。牛津搭配〔college〕Fran just finished her freshman year in college.弗兰刚读完了大学一年级。朗文当代〔not〕We got there not five minutes before Fran arrived.我们到那儿不足5分钟弗兰就来了。麦克米伦高阶〔patter〕Fran began her automatic patter about how Jon had been unavoidably detained.弗兰开始不由自主地唠叨起乔恩是怎样无可避免地被扣留的。柯林斯高阶〔rip〕Fran took a slow deep breath, then let rip, yelling and shouting at him.弗兰慢慢地深吸了一口气,然后破口大骂,冲他又喊又叫。朗文当代〔shrill〕Fran uttered a shrill scream.弗兰发出一声尖叫。朗文当代〔sing〕Fran awoke to the sound of birds singing.弗兰醒来时,听见鸟儿在歌唱。麦克米伦高阶〔spring-clean〕Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment.弗朗决定把房间彻底打扫一下。牛津高阶〔study〕Fran was studying the menu.弗兰在仔细地看菜单。牛津高阶〔view〕Fran hit him in full view of all the guests (=where they could see it clearly) .弗兰当着所有宾客的面打了他。朗文当代〔wedded〕Elaine and Fran have been living in wedded bliss for almost a year now.伊莱恩与弗兰已经度过了快一年幸福美满的婚姻生活。剑桥高阶You can make a low-fat version of the cheesecake using fromage frais instead of cream.你可以用低脂奶酪代替奶油来做低脂的奶酪蛋糕。剑桥国际




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