

单词 a tree
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕the roughened old stump of a tree 粗糙的老树墩朗文写作活用〔axe〕axe branches from a tree 用斧把枝杈从树上砍下英汉大词典〔axe〕to chop a tree down with an axe 用斧头砍倒一棵树牛津搭配〔bare〕the bare branches of a tree 没有树叶的秃枝英汉大词典〔bed〕make one's bed under a tree 在树下躺下憩息英汉大词典〔branch〕birds singing from the branches of a tree 树枝上唱歌的鸟儿韦氏高阶〔branch〕the bare branches of a tree in winter 冬天光秃秃的树枝牛津搭配〔carve〕carve one's initials on a tree 将姓名的起首字母刻在树上英汉大词典〔chop〕chop down a tree 砍倒一棵树英汉大词典〔cut〕cut down a tree with an axe 用斧子砍倒一棵树 英汉大词典〔diameter〕the diameter of a tree trunk 树干的直径牛津高阶〔diametric〕take a diametric measurement of a tree 量一棵树的直径英汉大词典〔extirpate〕extirpate a tree (weeds) 把树(杂草)连根拔起英汉大词典〔fasten〕to fasten a boat to a tree by a rope用绳索把船系在树上21世纪英汉〔fell〕fell a tree 砍倒一棵树英汉大词典〔fleck〕flecks of sunlight on the ground under a tree 树阴下地面的日光斑英汉大词典〔girt〕girt a tree 量树的干围英汉大词典〔habiliment〕of abiller [to prepare, strip a tree of its branches] abiller的变化 [准备,把树的枝条去掉] 美国传统〔hew〕hew (down) a tree 伐树英汉大词典〔hitch〕hitch a rope round a bough of a tree 将绳绕系在树枝上英汉大词典〔knobby〕the knobby trunk of a tree 多节的树干英汉大词典〔lateral〕the lateral branches of a tree 树的侧枝牛津高阶〔lay〕lay the rifle against a tree 把步枪倚树放着英汉大词典〔lie〕lay under a tree to sleep.躺在树下睡觉美国传统〔limb〕cut off the dead limbs of a tree 砍去树上枯死的大枝英汉大词典〔lodge〕lodge an arrow in a tree 把箭射入树干英汉大词典〔lop〕lop the branches off a tree 由树上剪掉树枝文馨英汉〔net〕net a tree to keep off the birds 用网罩树防鸟英汉大词典〔outgrowth〕a woody outgrowth on a tree trunk 树干上的木瘤英汉大词典〔prune〕prune a tree 修剪一棵树文馨英汉〔pull〕pull off the bark of a tree 剥掉树皮 英汉大词典〔ring〕the rings of a tree 树的年轮英汉大词典〔rob〕a parasite that robs a tree of its sap.吃树木树液的寄生虫美国传统〔rope〕rope sb. to a tree 把某人绑在树上 英汉大词典〔saw〕saw a tree down 锯倒一棵树文馨英汉〔set〕set the axe to a tree 用斧砍树英汉大词典〔spot〕a shady spot under a tree 树下荫凉处英汉大词典〔sprig〕sprig a tree 除去树上的小枝英汉大词典〔strip away〕strip away the bark of a tree 剥掉树皮韦氏高阶〔strip〕strip a tree 剥树叶[树皮]文馨英汉〔strip〕strip the bark from a tree = strip a tree of its bark 剥树皮韦氏高阶〔strip〕to strip a tree of its fruit把树上的果子摘光21世纪英汉〔tether〕tether a horse to a tree 把马拴在树旁英汉大词典〔thin〕thin the branches of a tree 剪去树上多余的树枝英汉大词典〔tie〕tie a horse to a tree 把马拴在树上英汉大词典〔tilt〕come full tilt against a tree 猛撞在一棵树上英汉大词典〔topmost〕the topmost branches of a tree 树的梢枝英汉大词典〔tree〕a bird in a tree 树上的鸟牛津搭配〔tree〕fruit on a tree 树上的果实牛津搭配〔twine〕ivy twining around a tree trunk 缠绕在树干上的藤蔓牛津高阶




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