

单词 fungus
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELP〕Damp conditions encourage the growth of the fungus. 潮湿的环境会促进真菌的生长。朗文写作活用〔VERY〕The fungus is extremely difficult to get rid of. 真菌极难杀灭。朗文写作活用〔aeciospore〕A binucleate spore of a rust fungus, formed in a chainlike series in an aecium.锈孢子:锈菌的双核孢子,在锈孢子器中形成链状系列美国传统〔attack〕The wood had been attacked by a fungus.木头已受到真菌侵蚀。麦克米伦高阶〔blight〕The apple trees were blighted by fungus.这些苹果树因真菌感染而枯萎了。韦氏高阶〔blight〕The condition or causative agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that results in blight.如细菌、真菌或病毒等导致枯萎病的条件或起因美国传统〔decomposer〕An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem.腐生菌;腐生物:一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分美国传统〔ear rot〕Any of various fungus diseases of corn characterized by decay and molding of the ears.玉米干腐病:任一种由菌引起的玉米疾病,其特征是穗部萎缩并发霉美国传统〔endophyte〕A plant, such as a fungus, growing within another plant.内生植物:在另一株植物体内生长的植物,如真菌美国传统〔ergot〕The disease caused by such a fungus.麦角病:由麦角菌引起的病害美国传统〔fruiting body〕A specialized spore-producing structure, especially of a fungus.子实体:尤指真菌的特殊产芽孢结构美国传统〔fungal〕Caused by a fungus.由真菌引起的美国传统〔fungal〕Of, relating to, resembling, or characteristic of a fungus.真菌的:真菌的、似真菌的或有真菌特点的美国传统〔fungoid〕A fungus.菌类美国传统〔fungoid〕Of, relating to, resembling, or being a fungus.真菌的:真菌的、与真菌有关的、似真菌的或菌类的美国传统〔fungus〕Fungus can be poisonous.真菌类植物可能会有毒。剑桥高阶〔gill fungus〕A fleshy fungus having a cap with gills on the underside.菌褶真菌:一种肉质真菌,它的下面覆盖着真菌褶美国传统〔gill〕Botany One of the thin, platelike structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus.【植物学】 菌褶:蘑菇或类似的真菌帽下面的瘦长而扁平的组织美国传统〔harmful〕The fungus is not harmful to humans.真菌对人无害。麦克米伦高阶〔hypha〕Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus.菌丝:任何形成真菌丝状线美国传统〔mycelium〕The vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae.菌丝体:真菌的营养体生殖部分,由大量枝杈和菌丝组成美国传统〔mycorrhiza〕The symbiotic association of the mycelium of a fungus with the roots of certain plants, such as conifers, beeches, or orchids.菌根:真菌的菌丝体和某些植物,如松柏类、山毛榉或者石兰的共同体美国传统〔mycosis〕A disease caused by a fungus.由真菌引起的疾病美国传统〔mycotoxin〕A toxin produced by a fungus.霉菌毒素:由真菌产生的有毒物质美国传统〔pathogen〕An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus.病原体:引起疾病的某一原因,尤指活的微生物有机体,如细菌或病毒美国传统〔pileus〕Botany The umbrellalike fruiting structure forming the top of a stalked, fleshy fungus, such as a mushroom; the cap.【植物学】 菌盖:似伞的子实结构,在有肉质真菌柄的顶部,如蘑菇;菌盖美国传统〔potato blight〕Any of various highly destructive fungus diseases of the potato.马铃薯晚疫病:马铃薯的一种极具破坏力的真菌疾病美国传统〔rhizoid〕A rootlike extension of the thallus of a fungus.假根:真菌的工菌体的似根的延伸物美国传统〔rust〕A plant disease caused by a rust fungus, characterized by reddish or brownish spots on leaves, stems, and other parts.锈病:由锈菌引起的一种植物病,特点是叶子、茎和其它部分上有红色或褐色的斑点美国传统〔rust〕Botany To develop a disease caused by a rust fungus.【植物学】 由锈菌引起的病害美国传统〔rust〕Rust fungus.锈菌美国传统〔saprophyte〕An organism, especially a fungus or bacterium, that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter.腐生菌:微生物,尤指真菌或细菌,靠从死亡的或腐败的有机体中摄取养料以供生存美国传统〔sick building syndrome〕A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.有一种常见的室内真菌会引起病态建筑综合征。朗文当代〔smut〕A fungus causing such a disease.担子菌:引起这种疾病的细菌美国传统〔snow mold〕A fungus that causes this disease.雪霉病菌:引起这种疾病的真菌美国传统〔stump〕If you have a tree stump, check it for fungus.要是有树桩的话,检查一下上面有没有长菌类。柯林斯高阶〔telium〕A pustulelike sorus formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and producing teliospores.冬孢子堆:在被锈病菌感染的植物的组织上形成的并产生冬孢子的疱状的芽孢囊群美国传统〔toadstool〕An inedible or poisonous fungus with an umbrella-shaped fruiting body.伞菌:一种不可食用或有毒的菌,子实体为伞形美国传统〔toe〕He had some kind of fungus between his toes.他有脚癣。牛津搭配〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子美国传统〔uredospore〕A reddish spore that is produced in the uredinium of a rust fungus and that spreads to and infects other host plants.夏孢子:锈菌夏孢子堆产生的红色孢子,并能扩展并感染其他寄生植物美国传统〔uredostage〕The stage of a rust fungus in which uredinia are produced.夏孢子期:锈菌产生夏孢子堆的时期美国传统〔wheat rust〕A destructive disease of wheat caused by a rust fungus.小麦锈病:由锈菌引起的小麦破坏性疫病美国传统〔zymosis〕An infectious disease, especially one caused by a fungus.传染病,尤指由真菌引起美国传统Fungus can be poisonous.真菌可能有毒。剑桥国际Candida is the yeast-like fungus which can lead to thrush.假丝酵母是能引起鹅口疮的酵母状真菌。剑桥国际Mushrooms and mould are funguses.蘑菇和霉菌都属真菌类。剑桥国际My roses were suffering from fungus. 我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害。译典通There's fungus growing in the cellar.地下室长有真菌类植物。剑桥国际We have a strange fungoid growth (=something similar to fungus is growing) in our lawn.我们的草坪上长出了奇怪的真菌样植物。剑桥国际




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