

单词 flag-waving
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕There will be marching bands and plenty of flag-waving.届时将会彩旗飘扬并伴有军乐游行。柯林斯高阶〔flag-waving〕All this flag-waving disgusts me.所有的这种摇旗呐喊令我生厌。文馨英汉〔flag-waving〕The essay is little more than flag-waving.这篇文章不过是爱国主义的偏激言论而已。韦氏高阶〔flag-waving〕The real costs of the war have been ignored in the flag-waving of recent months.战争的真正代价在近几个月里所表现出的强烈民族情绪中被忽略了。柯林斯高阶〔flag-waving〕The real costs of the war have been ignored in the flag-waving of recent months.这场战争的真正代价在近几个月里所表现的强烈民族情绪中被忽略了。外研社新世纪〔seethe〕The streets of London seethed with a marching, cheering, flag-waving crowd.伦敦街头到处是摇旗呐喊的游行人群。英汉大词典There wouldn't be so much flag-waving if people thought through what might happen if there was a war.假如人们想清楚如果战争爆发可能发生的事情,就不会有那么过分强烈的爱国情绪了。剑桥国际




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