

单词 flower bud
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Calabrese〕A type of broccoli, introduced from Italy and grown extensively in North America, bearing clusters of blue-green to dark green flower buds.花茎甘蓝:花椰菜的一种,从意大利引入并广泛种植于北美洲地区,长有一簇簇的蓝绿色到暗绿色的花朵美国传统〔broccoli〕The flower clusters of this plant, eaten as a vegetable before the flower buds open.甘蓝花:这种植物的花簇,花苞开放之前作为蔬菜食用美国传统〔caper〕A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.刺山果花蕾:这种植物带刺的花蕾,用作调味汁、调味剂和各种菜肴味道强烈的辛辣调味品美国传统〔clove〕A flower bud of this plant, used whole or ground as a spice. Often used in the plural.丁香:这种植物的花苞,作为香料整个使用或磨碎后使用。常用复数形式美国传统〔flower head〕A very dense grouping of flower buds, as in broccoli and cauliflower.头状花序花蕾:如花茎甘蓝和花椰菜的非常紧密的一群花蕾美国传统〔strike〕The boy struck off all the flower buds with his stick.那个男孩用棒把花蕾全部打下。英汉大词典〔vegetable〕A plant cultivated for an edible part, such as the root of the beet, the leaf of spinach, or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.蔬菜:因其可食部分而种植的植物,如甜菜根、菠菜叶或者椰菜、花椰菜的花蕾等美国传统




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