

单词 for and against
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔airing〕The arguments for and against the proposals have been given a good airing.对支持和反对这些建议的理由都进行了公开讨论。剑桥高阶〔argument〕Now that we've heard all the arguments for and against the proposal, let's vote on it.既然支持和反对这项提议的所有理由我们都已经听过了,现在投票表决吧。剑桥高阶〔argument〕There are arguments both for and against it.支持和反对它的论证并存。外研社新世纪〔argument〕There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.对安乐死支持和反对的人都有强而有力的论据。牛津高阶〔evidence〕The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis.被打碎的窗户就是盗窃曾经发生的证据。科学家们以此衡量是符合还是违反假设美国传统〔for〕We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.我们研究了支持和反对核能的论点。朗文当代〔scuffle〕Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.支持和反对独立的两支游行队伍间爆发了激烈的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔sit〕The committee sat to hear the arguments for and against the plan.委员会开会听取支持和反对这项计划的意见。剑桥高阶Henry is such a good lawyer because he argues so clearly (=gives reasons for and against something in a clear way).亨利是一个出色的律师,因为他论辩时条理十分清晰。剑桥国际The arguments for and against the proposals have / had been given a good airing (=have been discussed in public).对这些建议赞成与反对意见都已公诸于众。剑桥国际The vote is expected to divide equally/evenly for and against the proposal.据预计,有一半的选票支持这项提议,另一半反对。剑桥国际




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