

单词 forerunner
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Hansen played in the American Basketball League, a forerunner of the NBA. 汉森在全美篮球联盟打球,那是美国职业篮球协会的前身。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕The P-50 is a forerunner of today's supersonic jet. P-50型飞机是现今超音速喷气式飞机的先导。朗文写作活用〔ancestor〕A forerunner or predecessor.前人,先驱:先行者或先驱美国传统〔forerunner〕Babbage's engine was the forerunner of the modern computer.巴比奇发明的机器是现代计算机的前身。朗文当代〔forerunner〕Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll.乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。牛津高阶〔forerunner〕Germany's Green party was said to be the forerunner of environmental parties throughout Europe.德国绿党据说是全欧洲环保政党的先驱。剑桥高阶〔forerunner〕I had that strange feeling that's the forerunner of a cold.我有一种奇怪的感觉,那是感冒的前兆。韦氏高阶〔forerunner〕Mansholt served as Agricultural Commissioner of the EEC, forerunner of the European Union.曼斯霍尔特担任过欧盟的前身欧洲经济共同体的农业专员。麦克米伦高阶〔forerunner〕Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics.青霉素是现代抗生素的先导。英汉大词典〔forerunner〕Some respiratory symptoms can be the forerunners of asthma.一些呼吸系统的症状可能是患哮喘的先兆。外研社新世纪〔forerunner〕Some respiratory symptoms can be the forerunners of asthma.一些呼吸道症状可能是哮喘病的先兆。柯林斯高阶〔forerunner〕Swallows are the forerunners of spring.燕子报春到。英汉大词典〔forerunner〕The drop in share prices in March was a forerunner of the financial crash that followed in June.3月份股价的下跌是随后6月份金融崩溃的一个预兆。剑桥高阶〔forerunner〕Tree shrews are believed to be forerunners of monkeys.树鼩据信为猴子的祖先。麦克米伦高阶〔harbinger〕One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a forerunner.预言者:指明或预示即将发生的事的人;先驱美国传统〔outrider〕One that goes in advance; a forerunner.走在前面的人;先驱者美国传统〔shawm〕Any of various early double-reed wind instruments, forerunners of the modern oboe.肖姆管:任一种早期双簧管乐器,是现代双簧管的前身美国传统Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution. 孙中山先生是中国革命的先行者。译典通Germany's Green party was said to be the forerunner of environmental parties throughout Europe.德国的绿党据说是全欧洲诸环境保护团体的先驱。剑桥国际Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics. 青霉素是现代抗生素的先导。译典通The drop in share prices in March was a forerunner of the financial crash that followed in June.三月份的股票价格下跌是六月金融崩溃的先兆。剑桥国际Warm rains are the forerunners of spring. 暖雨是春天来临的前兆。译典通




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