

单词 full-scale
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕There is a possibility of a full-scale financial crisis, like the great crash of 1929. 有可能会发生一场全面的金融危机,就像1929年的那场大萧条。朗文写作活用〔ail〕A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.关于工业为何陷入困境正在展开一场全面的讨论。柯林斯高阶〔ail〕A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the steel industry.人们正在就钢铁行业的弊端进行全面讨论。外研社新世纪〔annihilation〕A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the total annihilation of the planet.一场全面的核子战争可能导致这颗行星[地球]的完全毁灭。文馨英汉〔balloon〕Within weeks, the fighting had ballooned into full-scale war.几周内战斗就升级成为全面战争。麦克米伦高阶〔begin〕What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.最初的小冲突演变成了大规模的暴乱。牛津高阶〔burst into〕This weekend's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war.本周末的冲突有升级成全面战争的危险。柯林斯高阶〔burst into〕This weekend's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war.本周末的战斗有可能演变为全面战争。外研社新世纪〔character assassination〕A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.小报上开始了对那位已故女士全方位的人身攻击。柯林斯高阶〔character assassination〕A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.通俗小报开始对这名已故女子进行全方位的诽谤。外研社新世纪〔cold war〕A state of political tension and military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war.冷战:取代大规模战争的国家之间的政治紧张局势和军事竞争状态美国传统〔criminal〕He said a full-scale dispute involving strikes would be criminal.他说如果出现罢工等大规模纠纷那将是极不应该的。柯林斯高阶〔deteriorate〕There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.人们担心形势可能恶化而演变成一场全面战争。外研社新世纪〔deteriorate〕There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.人们担心形势可能恶化而演变成一场全面战争。柯林斯高阶〔escalate into〕Local fighting threatens to escalate into full-scale war.局部战斗有逐步升级为全面战争的危险。21世纪英汉〔escalate〕The conflict could escalate rapidly into a full-scale war.冲突可能迅速升级为全面战争。牛津搭配〔escalate〕The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。牛津高阶〔exclude〕We could not exclude the possibility of a full-scale nuclear war.我们不能排除出现全面核战争的可能性。外研社新世纪〔fear〕This incident will fuel fears of a full-scale war.这一事件加剧了人们对发生全面战争的恐慌。牛津搭配〔full-scale〕A full-scale investigation of the fire is underway.正在对火灾进行彻底的调查。外研社新世纪〔full-scale〕He made a full-scale model of a car.他做了一辆汽车的实体模型。文馨英汉〔full-scale〕It is expected the full-scale search will resume today.有望今日恢复全面调查。外研社新世纪〔full-scale〕The government will conduct a full-scale inquiry into the crash.政府将对坠机事故进行全面调查。朗文当代〔full-scale〕They built a full-scale replica of the ship.他们建造了一个与这条船一样大的复制品。韦氏高阶〔full-scale〕They have started a full-scale investigation.他们已开始全面调查。文馨英汉〔hunt〕The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch-hunt.调查演变成了一场对共产主义者的大规模政治迫害。牛津搭配〔intervention〕A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.大规模暴乱因为警方的及时介入而得到制止。牛津搭配〔into〕Our argument was gradually turning into a full-scale battle.我们的争辩正在逐渐演变成一场全面的战争。麦克米伦高阶〔invasion〕Latest reports are of a full-scale military invasion.最新报道是有关一场全面军事入侵的。牛津搭配〔investigation〕The authorities are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the crash.当局计划对这桩坠机事件展开全面调查。朗文当代〔line〕Next time a full-scale hearing will be laid on the line.下次将披露一次全面的听证会情况。英汉大词典〔mobilization〕The army carried out a full-scale mobilization.部队进行全面动员。韦氏高阶〔onslaught〕In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.十二月份他们对首都发起了全面攻击。朗文当代〔prologue〕A series of internal struggles was the prologue to full-scale civil war.一系列内部斗争是爆发全面内战的序幕。剑桥高阶〔soften up〕They used artillery to soften up the enemy's defenses before launching a full-scale attack.在发动全面攻击前,他们用炮火削弱敌方防御。韦氏高阶〔thermonuclear〕We learned what might happen to a world after a full-scale thermonuclear war.我们了解了一旦爆发大规模热核战争, 世界会成什么样子。外研社新世纪〔threaten〕Tensions are threatening to erupt into full-scale confrontation.紧张局势可能演变成全面的武装冲突。麦克米伦高阶〔threaten〕The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.这场战斗有可能会演变为全面的战争。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕The threat of full-scale war has not been averted.还不能排除爆发全面战争的可能性。麦克米伦高阶〔unrest〕It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.我们害怕现在国内出现的骚乱会升级为全面内战。剑桥高阶〔uprising〕Isolated attacks in the north-east of the country have now turned into a full-scale uprising.该国东北部的零星袭击现在已经演变成为全面暴动。柯林斯高阶〔uprising〕Isolated attacks turned into a full-scale uprising.个别的袭击事件演变成了全面暴动。外研社新世纪〔warranted〕There is some warrant for holding back on full-scale aid.有理由不进行全面援助。柯林斯高阶〔way〕A full-scale security operation is now under way.一项全面的安全行动正在进行中…柯林斯高阶I need your full-scale cooperation to succeed. 我需要你全面的合作才能成功。译典通It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.人们害怕我们正目击到的这个国家里的民间动荡可能会导致全面内战。剑桥国际Police have begun a full-scale investigation (=one using all possible methods) into the murder.警方开始了对谋杀案的全面调查。剑桥国际The full-scale models of (=models the same size as the original) dinosaurs are one of the main attractions of London's Natural History museum.与真恐龙一样大小的模型是伦敦自然历史博物馆中主要的一个吸引人之处。剑桥国际The disagreement between the management and the unions has now developed into a full-scale (=very large) row.管理层和工会的不和现已发展成为全面的大争吵。剑桥国际The precipitation (= sudden development) of the conflict from a minor dispute to full-scale war was brought about by the assassination of a government minister.这场由小纠纷演变为全面战争的突如其来的冲突是由刺杀一位政府部长引起的。剑桥国际The talks are the latest attempt to halt the drift towards full-scale war.谈判是制止走向全面战争的最新尝试。剑桥国际Their frantic diplomatic activity failed to prevent the escalation of hostilities into full-scale war.他们手忙脚乱的外交活动没有能够阻止敌对行为升级为全面战争。剑桥国际There are fears that the slight jolts which Los Angeles has been experiencing recently may set off a full-scale earthquake.人们害怕最近洛杉矶经历的几次轻微震动将引出一次大规模的地震。剑桥国际We may have already moved beyond disinflation into a period of full-scale deflation.我们也许已经走出了反通货膨胀,进入了全面的通货紧缩时期。牛津商务What started out as a short story eventually developed into a full-scale novel.开始作为一则短篇故事的东西,最终发展成为洋洋大观的长篇小说。剑桥国际




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