

单词 assisted
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELP〕Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food. 一些客人帮忙准备了食物。朗文写作活用〔High Mass〕A mass in which the celebrant is assisted by a deacon and a subdeacon and accompanied by acolytes, a thurifer, and a choir.大弥撒:由神爷在辅祭,副辅祭的协助下主持进行的一种有焚香、唱诵等隆重仪式的弥撒美国传统〔SAY〕He argued for changes to the tax system so that it assisted people who undertook training. 他据理力争改革税务制度来帮助接受培训的人。朗文写作活用〔ably〕He was ably assisted by a number of members of the club.他得到俱乐部许多成员的得力协助。外研社新世纪〔ably〕He was ably assisted by a number of other members.他得到其他一些成员的鼎力相助。柯林斯高阶〔ably〕She was ably assisted by her team of researchers.她得到自己研究小组成员的大力帮助。朗文当代〔ably〕The chef was ably assisted by two helpers.主厨得到了两位助手的大力协助。韦氏高阶〔ably〕We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.我们得到一批志愿者的大力协助。牛津高阶〔assist ... with〕He assisted her with her English.他帮助她学英语。21世纪英汉〔assist at〕The congregation assisted at divine service.整个教区的会众都参加了礼拜仪式。21世纪英汉〔assist〕Another doctor assisted him with the operation.另一位医生协助他做了手术。韦氏高阶〔assist〕Another doctor assisted with the operation.另一位医生协助做了手术。韦氏高阶〔assist〕Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse.阿米德医生有一名年轻的亚洲护士协助工作。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse.阿米德医生的助手是一位年轻的亚裔护士。柯林斯高阶〔assist〕Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems.外交部官员帮助解决了交通和资金问题。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems.外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。柯林斯高阶〔assist〕Her performance has been assisted by good looks and natural talent.她的美貌和天资让她的表演更加出色。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Miss Smith was assisted from her hammock.史密斯小姐被扶下吊床。英汉大词典〔assist〕Our unit assisted in neutralizing the enemy artillery.我们部队参加了压制敌军炮火的行动。英汉大词典〔assist〕Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions.天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。柯林斯高阶〔assist〕Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions.好天气为营救工作提供了很大的便利。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Senior students assisted in handing out programmes.高年级学生帮助发放节目单。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Several top landscape designers assisted in the creation of the garden.几位顶尖的景观设计师帮助设计建造了这个花园。麦克米伦高阶〔assist〕She assisted in making the decision.她帮忙做了决定。韦氏高阶〔assist〕She assisted the boy with his homework.她帮助那个男生做家庭作业。韦氏高阶〔assist〕She was ably assisted by a team of volunteers.她得到了一群能干的志愿者的大力帮助。牛津搭配〔assist〕The President was assisted by his advisers.总统得到几个顾问的协助。韦氏高阶〔assist〕The President was assisted with his speech. = The President was assisted in writing his speech.总统的演讲稿有人协助撰写。韦氏高阶〔assist〕The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents. Her breathing was assisted by a respirator.这位书记官协助那位法官查阅有关判例。她要靠呼吸器帮助呼吸美国传统〔assist〕The family assisted me with my chores.全家人帮我做家务。外研社新世纪〔assist〕The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale.该剧由迈克 · 约翰逊导演,沙伦 · 盖尔为助理导演。牛津高阶〔assist〕These men should be assisted to find work.应该帮助这些人找到工作。外研社新世纪〔assist〕We have been greatly assisted by individuals and organizations.我们得到了个人和组织的大力协助。牛津搭配〔asstd.〕Assisted.受资助的美国传统〔capable〕He was assisted capably by one of the other students.他曾得到另一名学生强有力的帮助。韦氏高阶〔case〕A person or group of persons being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.病人,委托人:被医生、律师或社会工作者援助、治疗或研究的一个人或一群人美国传统〔connive〕He was assisted by his mother who connived at his laziness.他母亲帮助他, 纵容他的懒惰。外研社新世纪〔de facto〕If the jury acquits, assisted suicide is de facto legalized in Michigan.如果陪审团宣判无罪, 那么协助自杀在密歇根州实际上就是合法的了。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕She assisted them in the discharge of their duties.她协助他们履行职责。外研社新世纪〔gamete intrafallopian transfer〕A technique of assisted reproduction in which eggs and sperm are inserted directly into a woman's fallopian tubes, where fertilization may occur.配子植入技术:将卵子与精子直接植入女性输软管的生育技术,受精作用即是在输卵管发生美国传统〔handstand〕He assisted Rosemary with her handstands on the lawn.他帮助罗斯玛丽在草坪上做手倒立。外研社新世纪〔help〕A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet.一组厨房学徒协助厨师准备宴会。美国传统〔me〕He assisted me.他帮助我美国传统〔own〕It assisted them to hold their own against the attacks.这帮助他们抵挡住进攻。英汉大词典〔power brake〕A motor vehicle brake assisted by a power mechanism operated by the engine that amplifies pressure applied to the brake pedal.动力制动器:机动车煞车,借助于由引擎控制的动力机械装置来扩大施加于刹车踏板上的压力美国传统〔preparation〕Yasmin assisted in the preparation of this article.亚斯明协助为这篇文章做了一些准备工作。剑桥高阶〔underdeveloped〕Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.应该通过提供现代技术来帮助不发达国家。柯林斯高阶〔underdeveloped〕Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.应该通过提供现代技术来帮助欠发达国家。外研社新世纪Development was assisted by government loans.政府贷款促进了发展。牛津商务He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。译典通She assisted me during the final stages of the work, proof-reading the text and checking the citations.她在我工作的最后阶段帮助我校对文本和查对引文。剑桥国际The chairman of the committee is assisted by a technical director.由一位技术总监协助委员会主席工作。牛津商务The writer was assisted in the preparation of this article by other members of her family.这个作家在准备这篇文章时得到了其他家庭成员的帮助。剑桥国际We assisted the firefighters in extinguishing the blaze.我们协助消防队员扑灭了大火。剑桥国际




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