

单词 firmness
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Small children need firmness combined with loving care. 对待小孩子要严格和关心相结合。朗文写作活用〔backboard〕A board placed under or behind something to provide firmness or support.后部挡板:被放在某物下面或后面的起固定或支撑作用的板子美国传统〔decision〕Firmness of character or action; determination.果断,决断:性格或行动的坚定;坚决美国传统〔firmly〕Tim stretched out a hand in apology and was comforted by the firmness with which Marc gripped it.蒂姆伸出手来表示道歉,而马克紧紧地握住了它,这令蒂姆安下了心。柯林斯高阶〔firmly〕Vegetables should retain some firmness and should not be soggy and waterlogged.蔬菜应保持一定的硬挺度,不应潮乎乎的浸透了水。柯林斯高阶〔firmly〕What's impressed me has been his considerable firmness of purpose.令我印象深刻的是他对目标的坚定不移。柯林斯高阶〔firmness〕He gingerly tested the firmness of the trapdoor by putting one foot on it.他把一只脚放在活板门上, 小心翼翼地检查它是否牢靠。外研社新世纪〔firmness〕Her slight accent added emphasis to the firmness of her voice.她轻微的口音给她的声音注入了一种坚毅。外研社新世纪〔firmness〕In cooking they lose their firmness and become very sweet.经烹制, 这些东西就不再硬邦邦的了, 而且会变得很甜。外研社新世纪〔firmness〕She walked carefully, as if testing the ground for firmness.她小心翼翼地走着, 像是在检测地面的硬度。外研社新世纪〔firmness〕The firmness of his handshake reassured me.他紧紧的握手让我打消了疑虑。剑桥高阶〔firmness〕The bed's firmness suited him.床的硬度对他很合适。剑桥高阶〔firmness〕The new teacher has a reputation for firmness.新老师以严格出名。剑桥高阶〔infirm〕Lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose; irresolute.意志不坚的:没有坚强的意志,品质和明确的目的;没有决心的美国传统〔mean〕It's a case of finding the mean between firmness and compassion.要在强硬和同情之间找出折中的办法。朗文当代〔oblige〕Your carelessness obliges firmness on my part.你那粗枝大叶的作风使我不得不对你严格。英汉大词典〔resolve〕Firmness of purpose; resolution.决心:目标的坚定性;坚决美国传统〔softheaded〕Lacking judgment, realism, or firmness.无主意的:缺乏判断力、现实性或坚定的意志的美国传统〔strength〕Firmness of or a continuous rising tendency in prices, as on the stock market.价格坚挺的趋势:如在股票市场价格坚挺或持续上升的趋势美国传统〔tone〕Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ.健康状态:某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性美国传统〔tonicity〕Normal firmness or functional readiness in body tissues or organs.强壮:身体组织或器官上的正常强壮程度和正常的功能性反应美国传统〔tower〕One that conspicuously embodies strength, firmness, or another virtue.伟人:很显著地拥有力量、坚毅或其它美德的人美国传统〔unnerve〕To deprive of fortitude, strength, or firmness of purpose.使…失去意志:使…失去坚韧,力量或对目标的执着美国传统〔unsubstantial〕Lacking firmness or strength; flimsy.脆弱的:缺乏坚强或力量的;脆弱的美国传统〔weak〕Lacking firmness of character or strength of will.意志薄弱的:缺乏坚强性格或意志力量的美国传统His betrayal of his friends was a real test of his wife's loyalty (= the firmness of her friendship or support for him) .他背叛朋友是对其妻子忠诚度的考验(忠于友谊还是支持丈夫)。剑桥国际My boss seems to be a woman of considerable firmness. 我的老板看上去是个相当坚定的女人。译典通The new teacher has a reputation for firmness and is unlikely to tolerate the misbehaviour that her predecessor put up with.那位新老师以严格出名,她不大会容忍她的前任所能容忍的不规矩行为。剑桥国际They loved the house, but were not sure of the firmness of its foundation. 他们很喜欢这个房子,可是对房子地基的坚固性没有把握。译典通




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