

单词 germinating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔diastase〕An amylase or a mixture of amylases that converts starch to maltose, found in certain germinating grains such as malt.淀粉酶:一种把淀粉或麦芽糖的淀粉酶或淀粉酶的混合物,可在某些发芽的谷物比如麦芽中找到美国传统〔germinate〕He wrote to Eliot about a 'big book' that was germinating in his mind.他写信告诉埃利奥特他脑海中正在酝酿的一本“巨著”。柯林斯高阶〔germinate〕He wrote to Eliot about a 'big book' that was germinating in his mind.他致信艾略特, 谈了他心中酝酿的一本“巨著”。外研社新世纪〔germinate〕I felt an idea germinating in my head/mind.我感到一个想法开始在脑海中萌生。剑桥高阶〔germinate〕The possibility of organizing a fact-finding mission was germinating in his mind.组织实地调查团的可能性正在他脑中酝酿。英汉大词典〔prothallus〕A small, flat, delicate structure produced by a germinating spore and bearing sex organs. It is the gametophyte of ferns and some other plants.原叶体:一种由孢子萌发产生的小而平面脆弱的结构,带有生殖器官它是蕨类和其它一些植物的配子体美国传统〔shoot〕The young growth arising from a germinating seed; a sprout.新牙:从一颗刚刚发芽的种子长出的幼小的生长物;新牙美国传统〔sterilize〕To make incapable of bearing fruit or germinating.使不能结果实或发芽美国传统〔viable〕Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.能居的:在良好的状态下能够存活、发展或发芽的美国传统〔viviparous〕Germinating or producing seeds that germinate before becoming detached from the parent plant, as in the mangrove.胎萌的:在从母体植物分离出来之前即发芽或产生种子的,如红树林美国传统




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