

单词 final
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔attempt〕a final attempt on (或 upon) the feudal citadel 对封建堡垒的最后冲击英汉大词典〔bite〕fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales.一整天没半条鱼上钩;这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西美国传统〔brushup〕give sth. a final brushup 对某物作最后的修整英汉大词典〔bum〕got a bum deal on my final grade for the course.这门课我最后得了一个不公平的分数美国传统〔bust-up〕the final bust-up of their marriage 他们的婚姻的最终破裂牛津高阶〔capture〕the final battles which led to the army's capture of the town.军队攻占该城镇前的最后几场战斗柯林斯高阶〔cup final〕the FA Cup Final 足协杯赛决赛牛津高阶〔dim〕dim out the stage for the final scene 最后一场即将开演时使舞台灯光转暗英汉大词典〔erasure〕the final and cataclysmic erasure of all the remaining dinosaurs 65 million years ago.6,500万年前所有残存恐龙的最终灾难性灭绝柯林斯高阶〔erasure〕the final and cataclysmic erasure of all the remaining dinosaurs 65 million years ago6,500万年前所有残存恐龙的最终灾难性灭绝外研社新世纪〔examination〕the final examination 期终考试英汉大词典〔exam〕the stresses of final exams 期终考试的压力朗文当代〔expectant〕be expectant of progress toward a final settlement of the Middle East problem 期待在最后解决中东问题上取得进展英汉大词典〔final〕final victory 最后胜利英汉大词典〔final〕a final warning/offer 最后一次警告/出价剑桥高阶〔final〕an act with an immediate purpose and a final purpose.有直接和最终目的的行动美国传统〔final〕in the final minutes/moments/seconds of the game 比赛最后的几分钟/时刻/几秒钟韦氏高阶〔final〕the final chapters of a book 书的最后几章剑桥高阶〔final〕the final goal of life 生活的最终目的英汉大词典〔final〕the final morning of the festival节日的最后一个上午外研社新世纪〔final〕the final product 成品牛津高阶〔final〕the final stages in their relationship 他们之间关系的最后阶段朗文当代〔fix〕have no final fix on a certain problem 对某个问题尚无最后定论英汉大词典〔insanity〕the final financial insanity of the 1980s.20 世纪 80 年代最后的财政疯狂柯林斯高阶〔leg〕the final leg of the Tour de France 环法自行车赛的最后一程朗文当代〔leg〕the final leg of the band's 30-month World Tour 该乐队为期30个月的世界巡回演出的最后一站麦克米伦高阶〔miss〕fired the final shot and missed again.开了最后一枪,还是没打中美国传统〔on〕fight on to final victory 战斗到最后胜利 英汉大词典〔play〕the final play of the first half 决定上半场的最后一球牛津搭配〔prologue〕a prologue to the final abandonment of trams in London 伦敦最终弃用有轨电车的序幕朗文当代〔proportionally〕a proportional fee based on the final sale price.与最后销售价格成比例的费用柯林斯高阶〔push〕a final push against the enemy 对敌军的最后猛攻牛津高阶〔push〕the final push against the enemy 对敌人的最后攻击牛津搭配〔reminder〕the final reminder for the gas bill煤气费的最后催单外研社新世纪〔review〕reviewing for a final exam.复习准备期末考试美国传统〔round〕an old man rounding out his final hours 安度晚年的老人 英汉大词典〔round〕racecars rounding into the final lap.进入最后一圈的赛车美国传统〔run-through〕a final run-through of the play 这部戏的最后一次排练朗文当代〔save〕a final attempt to save 40,000 jobs in Britain's troubled aero industry为保住英国陷入困境的航空业4万个工作岗位所作的最后尝试外研社新世纪〔schooling〕children in their final year of compulsory schooling (=the time during which children have to attend school by law) 学校义务教育最后一学年的儿童朗文当代〔selection〕make the final selection from among three 从三者中作出最终抉择英汉大词典〔shape〕hammer into shape final guidelines for a strategic arms limitation agreement 决定限制战略武器协议的最终指导方针 英汉大词典〔stirring〕a stirring account of the final months of the old regime.对旧政权最后几个月的扣人心弦的描述柯林斯高阶〔stirring〕a stirring account of the final months of the old regime对旧政权最后几个月的扣人心弦的描述外研社新世纪〔summation〕the prosecutor's final summation 控方的最后陈词剑桥高阶〔sweat〕sweat out one's final grades.焦急地等待最后的分数美国传统〔throes〕when the country was going through the final throes of civil war.当时这个国家正处在内战最后的痛苦关头柯林斯高阶〔turn〕turned in the final exam.上交期末考试试卷美国传统〔typescript〕the final typescript of her play 她剧本的最后打字稿麦克米伦高阶〔varnish〕a final coat of (clear) varnish 最后一层清漆剑桥高阶〔version〕the final version of the architectural plans 最后确定的建筑规划方案牛津搭配〔vow〕a nun who had taken final vows.已立誓出家的尼姑柯林斯高阶〔waverer〕a final push to win over the waverers 把摇摆不定的人争取过来的最后努力朗文当代〔whitewash〕prevent a whitewash in the final 防止在决赛中吃零蛋英汉大词典〔year〕the final account at the end of each trading year每个财政年度末的最终账目外研社新世纪〔year〕this year's cup final 今年的杯赛决赛朗文当代a final report/draft/payment 最终报告/定稿/付款牛津商务a flow chart showing what happens to the product between manufacture and final delivery 说明产品从生产到最终交货所经过的步骤的流程图。牛津商务a new scheme based on defined contributions rather than final salary 一项新的基于固定缴款而非离职薪金的养老金计划牛津商务the final product 成品牛津商务




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