

单词 artful
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔artful〕Birkin shows herself to be a vocally adroit, artful performer.柏金的表现说明她是个语言表达纯熟且技艺精湛的表演者。外研社新世纪〔artful〕Despite some artful editing, the anthology is a weak one.除了编辑上的一些巧妙之处,这本选集乏善可陈。柯林斯高阶〔artful〕He has shown himself to be an artful politician.可以看出他是个八面玲珑的政客。剑桥高阶〔artful〕His artful settling of the dispute won everybody's approval.他对争执的巧妙解决赢得了大家的赞许。英汉大词典〔artful〕Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.一些政客已经意识到有比枪和监狱更高明的使民众屈服的方法。柯林斯高阶〔artful〕That was an artful trick!那是狡猾的骗局!牛津同义词〔artful〕The fascists used artful slogans to cloak themselves as saviours of the world.法西斯分子用欺骗性口号把自己打扮成救世主。英汉大词典〔artful〕The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artful way.首相很巧妙地回答了采访者的问题。剑桥高阶〔artful〕There are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.要使人屈服, 有很多方法比开枪或监禁更有效。外研社新世纪〔artful〕There is also an artful contrast of shapes.也有不同形状之间的巧妙对比。外研社新世纪〔artful〕There is also an artful contrast of shapes.形状的对比也很巧妙。柯林斯高阶〔artifice〕An artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem.诡计:狡猾或狡诈的手段;计谋美国传统〔art〕Artful contrivance; cunning.阴谋:狡猾的计谋;诡计美国传统〔file〕Chiefly British A crafty or artful person.【多用于英国】 狡猾的人:狡猾的或欺诈的人美国传统〔insinuate〕To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means.迂回:用微妙和机灵的方式做(自我)介绍、献媚求宠美国传统〔kingcraft〕The artful exercise of power by a king.君王之道:君王对权力的巧妙运用美国传统〔miscarried〕He's very artful but sometimes miscarries.他很狡诈,但有时也会失策。21世纪英汉〔miscarry〕Very artful men sometimes miscarry.绝顶精明的人有时会失策。英汉大词典〔outmaneuver〕To overcome (an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering.智胜:在机智、谋略上胜过(对手)美国传统〔shrewd〕Disposed to artful and cunning practices; tricky.奸诈的,狡猾的:喜欢狡猾、欺诈行为的;耍花招的美国传统〔sly〕She won the case by her artful manipulation of the jury's emotions.通过巧妙的控制陪审团情绪,她成功地赢下了这个案子。美国传统〔stylist〕A writer or speaker who cultivates an artful literary style.文体家:精心创造富有艺术性的文学体裁的作家或演说家美国传统He has shown himself to be an artful politician.他显示出是一个很有手腕的政客。剑桥国际She gave an artful reply. 她作了巧妙的答复。译典通She is an artful tennis player, which makes up for her relative lack of strength.她打网球很灵活善变,这弥补了她的力量不足。剑桥国际The dress hung in artful drapes (= folds) around her hips.裙子在髋骨周围很有艺术性地打着褶。剑桥国际The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artful way.首相以很巧妙的方式应答了采访者的提问。剑桥国际




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