

单词 eighty
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕The Queen was getting on for eighty and only the elderly could remember her coronation. 女王将近80高龄,唯有上了年纪的人才能记得她的加冕典礼。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Eighty per cent of our wealth belongs to five per cent of the people, and there's no legislation to counter this imbalance. 我们80%的财富掌握在5%的人手中,而法律上对这种不平衡状况却无计可施。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Eighty dollars for a pair of jeans? What a rip-off! 一条牛仔裤要80美元?真是敲竹杠!朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕Eighty percent of motorists now buckle up, studies show. 研究显示现在80%的驾车者都系安全带。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Although she's eighty she has an excellent memory. 她虽然已经80岁了,可是记忆力非常好。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕My father's over eighty now, and not very strong. 我父亲现在八十多岁了,身体不是很健壮。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕Eighty percent of the children in the program had entered university with good grades. 参加该计划的儿童中有80%以优异成绩进了大学。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕Two hundred and eighty women enrolled in the Argus club this year. 今年有280名妇女加入了阿格斯俱乐部。朗文写作活用〔at〕Weighing in at eighty tons, the B-19 was easily the largest and most sophisticated warplane in the world.B-19重达80吨,无疑是世界上最大、最先进的军用飞机。柯林斯高阶〔a〕They did an effortless eighty m.p.h.他们毫不费力地以每小时80英里的速度前进。英汉大词典〔began〕The party began eighty years ago.该党是80年前成立的。21世纪英汉〔bird〕Eighty staff got the bird at the plant, which is to shut for good tomorrow.工厂解雇了80名员工, 明天将彻底关闭。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕Eighty people died when bombs rained down on the city's crowded streets.炸弹在城市拥挤的街道上雨点般落下,造成 80 人死亡。牛津搭配〔bowl down〕We were bowling down at eighty miles per hour.我们以每小时80英里的速度飞驰。21世纪英汉〔canvasser〕The poll canvassed the views of almost eighty economists.民意调查征询了将近80位经济学家的意见。柯林斯高阶〔chop〕Eighty jobs were chopped.砍掉了80个职位。外研社新世纪〔cripple〕He's eighty and crippled with arthritis.他 80 岁了,因患关节炎而腿瘸。牛津搭配〔degree〕That changes your situation by a hundred and eighty degrees.那件事使你的处境发生180°的转变。英汉大词典〔eighty〕Eighty horses trotted up.80匹马小跑起来。柯林斯高阶〔eighty〕Eighty of the passengers were led to safety.有八十名乘客被带到安全地带。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕He was doing eighty for most of the journey.他一路上车速基本保持在每小时80英里。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕He's well over eighty.他八十好几了。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕It costs eighty pence.它的价格是八十便士。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕She's nearly eighty.她快八十了。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕The company employs about eighty people.公司有大概八十个职员。外研社新世纪〔eighty〕They've invited eighty (guests) to the wedding.他们邀请了80个(客)人参加他们的婚礼。剑桥高阶〔expire〕The old man expired at the age of eighty.老人于八十岁时逝世。英汉大词典〔faculty〕She is over eighty but still has all her faculties.虽然她已年过八旬,但心智甚明。牛津搭配〔fit〕She's over eighty now, but still as fit as a fiddle (=very fit) .她八十多岁了,但身体依然很好。朗文当代〔fourscore〕Four times twenty; eighty.八十:二十的四倍;八十美国传统〔get〕He's getting on for eighty.他快80岁了。英汉大词典〔get〕He's getting on for eighty.他近八十岁了。牛津高阶〔get〕She's eighty now, and doesn't get about much any more.她现在八十岁,不再经常出门走动了。朗文当代〔going〕Eighty miles an hour is pretty good going.每小时八十英里是相当快速的。文馨英汉〔good humour〕At eighty her eyes still sparkled with good humour.她八十岁了,眼神里依然闪烁着和悦的光芒。朗文当代〔hand in〕All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation.议会中80名反对党成员全部递交了辞呈。柯林斯高阶〔hero〕Phileas Fogg, hero of Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days 斐利斯‧福格,儒勒‧凡尔纳《80 日环游世界》的男主人公朗文当代〔kick off〕He kicked off at the age of eighty.他80岁时死去。21世纪英汉〔kind〕My Aunt Mary is one of a kind. She's eighty, and not afraid of anything.我的玛丽姑妈与众不同。她80岁了,什么都不怕。麦克米伦高阶〔much〕For as much as the senator is eighty, he should not run for reelection.那位参议员既然年已八十,就不应再参加连任竞选了。 英汉大词典〔muster〕The garrison musters eighty men.驻军共计80名。英汉大词典〔past〕My father is now past eighty.父亲现已年逾八十。文馨英汉〔per cent〕Eighty per cent of the work force is/are against the strike.百分之八十的劳动者都反对这次罢工。牛津高阶〔pipe〕Eighty percent of sewage is piped directly into the sea.80% 的污水通过管道直接排入海中。朗文当代〔receive〕In old China,eighty per cent of the children received no formal education.在旧中国,百分之八十的儿童受不到正式教育。21世纪英汉〔rev〕He pushed the revs up and up, hurrying the car to eighty then to ninety.他不断加快发动机的转速,把车速提高到80乃至90英里。英汉大词典〔rise〕In the first half of this year the total coal output rose by eighty per cent as compared with that of last year.今年前半年煤炭总产量比去年增加了百分之八十。21世纪英汉〔rule〕Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.八千万年前,地球是恐龙的天下。牛津高阶〔run ... out〕The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash.这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。21世纪英汉〔seating〕The stadium has been fitted with seating for over eighty thousand spectators.这个体育场配备了8万多个观众座席。柯林斯高阶〔seating〕The stadium has seating for over eighty thousand spectators.这个体育场有超过8万个观众坐席。外研社新世纪〔shell〕Eighty naval cruisers shelled simultaneously.80艘海军巡洋舰同时炮击。英汉大词典〔some〕She lived to be ninety-nine years old and only weighed eighty pounds but she'd raised eight kids. That was some tough woman!.她活到了 99 岁的高龄,体重虽然只有 80 磅,却养了 8 个孩子。真是个了不得的女人!柯林斯高阶〔strong〕He's over eighty, but his mind is still strong.他已年逾80,但脑筋仍很好使。英汉大词典〔threshold〕Eighty percent of the vote was the threshold for approval of the plan.80% 的票数是这个计划能够获得批准的“门槛”。朗文当代〔vitality〕Despite her eighty years, Elsie was full of vitality.尽管已八十岁了,埃尔茜依然充满活力。朗文当代〔voice-over〕Eighty nine per cent of advertisements had a male voice-over.89%的广告都有男性画外音。外研社新世纪Eighty people on the boat survived, but the rest died in the water or were trapped in the wreckage.船上有80个人活了下来,而其他人或者死在了水中,或者被困死在了沉船里。剑桥国际Eighty per cent of the workforce is employed casually, with no security.劳动力中有百分之八十是被临时雇佣的,没有任何保障。剑桥国际Eighty records in the database have been tagged for deletion.数据库中的80个记录已经作了标记,准备删除。剑桥国际Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive. 他虽有八十岁了,但仍然充满了活力。译典通He must be eighty now. 他现在八成有八十岁了。译典通He's a (self-)confessed clothes addict and last year admitted to a newspaper that he owned eighty pairs of shoes.他自己坦白是个恋衣癖,去年他向一家报纸承认他有八十双鞋子。剑桥国际His father is eighty. 他父亲八十岁。译典通It's not unusual for a junior doctor to work a seventy or sometimes an eighty hour week.年轻医生一周工作70,有时80小时并不奇怪。剑桥国际Our social club is currently about eighty strong, but it's not as popular as it used to be.我们社交俱乐部现有约80人,但已没有过去那么受欢迎了。剑桥国际People over the age of eighty are prone to have dementia. 年过八十的老人较有可能患失智症。译典通The computer screen displays eighty characters per line.电脑屏幕每行显示80个字符。剑桥国际The focus of the earthquake is eighty miles from our city. 这次地震的震源在距我市八十英里的地方。译典通The garrison musters eighty men. 驻军共有八十名。译典通The old man was on the verge of eighty. 那老人已年近八十。译典通They were asking one hundred and eighty thousand for the place, so I put in an offer of one hundred and seventy.这个地方他们要价18万,所以我开价17万。剑桥国际They've invited eighty (guests) to the wedding.他们邀请了80位宾客来参加婚礼。剑桥国际Together they must earn over eighty thousand dollars a year.合起来他们一年肯定能挣8万多美元。剑桥国际Until he was eighty he went swimming weekly.他每周去游一次泳,直到80岁。剑桥国际We haggled the man in the shop down to eighty Egyptian pounds for the larger of the bags.我们和店里的人讨价还价,以80埃镑买下了那大一点的包。剑桥国际




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