

单词 express as
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aperture〕The diameter of such an opening, often expressed as an f-number.孔径:这种开口的直径,常以f数表示美国传统〔decimal〕Three fifths expressed as a decimal is 0.6.3/5用小数表示就是0.6。剑桥高阶〔dialogue〕To express as or in a dialogue.按或用对话表达美国传统〔duty〕A measure of efficiency expressed as the amount of work done per unit of energy used.功率:一单位能量所做的功的量美国传统〔exponential〕Containing, involving, or expressed as an exponent.指数的:包含指数的,涉及指数的,用指数表示的美国传统〔express as〕Anger is often expressed as violence.愤怒常以暴力的形式显示出来。21世纪英汉〔expressly〕It is expressed as a percentage.它是以百分比的形式表示的。柯林斯高阶〔express〕A ratio can be expressed as a percentage.麦克米伦高阶〔express〕The figures are expressed as percentages.这些数字用百分数表示。牛津高阶〔express〕The results can be expressed as a percentage.各项结果可以用百分比来表示。韦氏高阶〔express〕The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers expressed as a percentage of a country's labour force.失业率是以失业人数占一国劳动力的百分数来表达的。外研社新世纪〔express〕These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total.这些数字是用总量的百分比来表示的。剑桥高阶〔express〕What is this figure expressed as a fraction?这个数字用分数来表达是多少?外研社新世纪〔formularize〕To express as or reduce to a formula; formulate.使公式化:用公式表达或缩减为公式;把…做成公式美国传统〔health〕A wish for someone's good health, often expressed as a toast.通常用祝酒祝愿某人健康美国传统〔heart rate〕The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute.心率:单位时间内心跳的次数,通常表示为每分钟心跳次数美国传统〔integral〕Expressed as or involving integrals.积分的:表示为或包含整数的美国传统〔irrational number〕Any real number that cannot be expressed as an integer or as a ratio between two integers.无理数:不能用一个整数或两个整数的比率来表示的任何一个实数美国传统〔molarity〕The molar concentration of a solution, usually expressed as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.摩尔浓度:一种溶液的摩尔浓度,通常被表示为每升溶液的摩尔数美国传统〔percentage〕The figure is expressed as a percentage.数字是用百分率表示的。牛津高阶〔percentage〕This figure can be expressed as a percentage of the total.这一数字可以用总数的百分比表示。牛津搭配〔phase〕The fraction of a complete cycle elapsed as measured from a specified reference point and often expressed as an angle.相角:以一个特定角度观测到的一个完整循环的一部分,通常用角度表示美国传统〔pitch〕Printing The density of characters in a printed line, usually expressed as characters per inch.【印刷术】 印刷密度:一个印刷品中字的密度,常以每英寸多少个字来表示美国传统〔power〕Physics The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.【物理学】 功率:做功的速率,用每单位时间内所做的功的量来表示,通常用瓦特和马力为单位美国传统〔proportion〕The chart shows government spending expressed as a proportion of national income.这幅图表说明了政府开支在国民收入中所占的比重。牛津搭配〔rational function〕A function that can be expressed as a quotient of polynomials.有理函数:可以表现为多项式之比的函数美国传统〔rational number〕A number capable of being expressed as an integer or a quotient of integers, excluding zero as a denominator.有理数:一个能用整数或整数之比表达的数字,但零不能做分母美国传统〔rational〕Mathematics Capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers.【数学】 有理的,有理数的:能够变成整数之比的形式的美国传统〔sine wave〕A waveform with deviation that can be graphically expressed as the sine curve.正弦波:一种偏离波形,在图形上可以用正弦曲线来表示美国传统〔sloganize〕To express as or in slogans or a slogan.以标语口号表达:作为口号来表达或用口号来表达美国传统〔tolerance〕The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.允许变量容差:结构长度上允许存在的偏离某一既定标准的误差,常常用百分数来表示美国传统On the income statement, costs are expressed as a percentage of sales.在损益表上,成本是用销售额的百分率表示的。牛津商务The extra allowance is expressed as a proportion of your basic pay.额外津贴是以基本工资的百分比表示的。牛津商务The figure is expressed as a percentage.这个数值以百分比表示。牛津商务These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total.这些数字是用总数的百分比来表示的。剑桥国际Three fifths expressed as a decimal/(specialized) as a decimal fraction is 0.6. [C] 3/5 用小数表示为0.6。剑桥国际




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