

单词 esoteric
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ismaili〕A member of a branch of Shiism that follows a living imam and is noted for esoteric philosophy.伊斯玛仪派信徒:什叶派一派的信徒,追随一位活着的伊玛目并以其神秘的哲学而闻名美国传统〔cabala〕Often Cabala A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. 常作 Cabala 希伯来教义:犹太原旨主义者神秘教义的一种集合体,常基于对希伯来圣经的神秘解说美国传统〔cult〕An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.团体:共享某一秘密的,通常在艺术或知识兴趣方面的排他性团体美国传统〔esoterica〕Esoteric matters or items.秘事:秘传的事情或条款美国传统〔esotericism〕Esoteric teachings or practices.秘传:秘密地教给或训练美国传统〔esotericism〕The quality or condition of being esoteric.秘传性,奥秘性,秘传的教义:秘传的状态或特点美国传统〔esoteric〕Arctic exploration is an esoteric pursuit.北极探险是一种只有少数人从事的活动。英汉大词典〔esoteric〕He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.他收藏了一批极罕见的老玩具和游戏。剑桥高阶〔esoteric〕She has a somewhat esoteric taste in clothes.她的着装品位极不寻常。剑桥高阶〔esoteric〕There are two kinds of classics, the popular and the esoteric.古典作品有两种,一种是通俗的,一种是难懂的。英汉大词典〔furrow〕Cale has ploughed a more esoteric furrow as a recording artist.作为一名录音艺人,凯尔走了一条较为冷僻的道路。柯林斯高阶〔furrow〕Cale has ploughed a more esoteric furrow as a recording artist.作为一名录音艺术家, 凯尔开辟了一条较为冷僻的道路。外研社新世纪〔gibberish〕Highly technical or esoteric language.极为专业的或深奥的语言美国传统〔gnosis〕Intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, an esoteric form of knowledge sought by the Gnostics.灵知:对于宗教真理的直觉认识,尤指古代诺斯替派所说的只有信仰才得到的知识美国传统〔initiate〕Instructed in esoteric knowledge.授以深奥知识的美国传统〔rarefied〕Belonging to or reserved for a small, select group; esoteric.秘密的:属于一个挑选出来的小群人的;专为其保留的;秘传的美国传统He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.他收藏有一批内行才识得的旧玩具和游戏用具。剑桥国际Kunqu is an esoteric art form that only a handful of people can appreciate. 昆曲是一种只有少数专家才能欣赏的艺术。译典通




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