

单词 downfall
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔dictator〕the downfall of the hated dictator 令人憎恨的独裁者的垮台朗文当代〔downfall〕a scandal that brought about his downfall 导致他垮台的丑闻牛津搭配〔downfall〕an addiction to gambling that proved to be her downfall 证实是她堕落原因的赌瘾朗文当代〔downfall〕bad investments that led to the company's downfall 导致这家公司垮台的不良投资麦克米伦高阶〔downfall〕people wishing to see the downfall of the government.希望看到政府倒台的人们柯林斯高阶〔downfall〕the downfall of a government 一个政府的倒台英汉大词典〔downfall〕the downfall of the government政府的倒台外研社新世纪〔downfall〕the scandal that led to the president's downfall 导致总统垮台的丑闻朗文当代〔gleeful〕be gleeful over the downfall of the tyrant 对暴君的倒台欢欣鼓舞英汉大词典〔morbid〕wanting to learn about a celebrity's downfall out of morbid curiosity 出于病态的好奇心想了解一位名人的堕落韦氏高阶〔scheme〕women at work who spend their days plotting and scheming the downfall of female colleagues成天密谋计划扳倒女同事的职业女性外研社新世纪〔secure〕secure the downfall of the government 导致政府的垮台英汉大词典




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