

单词 act
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-ism〕an act of heroism.一次英雄壮举柯林斯高阶〔act〕act a self-sacrificing mother 扮演一个自我牺牲的母亲英汉大词典〔act〕act against sb.'s will 违反某人意愿英汉大词典〔act〕act the part of the villain.演反面角色美国传统〔act〕a private act of revenge 个人报复行为牛津搭配〔act〕an act in a concert.音乐会的节目。牛津同义词〔act〕an act of bravery = a brave act 英勇行为韦氏高阶〔act〕an act of kindness 善行牛津高阶〔act〕an act of war 战争行为英汉大词典〔adult〕act like an adult 按成人的样子行事英汉大词典〔against〕act against one's conscience 行事违背良心英汉大词典〔aggression〕an unprovoked act of aggression 无端的侵犯朗文当代〔atrocity〕an act of atrocity 暴行英汉大词典〔balancing act〕a delicate balancing act between a career, a home, and motherhood事业、家庭和母亲的身份之间的微妙平衡外研社新世纪〔betrayal〕a sense/a feeling/an act of betrayal 被出卖的感觉;背叛行为牛津高阶〔big〕act big 举止傲慢英汉大词典〔black hole〕living proof that the 'great black hole' of depression need not signal the final act to a political career证明经济衰退这个大黑洞并不一定会终结政治生涯的活生生的证据外研社新世纪〔calculation〕an act of cold calculation 冷酷无情的算计牛津高阶〔confinement〕the confinement of violent criminals [=the act of keeping violent criminals in prison] 对暴力犯的监禁韦氏高阶〔decision〕act with decision 果断行事英汉大词典〔deplorable〕a deplorable act of violence.应受谴责的暴力行为美国传统〔despicable〕a despicable act of terrorism 卑劣的恐怖主义行径朗文当代〔deterrent〕act as a deterrent to sb.对某人起威慑(或制止)作用英汉大词典〔disenchanted〕a government failure to act would see disenchanted voters drift to far-right parties一个没有采取行动的政府会看到不再抱有幻想的投票者转而支持极右党派外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕legitimate businesses that act as covers for tax fiddles为骗税打掩护的合法企业外研社新世纪〔fiendish〕a fiendish act 残忍的行为牛津高阶〔gringo〕an act of revenge against the gringos who refused to supply him with arms对拒绝给他提供武器的外国佬的报复行为外研社新世纪〔heroic〕a heroic act of bravery英勇的行为外研社新世纪〔heroism〕an act of heroism 英勇行为剑桥高阶〔host〕act as host at a dinner party 主持宴会英汉大词典〔imitate〕imitate is to act like or follow a pattern or style set by another: imitate 是象或按照其他人设立的方式或风格去做: 美国传统〔imperialism〕an act of press imperialism 报业扩张兼并行为英汉大词典〔instrument〕act as another's instrument 充当他人的工具英汉大词典〔intermediary〕act as an intermediary in the hostage crisis 在人质问题危机中充当调解人英汉大词典〔in〕to act in a play 参加演戏牛津高阶〔kind〕a kind act (look) 仁慈的举动(面容)英汉大词典〔lend-lease〕the Lend-Lease Act (1941年美国国会通过的)租借法英汉大词典〔love〕the act of love 性交英汉大词典〔mean〕means (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A method, a course of action, or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an end achieved. means (与单数或复数动词连用)方法,手段:用于完成一个行动或取得一个结果的方法、手段或工具美国传统〔oblivion〕an act of oblivion 大赦令文馨英汉〔obscene〕an obscene act of cruelty 令人震惊的残暴行为朗文当代〔outside〕act outside of the law 行动违法英汉大词典〔parliament〕an Act of Parliament 议会法案牛津高阶〔parliament〕the Parliament Act (1911 年通过的限制上院否决权的)议会法案英汉大词典〔penance〕an act of penance 赎罪善功牛津高阶〔provocative〕a provocative act by a terrorist group 恐怖团体的挑衅行为朗文当代〔reason〕a good reason to act soon 立即采取行动的正当理由英汉大词典〔regent〕to act as regent 担任摄政王牛津高阶〔responsibly〕to act responsibly 办事认真负责牛津高阶〔revenge〕an act of revenge 报复行为韦氏高阶〔salvage〕a brave act of salvage 救助海难船只的勇敢行为英汉大词典〔selfless〕a selfless act 无私的行为韦氏高阶〔sex act〕paid to perform a sex act 卖淫韦氏高阶〔sex〕sex discrimination(= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) 性别歧视牛津高阶〔support〕the support act (=the support band) 助演乐队朗文当代〔treacherous〕a treacherous act 背叛行为英汉大词典〔vandalism〕an act of vandalism 恣意破坏公共财物的行为牛津高阶〔vengeful〕a vengeful act 报复行为英汉大词典〔war〕an act of war 战争行为英汉大词典the 1999 Employment Relations Act 1999 年雇用关系法牛津商务




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