

单词 entertainment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕Television has brought cheap entertainment to the masses. 电视向大众提供了廉价娱乐。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The show blurs the difference between education and entertainment. 这个节目模糊了教育和娱乐的差别。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕The holiday price includes entertainment in the evenings, and there are optional excursions on offer every day. 度假费用包含晚上的娱乐活动,而且每天都有自愿参加的短途游览。朗文写作活用〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕Blackpool was where I got my first taste of the world of entertainment. 布莱克浦是我第一次体会到娱乐界滋味的地方。朗文写作活用〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer. 弗朗姬作为演员以精力旺盛闻名娱乐业。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕Las Vegas has a growing reputation as an entertainment and vacation spot. 拉斯韦加斯作为一个娱乐度假地名声越来越响。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Banning the carnival will deprive law-abiding citizens of a source of culturally valuable entertainment. 禁止庆祝狂欢节将剥夺守法市民参加具有文化价值的娱乐活动的权利。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The hours spent in front of the tube mean that children aren't participating in other forms of entertainment. 在电视机前花掉许多时间意味着孩子们没有参加其他的娱乐活动。朗文写作活用〔allowance〕He gets an entertainment allowance and a clothes allowance from work.他从单位领取招待费和置装费。外研社新世纪〔amusement park〕A commercially operated enterprise that offers rides, games, and other forms of entertainment.游乐园:一种商业性经营单位,提供骑马、游戏和其它娱乐方式美国传统〔aquacade〕An entertainment spectacle of swimmers and divers, often performing in unison to the accompaniment of music.水上运动表演:游泳者和潜水者的一种娱乐表演,常常与音乐合奏表演一致美国传统〔art〕Do you regard film as entertainment or as an art? 你认为电影是一种娱乐还是一种表演艺术?剑桥高阶〔balustrade〕An outside entertainment area has a wide veranda with an iron balustrade.外面的娱乐区有一个带铁护栏的宽大阳台。外研社新世纪〔band〕The entertainment includes a disco and live band .娱乐活动有跳迪斯科和乐队现场演奏。朗文当代〔begin〕The entertainment was due to begin at 8.30.娱乐活动预定 8 点 30 分开始。牛津搭配〔benefit〕A public entertainment, performance, or social event held to raise funds for a person or cause.义演:为个人或某一事业筹款而进行的娱乐、演出或社会活动美国传统〔bill〕The entertainment offered by a theater.节目:剧院提供的节目美国传统〔bit〕An entertainment routine given regularly by a performer; an act.固定表演:由表演者定期表演的娱乐性常规剧目;表演美国传统〔boardwalk〕Atlantic City is famous for its beach and boardwalk, where hotels and casinos are filled with entertainment.大西洋城以其沙滩和海滨木板道而闻名, 那里的旅店和赌场提供各种娱乐活动。外研社新世纪〔boundary〕The Internet has blurred the boundary between news and entertainment.因特网模糊了新闻与娱乐的界限。牛津搭配〔box office〕The drawing power of a theatrical entertainment or of a performer; popular appeal.卖座力:戏剧或演员的卖座力;大众喜爱程度美国传统〔box seat〕A seat in a box at a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium.包厢席位,正面看台座位:公共娱乐场所,如剧院或体育场的包厢座位美国传统〔box〕There's plenty of entertainment on the box at the moment.目前电视上有很多娱乐节目。外研社新世纪〔buffet〕The price includes a buffet, all drinks, and live entertainment.价格包括自助餐、所有饮料和现场表演。麦克米伦高阶〔business〕We're not trying to educate-we're in the entertainment business.我们不想去教育人 - 我们从事的是娱乐业。牛津搭配〔busk〕To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money.街头卖艺:在公共场所演奏音乐或表演娱乐节目,通常会收些钱美国传统〔cabaret〕A restaurant or nightclub providing short programs of live entertainment.卡巴莱酒馆:提供临时表演和短小节目的餐馆或夜总会美国传统〔charmingly〕There's something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.他自成一格的表演有一种迷人的旧情调。柯林斯高阶〔circus〕A public entertainment consisting typically of a variety of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals.马戏表演:一种公众娱乐节目,通常由一系列高空杂技演员、小丑和驯兽的表演组成美国传统〔clean〕The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family.这种娱乐正派有趣,对全家老少都适合。牛津高阶〔coffeehouse〕A restaurant where coffee and other refreshments are served, especially one where people gather for conversation, games, or musical entertainment.咖啡馆:提供咖啡和其他饮料的一种餐馆,尤指人们聚集在里面谈话、玩笑或听音乐的那种美国传统〔compere〕The master of ceremonies, as of a television entertainment program or a variety show.主持人:主持人,尤指电视娱乐节目或各种表演的主持人美国传统〔consume〕The fact remains that children are consuming more entertainment media than ever before.事实是, 孩子们比以往任何时候都喜欢娱乐媒体。外研社新世纪〔core〕The company's core operations include entertainment and aviation.公司的核心业务包括娱乐和航空。剑桥高阶〔cover charge〕A fixed amount added to the bill at a nightclub or restaurant for entertainment or services.服务费:在夜总会或餐馆中加在娱乐或服务帐单以外的固定金额美国传统〔crudely〕Crudeness is on the rise in all fields of entertainment.所有娱乐领域都日益粗俗化。柯林斯高阶〔crudeness〕Crudeness is on the rise in all fields of entertainment.所有娱乐活动都日益粗俗化。外研社新世纪〔customer〕They organized an evening's entertainment for key customers.他们组织了娱乐晚会,招待关键客户。牛津搭配〔deadhead〕A person who uses a free ticket for admittance, accommodation, or entertainment.免费乘者:使用免费票出入、住宿和娱乐的人美国传统〔destination〕The casino is the largest entertainment destination in the state.这个赌场是本州最大的娱乐场所。牛津搭配〔displace as〕Television has displaced film as our country's most popular form of entertainment.电视已取代了电影,成为我国最大众化的娱乐形式。21世纪英汉〔dogfighting〕An illegal, organized activity in which dogs are fought for spectator entertainment and betting.斗狗:非法组织的狗打架,以招人观赏并赌博美国传统〔dogfight〕An illegal, organized fight betwen dogs, arranged for spectator entertainment and betting.斗狗:用以聚众娱乐和赌博的非法组织的斗狗美国传统〔do〕What do you do for entertainment out here? 你在这里有什么消遣?牛津高阶〔drag〕Entertainment is laid on too, in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays.还安排了娱乐活动,星期三是男扮女装演出,星期天是脱衣舞演出。柯林斯高阶〔edge city〕A sizeable commercial center offering a mixture of employment, shopping, and entertainment and serving a primarily suburban area.郊区商城:位于郊区的大型商业中心,提供就业、购物与娱乐,主要以服务郊区为主美国传统〔engage〕A magician has been engaged to provide entertainment.一位魔术师被请来进行娱乐表演。麦克米伦高阶〔entertainment〕Entertainment was provided by jugglers.杂耍表演为我们带来了乐趣。韦氏高阶〔entertainment〕A jazz band provided the entertainment, while people ate and drank under the stars.当人们在星空下享用美酒佳肴时,一支爵士乐队为大家演奏助兴。麦克米伦高阶〔entertainment〕He performs magic tricks for entertainment.他变魔术是为了消遣。外研社新世纪〔entertainment〕It was typical family entertainment.这是典型的家庭娱乐活动。牛津高阶〔entertainment〕Jennifer O'Neill heads the cast of this original entertainment.珍妮弗·奥尼尔是这个原创娱乐节目的领衔主演。外研社新世纪〔entertainment〕Ladies and gentlemen, for your entertainment, we present Magic Man.各位来宾,为了给大家助兴,有请魔术师上场。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕Movies were the new mass entertainment.电影是新的群众性娱乐方式。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕Passengers can enjoy free nightly entertainment.乘客们可以享受免费的晚间娱乐活动。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕She was delighted in entertainment of friends and relatives.她乐于招待亲友。英汉大词典〔entertainment〕Solving puzzles is an entertainment for many.猜谜对许多人来说是一项娱乐。英汉大词典〔entertainment〕Television is his only entertainment.看电视是他唯一的消遣。外研社新世纪〔entertainment〕The entertainment was provided by a folk band.这个文娱节目由民歌乐队演出。牛津高阶〔entertainment〕The boy is making his mark in the entertainment business before he has even left school.这个男孩还在学校里时就已在娱乐界崭露头角。麦克米伦高阶〔entertainment〕The dolphins give good entertainment value (=a lot of amusement and interest) .海豚具有很高的娱乐价值。朗文当代〔entertainment〕The leading piece of entertainment news in the US is the Oscars.美国的娱乐新闻头条是奥斯卡奖颁奖晚会。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕The movies were bought for their entertainment value.购买这些电影是基于其娱乐价值。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕The show was good entertainment value.这场演出有很大的娱乐价值。牛津高阶〔entertainment〕The television was his only source of entertainment.电视是他唯一的娱乐。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕The town provides a wide choice of entertainment.该镇提供形式多样的娱乐活动。朗文当代〔entertainment〕There are three bars, with live entertainment seven nights a week.有三家酒吧一个星期七个晚上都有现场表演节目。牛津高阶〔entertainment〕There were feasts and banquets, theatrical entertainments and sporting competitions between local groups.有酒席宴会、戏剧演出和地方队之间的体育竞赛。柯林斯高阶〔entertainment〕There were feasts and banquets, theatrical entertainments, and sporting competitions.有酒席宴会、戏剧演出和体育竞赛。外研社新世纪〔entertainment〕There will be entertainment and a buffet luncheon for a cost of £30.娱乐和自助午餐需30英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔entertainment〕There will be live entertainment (=performed then, not recorded) throughout the day.现场直播的文娱节目将持续一整天。朗文当代〔entertainment〕There will be live entertainment at the party.联欢会上将有现场表演节目。牛津高阶〔entertainment〕There's not much in the way of entertainment in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.这个城镇没多少娱乐活动——也就是这家影院和几家酒馆。剑桥高阶〔entertainment〕They played games in the evening for entertainment.他们晚上做游戏以娱乐。韦氏高阶〔entertainment〕They provided lavish entertainment for their guests.他们为客人安排了丰富多彩的娱乐活动。牛津搭配〔entertainment〕Tokyo's entertainment district 东京的娱乐区牛津搭配〔entertainment〕Vote for your top light entertainment show.投票选出你心中最佳的轻松娱乐节目。牛津搭配〔entertain〕To provide entertainment.使娱乐美国传统〔escapist〕The western is escapist entertainment.西部片是人们逃避现实的娱乐形式。外研社新世纪〔extension〕Business entertainment seems a natural extension of Japan's gift-giving culture.生意上的宴请招待似乎是由日本的送礼文化自然发展而来的。麦克米伦高阶〔eye candy〕Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment.动画不再仅仅吸引小孩子和动漫迷的眼球,而成了主流娱乐方式。柯林斯高阶〔family〕This movie is good family entertainment (= something that can be enjoyed by parents and children together).这部电影是很棒的家庭娱乐片。剑桥高阶〔feast〕We have a veritable feast of video entertainment to be won.我们有一场名副其实的视频娱乐盛宴等待你赢取。外研社新世纪〔feature〕A special attraction at an entertainment.特别节目:一项娱乐中特别吸引人的部分美国传统〔fete〕An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment.盛大庆祝会,游园会:精心计划的、经常在室外举行的招待会美国传统〔fete〕To celebrate or honor with a festival, a feast, or an elaborate entertainment.款待,宴请:用盛宴、宴会或精心安排的娱乐来庆祝或款待美国传统〔feuilleton〕The part of a European newspaper devoted to light fiction, reviews, and articles of general entertainment.小品栏:欧洲报纸专用于刊登取悦一般读者的娱乐小说、评论以及文章的部分美国传统〔fiddler〕We'd like to have a fine entertainment this evening, but who will pay the fiddler? 今天晚上我们想去好好享乐一番,可是谁来负担这笔费用呢?英汉大词典〔field〕They lead the field in home entertainment systems.他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。牛津搭配〔field〕They lead the field in home entertainment systems.他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。牛津高阶〔fleshpot〕Often fleshpots A district or an establishment offering sensual pleasures or entertainment. 常作 fleshpots 声色场所:提供肉欲享受或娱乐的区域或场所美国传统〔floorshow〕A series of entertainments presented in a nightclub.歌舞表演:夜总会提供的一系列娱乐活动美国传统〔fringe〕He has been working for years on the fringes of the entertainment industry.他已经在娱乐业外围工作多年了。韦氏高阶〔fusion〕The show is a fusion of news and entertainment.这个节目把新闻和娱乐结合起来了。韦氏高阶〔gaff〕A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.低级娱乐场所:一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所美国传统〔gala〕A festive occasion, especially a lavish social event or entertainment.节日庆祝活动:节日期间的活动,尤指愉快热烈的社会事件或娱乐活动美国传统〔gambling〕Gambling is a form of entertainment.赌博是一种娱乐。柯林斯高阶〔get off on〕I'm an exhibitionist, and I get off on the entertainment we give people.我这人爱出风头,能让大家高兴我就觉得很来劲儿。柯林斯高阶〔go〕This kind of entertainment went out with the ark (=is very old-fashioned) .这种娱乐老掉牙了。朗文当代〔guest〕One to whom entertainment or hospitality has been extended by another in the role of host or hostess, as at a party.来宾,宾客:在宴会等场合受到主人或主妇的款待的人美国传统〔hall〕A building for public gatherings or entertainments.娱乐中心:用于公众集会或娱乐的建筑物美国传统〔hall〕A building used for the meetings, entertainments, or living quarters of a fraternity, sorority, church, or other social or religious organization.会所:用于集会、娱乐或为大学的兄弟会、姊妹会、教堂、别的社会或宗教组织提供住处的建筑美国传统〔hereby〕I am offended that your entertainment expert should make such a mistake and hereby request a formal apology.令我感到气愤的是,你们的娱乐节目专家竟然会犯这样的错误,我特此要求你们向我正式道歉。柯林斯高阶〔high roller〕One who spends freely and extravagantly, as for luxuries or entertainment.挥金如土的人,如为了奢侈品或娱乐美国传统〔ice show〕An entertainment consisting of figure skating, ice dancing, acrobatic stunts, and buffoonery performed by ice skaters.冰上舞蹈表演:一种冰上娱乐,包括由滑冰者表演的花样滑冰、冰上舞蹈、杂技和滑稽表演美国传统〔interlude〕A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality play.幕间幽默短剧:在中世纪神秘剧或道德剧各幕之间表演的滑稽短剧美国传统〔interlude〕An entertainment between the acts of a play.戏剧的幕间节目美国传统〔key club〕A private club featuring liquor and entertainment.私人俱乐部:设有酒类和娱乐装置的私人俱乐部美国传统〔lay sth on〕They lay on free entertainment at the club every day.他们每天在俱乐部安排免费娱乐活动。剑桥高阶〔line〕The programme blurs the line between news and entertainment.这个节目模糊了新闻和娱乐之间的界限。麦克米伦高阶〔lyceum〕An organization sponsoring public programs and entertainment.组织公共活动和娱乐的社团美国传统〔magic〕The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring for entertainment.魔术,变戏法:用来娱乐的手耍花招或者戏法美国传统〔marquee〕A large tent with open sides, used chiefly for outdoor entertainment.大帐篷:一种四周开敞的大帐篷,主要用于户外娱乐美国传统〔masque〕A dramatic verse composition written for such an entertainment.假面剧剧本:为这样的娱乐节目所写的戏剧剧本美国传统〔mass〕It is entertainment that will appeal to the masses.它是迎合大众的娱乐。麦克米伦高阶〔master of ceremonies〕A performer who conducts a program of varied entertainment by introducing other performers to the audience.节目主持人:介绍其他表演者给观众(听众)的表演者美国传统〔match〕We try to match the entertainments with the preferences of the holidaymakers.我们努力使娱乐节目迎合度假者的偏好。麦克米伦高阶〔matinee〕An entertainment, such as a dramatic or musical performance, given in the daytime, usually in the afternoon.日场,日戏:一种娱乐节目,白天演出,通常指午后的戏剧或音乐表演美国传统〔medium〕Radio was the medium for family entertainment before television.在电视出现之前收音机是家庭娱乐的媒介。麦克米伦高阶〔middle-of-the-road〕Abbr. MOROf, relating to, or being a type of entertainment, especially popular music, that appeals to a wide audience.缩写 MOR为广大听众所喜爱的;不标新立异的:属于,关于或作为娱乐的一种形式的,特别是迎合广大听众的流行音乐的美国传统〔mime〕A performance of or dialogue for such an entertainment.笑剧的表演对白:这种戏剧的表演或对白美国传统〔mind game〕An activity that provides entertainment and challenges the intellect.心理测验游戏:提供娱乐及挑战智慧的活动美国传统〔nightlife〕Social activities or entertainment available or pursued in the evening.夜生活:夜间寻欢作乐的社交活动美国传统〔nightly〕These clubs provide nightly entertainment.这些俱乐部每晚都有娱乐活动。韦氏高阶〔off-Broadway〕Located outside the Broadway entertainment district.座落在百老汇娱乐区外的美国传统〔off-Broadway〕Of, relating to, or being theatrical activity that is chiefly experimental and inexpensive, carried on outside the New York City entertainment district.外百老汇戏剧的:与戏剧活动有关的,此类活动主要为实验性的、较便宜,在纽约城娱乐区外进行美国传统〔off-Broadway〕Theatrical work, often experimental and inexpensive, presented outside the Broadway entertainment district of New York City.外百老汇戏剧:戏剧作品,常为实验性的且不昂贵,常在纽约城百老汇娱乐区外上演美国传统〔offer〕Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment.牛津向来访者提供各式各样的娱乐活动。牛津高阶〔olio〕Vaudeville or musical entertainment presented between the acts of a burlesque or minstrel show.音乐节目,综艺节目,杂耍:在滑稽剧或滑稽说唱团演出的幕间表演的杂耍和音乐娱乐节目美国传统〔optional〕The price includes hotel and meals – entertainment is optional.这个价格包括旅馆和膳食,娱乐是可选可不选的。麦克米伦高阶〔over-excited〕You'll need to provide continuous, organised entertainment or children may get over-excited.你要提供连贯有序的娱乐活动,否则孩子们就有可能兴奋过头。柯林斯高阶〔oversimplify〕Treating popular entertainment as the avenue for debate on political issues encourages both politicians and entertainers to oversimplify.将大众娱乐节目当成讨论政治问题的手段, 是鼓励政治家和艺人将问题过于简单化。外研社新世纪〔overtake〕Television soon overtook the cinema as the most popular form of entertainment.电视很快就超过了电影,成为最大众化的娱乐方式。朗文当代〔pamper〕Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood, he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment.由于幼儿时期的宠爱和娇纵,他以为整个世界都是为了他的玩乐而创造的。美国传统〔pander〕The film panders to the popular taste for violence in entertainment.电影迎合了娱乐圈中流行的对暴力的喜好。韦氏高阶〔parlor〕A room in a private home set apart for the entertainment of visitors.客厅,起居室:在私人居室里单独开辟出的用于接待客人的房间美国传统〔pass for〕What passes for entertainment around here? 在这儿什么算是消遣啊?韦氏高阶〔patch〕We managed to patch together an impromptu evening's entertainment.我们东拼西凑总算弄出了一个即兴的晚会娱乐项目。麦克米伦高阶〔pavilion〕A large structure housing sports or entertainment facilities; an arena.运动竞技场:一种安置有运动或娱乐设施的大型结构;竞技场所美国传统〔perceive〕They strangely perceive television as entertainment.奇怪的是,他们居然将电视看作娱乐。柯林斯高阶〔perform〕To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.演出,演奏:在观众面前表演戏剧、音乐作品或其它节目美国传统〔piano bar〕A cocktail lounge featuring entertainment by a pianist.钢琴酒吧:有钢琴演奏助兴娱乐的酒吧间美国传统〔pier〕Such a structure used predominantly for entertainment.装饰墩:主要用于娱乐的那种结构美国传统〔portion〕We're spending a larger portion of our income on entertainment.我们把较大的一部分收入花在娱乐上。麦克米伦高阶〔possibility〕The resort offers endless possibilities for entertainment.度假胜地提供数不尽的娱乐活动。牛津搭配〔pure〕One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.一部电影被列为纯艺术片,另一部被列为娱乐片。牛津高阶〔repackage〕TV studios repackage real-life dramas as entertainment.电视台把现实生活的戏剧性情节重新包装成娱乐节目。韦氏高阶〔routine〕A set piece of entertainment, especially in a nightclub or theater.固定的娱乐节目:尤指夜总会或剧院里的固定节目美国传统〔saloon〕A large room or hall for receptions, public entertainment, or exhibitions.厅:用于接待、公共娱乐或展览的大房间或厅堂美国传统〔serve〕The teams served up some fantastic entertainment.这些队献上了精彩的表演。牛津高阶〔set sth against sth〕The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax.出公差和因公娱乐的费用可以不纳税。剑桥高阶〔shoot-'em-up〕An entertainment, such as a movie or television show, featuring gunfire and violence.枪战片:描写 枪战和暴力的娱乐片,如电影或电视剧美国传统〔show business〕Stars of the entertainment world turned out to celebrate his 40th year in show business.演艺界的明星们参加了他从艺40周年的庆祝活动。剑桥高阶〔show business〕The entertainment industry.娱乐性行业美国传统〔showtime〕The time at which an entertainment, such as the showing of a movie, is scheduled to start.开演时间:一项娱乐活动计划开始的时间,如电影开映美国传统〔show〕A public exhibition or entertainment.公开的展览或娱乐美国传统〔shtick〕An entertainment routine or gimmick.一种娱乐性固定节目或噱头美国传统〔sophisticated〕The capital offers the island's best choice of sophisticated hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment.首府拥有该岛最高档的宾馆、餐厅以及购物和娱乐场所。外研社新世纪〔step〕Informal To go out for a special evening of entertainment.【非正式用语】 出去娱乐:外出过一个愉快的夜晚美国传统〔surpass〕The second half easily surpassed the first in entertainment value.下半场比赛的精彩程度远胜于上半场。牛津搭配〔tattoo〕A display of military exercises offered as evening entertainment.夜间野外军事演习:作为夜间一种娱乐活动的军事演习表演美国传统〔teener〕Slang An entertainment, especially a movie, directed toward a teenage audience.【俚语】 青少年节目:针对于十多岁的观众的娱乐活动,尤指电影美国传统〔town〕In spirited pursuit of the entertainment offered by a town or city.积极地寻求镇或城市的娱乐活动美国传统〔transform〕The reorganization will transform the entertainment industry.这次重组将使娱乐业大为改观。剑桥高阶〔treat〕Something, such as one's food or entertainment, that is paid for by someone else.招待:由别人付钱的东西,如食物或娱乐美国传统〔treat〕To pay for another's entertainment, food, or drink.请客:支付别人娱乐、吃饭或饮酒的费用美国传统〔turn against〕Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment.与警方合作后,我开始很反感把暴力场面作为娱乐表演的做法。柯林斯高阶〔universal〕Television provides universal entertainment.电视提供大众化的娱乐。英汉大词典〔variety show〕A theatrical entertainment consisting of successive unrelated acts, such as songs, dances, and comedy skits.杂耍表演:一种戏剧上的娱乐,由连续的无关联的动作组成,如歌曲、舞蹈和喜剧讽刺短剧美国传统〔vaudeville〕Stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as slapstick turns, song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances.杂耍:提供多种短小节目的舞台娱乐演出,诸如滑稽节目、歌舞节目以及魔术表演美国传统〔ventriloquism〕Entertainment included a ventriloquist.演出的包括一名口技表演者。牛津高阶〔virtual reality〕One day virtual reality will revolutionize the entertainment industry.有一天虚拟现实将使娱乐业发生革命性的变化。柯林斯高阶〔void〕The amusement park will fill a void in this town, which has little entertainment for children.这个游乐场将填补这座小城没有什么儿童娱乐设施的空白。朗文当代〔way〕There isn't much in the way of entertainment in this place.这个地方没有多少娱乐活动。牛津高阶Entertainment Research reports that there are 245 mentions of the f-word in this movie.娱乐节目调查公布,这部电影使用了“操他妈的”一词245次。剑桥国际Entertainment expenses are no longer tax-deductible.交际应酬开支不再享有所得税减免待遇。牛津商务For your in-flight entertainment today, we are showing the film ‘Ghost’.今天为你们提供的机上娱乐活动是放映电影《人鬼情未了》。剑桥国际In the past, bear-baiting was a common form of entertainment in Britain.以前纵狗逗熊是英国人的一种常见娱乐方式。剑桥国际Radio stations are not just purveyors of music, they're purveyors of information, companionship, entertainment, ideas, wit.电台不仅提供音乐, 还提供信息, 友谊, 娱乐, 思想和幽默。剑桥国际Sea lions often perform in entertainments such as circuses.海狮常常在诸如马戏团这一类娱乐场演出。剑桥国际She played the piano for our entertainment. 她弹钢琴为我们助兴。译典通Some of the biggest names in the entertainment world turned out to honor his 40th year in show business.一些娱乐界的知名人士出席向他从艺40载致以敬意。剑桥国际The entertainment was chronic.文娱节目很糟糕。剑桥国际The city is a freewheeling (=exciting) business and entertainment centre.这座城市是个激动人心的商业和娱乐中心。剑桥国际The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax (= can be recorded as an item on which tax does not have to be paid).出公差和娱乐的费用可以不纳税。剑桥国际The game shows are a curious mix of titillating soft porn and family entertainment.成人娱乐影片是令人亢奋而又非赤裸裸的性描写和家庭娱乐的奇特的混合。剑桥国际The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.整顿会改善英国的娱乐业。剑桥国际The resort has a good range of après-ski entertainment.这个度假村有着丰富多彩的滑雪余兴活动。剑桥国际The sale of the entertainment division would clear the company's stretched balance sheet.出售娱乐部门将使公司捉襟见肘的资产负债表变得一身轻松。牛津商务There's not much in the way of entertainment (= public shows, performances or other ways of enjoying yourself) in this town -- just the cinema and a couple of pubs.这个小镇上在娱乐方面没有什么----只有一家电影院和几家酒吧。剑桥国际They lay on free entertainment at the club every day, with things like video films and games.他们每天在俱乐部免费提供诸如影碟、游戏之类的娱乐活动。剑桥国际They lead the field in home entertainment systems.他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。牛津商务This film is good family entertainment (= something that can be enjoyed by parents and children together).这部电影是很好的家庭娱乐片。剑桥国际This film is good wholesome family entertainment.该影片是一部有益的家庭娱乐剧。剑桥国际This law applies to all places of public entertainment. 这一法律适用于一切公共娱乐场所。译典通Until quite recently in Britain, opera was not popular entertainment.直到最近以前歌剧在英国不是一项大众性娱乐。剑桥国际We allow £75 a week housekeeping (= money for buying food and other things necessary for keeping a house), and spend the rest on clothes and entertainment.我们每个星期拿出75英镑作为家务开支,多余的则花在服装和娱乐上。剑桥国际We are delighted in entertainment of our friends. 我们喜欢款待朋友。译典通We are specialists in corporate entertainment.我们在公司的交际应酬方面是专家。牛津商务We hope you will enjoy your in-flight entertainment (=films shown during a flight).我们希望你们能喜欢飞行途中放的影片。剑桥国际




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