

单词 entertainer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕Pat Boone is one of America's best-known Christian entertainers. 帕特·布恩是美国最著名的基督徒娱乐界人士之一。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕The stadium has managed to attract a number of big-name entertainers. 这个运动场设法吸引了一些有名的演艺圈人士。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕She regards herself more as an entertainer than a singer. 她认为自己是艺人而并非歌手。朗文写作活用〔afloat〕As an entertainer, he could hardly stay afloat.作为娱乐业中人,他很难维持下去了。英汉大词典〔artiste〕A public performer or entertainer, especially a singer or dancer.表演艺术家:公开的表演者或演奏者,尤指歌唱家或舞蹈演员美国传统〔booking〕An engagement, as for a performance by an entertainer.预约:一种约定,如为了一演艺人员的演出美国传统〔breed〕Entertainers of this sort are now a dying breed.这类艺人越来越少,行将消失。牛津搭配〔chain〕He is the latest in an unbroken chain of entertainers.他是不断涌现的演艺人员中最新的一位。牛津搭配〔circuit〕A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn.一系列的夜总会、展示厅和度假地,演员在各地方轮回表演美国传统〔come out〕Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.许多同性恋艺人不愿公开承认同性恋身份。韦氏高阶〔comedian〕A professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts.喜剧演员:说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业演艺者美国传统〔comedienne〕A woman professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts.喜剧女演员:说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业女演艺者美国传统〔conjuring〕The entertainer didn’t fool us with his conjuring.那个艺人变的戏法没有骗到我们。牛津同义词〔discount〕He used to be a popular entertainer, but somehow, he is now at a discount.以前他是个走红的艺人,但是现在不知怎么不受欢迎了。英汉大词典〔entertainer〕Sinatra remains one of the top entertainers of all time.西纳特拉一直是最著名的艺人之一。朗文当代〔entertainer〕Some have called him the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century.有人曾称他为20世纪最伟大的艺人。柯林斯高阶〔gagman〕A man employed to write jokes or comedy routines, as for a professional entertainer or show.笑话制作者:被雇佣来为专业的表演而撰写笑话或固定喜剧剧目的人美国传统〔gown〕The entertainers were exotic, beautifully gowned – and male.表演者来自异国, 穿着华美的长袍——而且还是男的。外研社新世纪〔hoof〕To dance, especially as a professional entertainer.跳舞,尤指作为职业表演者美国传统〔impressionist〕An entertainer who does impressions.进行印象主义表演的演员美国传统〔impression〕A humorous imitation of the voice and mannerisms of a famous person done by an entertainer.趣味模仿:演员对名人的声音和仪态的幽默的模仿美国传统〔jongleur〕A wandering minstrel, poet, or entertainer in medieval England and France.中世纪游吟诗人:中世纪时英格兰和法国的游吟歌手、诗人、或杂耍演员美国传统〔limitation〕Despite her limitations as an actress, she was a great entertainer.她作为演员尽管有其局限性,但仍不失为一名了不起的表演者。剑桥高阶〔line〕They've lined up some excellent entertainers for our show.他们邀来了几名出色的艺人参加我们的演出会。英汉大词典〔manager〕One who is in charge of the business affairs of an entertainer.经纪人:管理演员或娱乐人员的商业事务的人美国传统〔minstrel〕A medieval entertainer who traveled from place to place, especially to sing and recite poetry.吟游诗人:游历各地的中世纪表演者,尤指歌唱或背咏诗歌的演员美国传统〔minstrel〕One of a troupe of entertainers made up in blackface and presenting a comic variety show.说唱演员:由白人扮黑人并演出滑稽说唱戏的巡回演出团演员美国传统〔overreach〕I don't think he is a street entertainer, I really believe he's overreaching.我想他不是一个街头艺人,我敢说他在行骗。21世纪英汉〔oversimplify〕Treating popular entertainment as the avenue for debate on political issues encourages both politicians and entertainers to oversimplify.将大众娱乐节目当成讨论政治问题的手段, 是鼓励政治家和艺人将问题过于简单化。外研社新世纪〔rise〕The singer has risen from humble origins to become one of the most successful entertainers of all time.这位出身卑微的歌手成为了历史上最成功的娱乐明星。剑桥高阶〔roll〕Mum was cook, chauffeur, nurse, and entertainer all rolled into one.妈妈一身数职,既是厨师和司机,又是护士和演员。朗文当代〔roving〕Within the fairgrounds, there are roving entertainers and events.游乐场里有流动艺人和表演项目。外研社新世纪〔sex symbol〕A person, especially an entertainer or a celebrity, who is widely acknowledged and appreciated for having sex appeal.富性魅力的人:被广泛承认和被欣赏有性魅力的人,尤指艺人或名人美国传统〔stardom〕The status of a performer or an entertainer acknowledged as a star.明星地位:演员或艺人作为明星的地位美国传统〔tummler〕One, such as a social director or an entertainer, who encourages guest or audience participation.逗乐人:表演者或导演,鼓励客人或观众参预的人美国传统〔typecast〕African-Americans were often typecast as servants, entertainers or criminals.非裔美国人经常被指定扮演仆人、笑星或罪犯的角色。柯林斯高阶〔ventriloquist〕One, especially an entertainer, who is adept at ventriloquism.表演腹语术者:善于腹语的人,尤指表演者美国传统〔versatile〕Hegley's outstanding versatility as an all-round entertainer 海格力作为一名全能艺人非同一般的多才多艺朗文当代〔wide〕This year's festival includes a wide range of entertainers.今年的艺术节有各类艺人参加。朗文当代〔world〕He's the world's highest paid entertainer.他是世界上薪金最高的演艺人。牛津高阶Always charismatic, if he had not become a politician he would have been an entertainer.他总是富有超凡魅力,要是他没成为政治家的话,他会成为一个演员。剑桥国际Despite her limitations as an actress, she was a great entertainer.尽管她作为演员有不足之处,但她仍不失为一个伟大的演员。剑桥国际Every Saturday they have a different entertainer on the guest spot.每星期六他们在嘉宾节目中邀请一个不同的表演者。剑桥国际It is my pleasure, nay (my) privilege, to introduce to you on the show tonight one of the greatest entertainers in show-business.在今晚的演出上,我很高兴,并且很荣幸地向大家介绍演艺界的一位大明星。剑桥国际They were entertainers who sang, danced and told jokes for a living.他们是以唱歌、跳舞、讲笑话为生的表演者。剑桥国际




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