

单词 embroil
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕I don't want to get embroiled in some endless argument over money. 我不想为了钱卷入某种没完没了的争吵中。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The airline became embroiled in a six-month battle with the pilots’ union. 这家航空公司与飞行员工会发生纠纷,历时六个月。朗文写作活用〔dispute〕They became embroiled in a dispute with their competitors.他们与竞争对手卷入到一起纠纷中。牛津搭配〔embrangle〕To entangle; embroil.使陷入;使混乱美国传统〔embroil in〕Don't embroil me in your quarrel.别把我牵连进你们的争吵之中。21世纪英汉〔embroil in〕He embroiled himself in their argument.他使自己卷入了他们的争论。21世纪英汉〔embroil with〕Take care not to get embroiled with those people.当心别和那些人牵连上。21世纪英汉〔embroiled〕As Smith became embroiled with his new lover, the marriage was called off.史密斯与新情人纠缠不清, 导致他的婚事告吹。外研社新世纪〔embroiled〕As Smith became embroiled with his new lover, the marriage was called off.史密斯和新情人纠缠不清,导致他的婚姻告吹。柯林斯高阶〔embroiled〕He was keen to avoid becoming embroiled again, if at all possible.如果可能的话, 他极其希望能避免被再次卷入纷争。外研社新世纪〔embroiled〕The Government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in Bosnia.政府坚称军队不会卷入波斯尼亚的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔embroiled〕The Government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in rebel-held areas.政府坚称部队不会卷入叛军控制地区的战斗。外研社新世纪〔embroiled〕The two countries are embroiled in a tangled legal battle over the tariffs.两国因关税问题卷入了一场错综复杂的官司。外研社新世纪〔embroiled〕We must avoid becoming embroiled in another scandal.我们必须避免卷入另一场丑闻。麦克米伦高阶〔embroil〕Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.任何敌对行为都可能导致报复, 进而把联合国部队卷入冲突。外研社新世纪〔embroil〕Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.任何敌对行为都可能招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗。柯林斯高阶〔embroil〕Don’t get embroiled in an argument.别卷入争论。牛津同义词〔embroil〕He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours.他与邻居们发生了争执。牛津高阶〔embroil〕He was careful not to embroil himself in other people's business.他小心翼翼不卷入他人事务。外研社新世纪〔embroil〕His stand on this issue has embroiled him in controversy.他在这个问题上的立场使他卷入争论。韦氏高阶〔embroil〕I became embroiled in an argument with the taxi driver.我与出租车司机起了争执。朗文当代〔embroil〕I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels.我不想卷入他们的争吵中。21世纪英汉〔embroil〕I was reluctant to embroil myself in his problems.我不愿意卷入到他的问题中去。牛津高阶〔embroil〕She had no desire to embroil herself in lengthy lawsuits with the tabloid newspapers.她不想卷入和那些小报的漫长的官司纠纷中。剑桥高阶〔embroil〕The United Nations was reluctant to get its forces embroiled in civil war.联合国不愿让其维和部队卷入一个国家的内战中。剑桥高阶〔embroil〕The city was embroiled in traffic bottlenecks.这个城市由于交通堵塞而陷于混乱状态。英汉大词典〔embroil〕The controversy could even embroil the Queen during her three-day trip to Australia.这场论战甚至可能会牵扯到在澳大利亚进行三天访问的女王。外研社新世纪〔embroil〕The new drug has been embroiled in controversy.这种新药卷入争议之中。韦氏高阶〔embroil〕They were embroiled in a complicated lawsuit.他们被卷入复杂的诉讼之中。韦氏高阶〔lock〕To become embroiled in conflict.卷入矛盾冲突美国传统For reasons beyond my comprehension, I was embroiled in a defamation lawsuit. 不知为什么,我居然卷入了一桩妨害名誉的官司。译典通He was embroiled in an illicit relationship with his secretary. 他与他的秘书卷入了一种不正常的关系。译典通In spite of the civilian misery, the United Nations was reluctant to get its forces embroiled (in civil war).尽管平民痛苦不堪,联合国仍然不愿使其部队卷入内战。剑桥国际She has no desire to embroil herself in lengthy lawsuits with the tabloid newspapers.她丝毫不想将自己卷入与小报的没完没了的诉讼纠纷中。剑桥国际The Prime Minister is anxious to avoid embroiling the Queen in an embarrassing row.首相急于想避免将女王卷入一场尴尬的争吵。剑桥国际




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