单词 | etc |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AND/ALSO〕Near the exit was a stand selling sandwiches, hot dogs etc. 出口附近有一个卖三明治、热狗等食品的小摊。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕If you don't agree with the result etc ,you can appeal to the board of examiners. 如果你对成绩有异议,可以向考试委员会上诉。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Words can be categorised into verbs, nouns, adjectives etc. 单词可以分为动词、名词、形容词等。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).她身着绿色羊毛套装,全身的配饰都与之配套。剑桥高阶〔add〕The house has been added to(= new rooms, etc. have been built on to it)from time to time.这座房子一次又一次地在扩建。牛津高阶〔administration〕She has little experience in admin (= in organizing a business, etc.).她没有什么管理经验。剑桥高阶〔all〕It looks as though it's all up with us now(= we are ruined, have no further chances, etc.).看来我们现在全完蛋了。牛津高阶〔amenity〕Many of the houses lacked even basic amenities(= baths, showers, hot water, etc.).很多房屋甚至缺乏基本的生活设施。牛津高阶〔at one/this etc. remove〕At this remove it is difficult to estimate what the total value of the estate was.隔了这么久,很难估计这些地产的总价值。剑桥高阶〔at one/this etc. remove〕This kind of artistic representation is at many removes from the subject.这样的艺术再现与主题相差甚远。剑桥高阶〔a〕Mary has a [such a] wonderful [terrible etc.] voice.玛丽有美妙的[可怕的(等)]声音。文馨英汉〔back〕There's room for three people in back(= of a car, etc.).后排的空间可容三人。牛津高阶〔base〕The country's manufacturing base (=all the factories, companies etc that produce goods in a country) has shrunk by 20%.该国的制造业基础萎缩了 20%。朗文当代〔bear〕I/he/she/we etc can't bear to我/他/她/我们等受不了做…外研社新世纪〔billion〕They have spent billions on the problem(= billions of dollars, etc.).他们花了几十亿元解决这个问题。牛津高阶〔blow〕One mistake could blow your cover(= make your real name, job, intentions, etc. known).一不小心就会让你暴露身分。牛津高阶〔bottom〕She could only just touch the bottom (= of a swimming pool, etc.).她刚刚能触到底。牛津搭配〔brain〕As the instrument of calculation, the brain can decipher codes, solve technical problems, etc.作为计算工具,电脑能破译电码,解决技术问题,等等。英汉大词典〔bring〕Bob was always willing to talk about his work, his latest book, etc. Chris found it easy to bring him out.鲍勃老喜欢谈自己的工作、自己最近的作品等等。克里斯发现要鲍勃和盘托出是很容易的。英汉大词典〔caution〕We need to proceed with/exercise caution (= be careful in taking action, making decisions, etc.) 我们必须谨慎行事。剑桥高阶〔choked with emotion, rage, etc.〕When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn't say her thank-you speech.给她颁奖时,她激动得感谢辞都说不出来了。韦氏高阶〔clear〕It's your turn to clear the table(= to take away the dirty plate s, etc. after a meal).该轮到你收拾餐桌了。牛津高阶〔come〕Thanks for coming(= to my house, party, etc.).谢谢光临。牛津高阶〔comfort〕She's always liked her creature comforts (= the type of pleasure found in the house, for example warmth, food, etc.).她一贯喜欢自己家里的舒适环境。剑桥高阶〔conditioned〕After living in a big city for a while you become conditioned to noise, crowds, etc.在大城市里生活一段时间后你会适应噪音、拥挤及其他问题的。英汉大词典〔contact〕I'll give you my contact details(= telephone number, email address, etc.).我会给你我的具体联系方式。牛津高阶〔cost〕He's determined to win, whatever the cost (=no matter how much work, money, risk etc is needed) .他决心不惜一切代价也要获胜。朗文当代〔cover〕The lectures covered a lot of ground(= a lot of material, subjects, etc.).这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛丰富。牛津高阶〔crowd〕Saturday's game was watched by a capacity crowd (=the maximum number of people that a sports ground etc can hold) .星期六的比赛座无虚席。朗文当代〔day/moment/time, etc., in the sun〕Organic foods are having their moment in the sun.有机食品开始得到人们的关注。韦氏高阶〔decide〕The society decided on a lecture series and appointed a committee to determine the speakers, the dates, etc.学会决定举办系列讲座,并委派一个委员会具体择定讲员、日期等。英汉大词典〔decline〕The town fell into (a) decline(= started to be less busy, important, etc.)after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。牛津高阶〔denotable〕The word “red”denotes all red things,as blood,red hair,etc.“红色”一词指称一切红色的东西,诸如血、红发等。21世纪英汉〔deuce〕The deuce it is [you are, etc.]! 见鬼!岂有此理!文馨英汉〔dissolve in/into tears/laughter, etc.〕The audience dissolved into tears during the play's final scene.在这个剧的最后一场,观众都禁不住热泪盈眶。韦氏高阶〔dissolve in/into tears/laughter, etc.〕The children dissolved into laughter/giggles.孩子们禁不住大笑起来/咯咯地笑起来。韦氏高阶〔donor〕We urgently need more assistance from donor countries (=countries that give money, food etc to help in poor countries or disaster areas) .我们急需援助国的更多帮助。朗文当代〔duality〕We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼与夜, 正与负, 男与女等等。外研社新世纪〔duality〕We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼和夜,正和负,男和女等等。柯林斯高阶〔et cetera〕They accuse us of being fat, stupid, lazy, etc.他们说我们胖啊、蠢啊、懒啊什么的。韦氏高阶〔etc.〕We talked abo ut the contract, pay, etc.我们讨论了合同、工资等问题。牛津高阶〔etc〕She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc.她知道有关我的学业、医院工作等所有的一切。柯林斯高阶〔etc〕The children can take part in music, dance, painting etc.孩子们可以参加音乐演奏、舞蹈、绘画等活动。麦克米伦高阶〔everything〕He has got a new book in mind. It has everything: rich people, a poor but beautiful girl, romance, adventure, etc.他准备写一部新书,故事里有各种吸引人的内容:富人、一个贫穷但美丽的姑娘、风流韵事、冒险经历等等。英汉大词典〔evidence〕I was asked to give evidence(= to say what I knew, describe what I had seen, etc.)at the trial.我被要求审讯时出庭作证。牛津高阶〔exclusivity〕The male exclusivity on such jobs as bankers, etc. has already been broken.对诸如银行家之类职位的男性垄断局面已被打破了。英汉大词典〔face〕His face fell(= showed disappointment, sadness, etc.)when he read the headlines.他读大标题时脸沉了下来。牛津高阶〔family〕How do you like family life (= being married, having children, etc.)? 你对家庭生活还满意吗?剑桥高阶〔fascia〕He examines the condition of the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, fascia, etc.他检查软组织、肌肉、韧带、筋膜等的情况。外研社新世纪〔fine〕He tried to appeal to their finer feelings(= feelin gs of duty, love, etc.).他试图打动他们更美好的情感(即责任感、爱等)。牛津高阶〔flip〕She felt her heart flip(= with excitement, etc.).她感到心潮澎湃。牛津高阶〔force〕The burglar forced an entry (= broke a window, door, etc. to get into the house).那个窃贼破门而入。剑桥高阶〔freshen〕She'd used the opportunity to freshen herself up, put on new lipstick, etc.她借此机会梳洗打扮、补涂口红什么的, 让自己容光焕发。外研社新世纪〔gift〕These little boxes make perfect hostess gifts (= for the hostess of a party, etc.).这些小盒子送给女主人作礼物很合适。牛津搭配〔go down〕The plane went down (= fell to the ground because of an accident, bomb, etc.) ten minutes after take-off.飞机在起飞10分钟后就坠落了。剑桥高阶〔god〕Roman/Greek etc god 古罗马/古希腊等的神朗文当代〔good〕She's good with her hands(= able to make things, etc.).她手很巧。牛津高阶〔grip〕Sometimes I feel I'm losing my grip (= losing control of my life, etc.).有时我感到自己要失去控制了。牛津搭配〔ground〕Careful, Laura. You could be treading on dangerous ground (=expressing opinions etc that might offend someone) .小心啊,劳拉,你的观点可能会冒犯到某些人。朗文当代〔hair〕I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing(= brushing, arranging, etc.)my hair.我马上就下来。我在梳头呢。牛津高阶〔half hour〕Trains for Washington depart on the/every half hour (= at 10.30, 11.30, etc.).开往华盛顿的列车每逢半点发出一趟。剑桥高阶〔hour〕Buses leave at ten minutes past/to the hour (= at ten past/to one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).公共汽车每整点过10分/差10分发一班车。剑桥高阶〔input〕Taped sensors provided input on pulse, respiration, skin temperature, etc.配有磁带的传感器提供了有关脉搏、呼吸、皮肤温度等方面的信息。英汉大词典〔internal〕Some photos contain internal evidence(= fashions, transport, etc.)that may help to date them.有些照片自身就含有确定拍摄日期的佐证。牛津高阶〔invention〕Be careful what you believe - her powers of invention (= ability to think of excuses, etc.) are well known.注意你该信什么——她编瞎话的本领是出了名的。剑桥高阶〔italic〕Italics are chiefly used to indicate emphasis, a foreign word, etc.斜体字主要用以表示强调、外来语等。文馨英汉〔kindred〕I knew I'd found a kindred spirit(= a person with similar ideas, opinions, etc.).我知道我找到了志同道合的人。牛津高阶〔knife〕Just to twist the knife (= cause additional suffering, tension, etc.), the filmmakers have provided a surprise ending.为了更加悲情,电影制作者早已准备好了一个令人吃惊的结局。牛津搭配〔like〕They export a lof of fruit, like apples, oranges, lemons, etc.他们进口许多水果,比如苹果、柑橘和柠檬等。21世纪英汉〔lively〕Charlie has a very lively imagination (=he often invents stories, descriptions etc that are not true) .查理有非常丰富的想象力。朗文当代〔long〕I won't be long(= I'll return, be ready, etc. soon).我一会儿就行。牛津高阶〔lower〕Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (=include rude jokes etc in what you say) ! 你肯定会降低谈话的格调!朗文当代〔matrilineal〕She traced her family history by matrilineal descent(= starting with her mother, her mother's mother, etc.).她按母系血统追溯她的家族史。牛津高阶〔merit〕We will consider each case on its (own) merits(= without considering any other issues, feelings, etc.).我们将根据每件事情本身的情况来考虑。牛津高阶〔microunit〕Microunit is the millionth of an ordinary unit, such as a metre, gram, ohm, etc.微量单位即米、克、欧姆等普通单位的百万分之一。英汉大词典〔million〕It must be worth a million(= pounds, dollars, etc.).它一定值一百万。牛津高阶〔monitoring〕Information about the illness, the medication, monitoring of health, etc is required.需要有关疾病、药物、健康监护等的信息。外研社新世纪〔more/greater/bigger etc. than the sum of its parts〕She believes that the Catholic faith is more than the sum of its dogmas.她相信天主教信仰并非几条信条那么简单。剑桥高阶〔mutatis mutandis〕The same contract, mutatis mutandis, will be given to each employee(= the contract is basically the same for everybody, but the names, etc. are changed).把姓名等细节稍作修改之后,同一份合同将发给每个员工。牛津高阶〔nucleate〕The nucleating factors of a community are rooming houses, bars, pool rooms, etc.集体寄宿所、酒吧间、弹子房等是社区内的人集结的因素。英汉大词典〔number〕She's very good with numbers (= good at adding, subtracting, etc.).她非常擅长数字运算。剑桥高阶〔on〕The bells in the clock tower ring every hour on the hour (= at exactly one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).钟楼上的钟每小时整点敲响。剑桥高阶〔opportunity〕Our company promotes equal opportunities for women(= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men).本公司提倡男女机会均等。牛津高阶〔particular〕The nurse asked me for my particulars(= personal details such as your n ame, address, etc.).护士向我询问了我的个人资料。牛津高阶〔plastic〕Plastics are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal, etc.塑料在许多现代用品中被用来代替木材、金属等。英汉大词典〔point〕I've reached the point (= in a book, etc.) where his father is dying.我读到他父亲临终的部分了。牛津搭配〔preference〕The voter marks the candidates 1, 2, 3 etc, in order of preference.选民们按偏爱顺序把候选人标为1,2,3等。麦克米伦高阶〔presentation〕Improving the product's presentation(= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.)should increase sales.改进产品的呈现方式会提高销售量。牛津高阶〔quieten〕Things seem to have quietened down a bit this afternoon(= we are not so busy, etc.).今天下午,事情似乎平静些了。牛津高阶〔reason〕Only human beings are capable of reason(= of thinking in a logical way, etc.).只有人类才有理性思考的能力。牛津高阶〔receive〕The speech was well/warmly/coldly, etc. received by the conference delegates.会议代表对演讲反应良好/热烈/冷淡。剑桥高阶〔recent〕In recent times/years/months, etc. there has been an increase in the amount of violence on television.近来/几年/几个月,电视节目中的暴力内容越来越多。剑桥高阶〔regenerate〕The human body can regenerate hair, nails, etc.人体能再生头发、指甲,等等。英汉大词典〔ripple〕A ripple of excitement/unease, etc. flowed up her spine.一阵激动/不安等顺着脊背传遍了她全身。剑桥高阶〔risk〕His lawyer argued that he was not a flight risk (= that he would not try to run away, leave the country, etc.).他的律师争辨说他并不具有潜逃风险。牛津搭配〔seat〕Please wait to be seated(= in a restaurant, etc.).请等候安排入座。牛津高阶〔sense〕I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses(= what I could see, hear, etc.).我简直不敢相信自己的感觉。牛津高阶〔sequence〕Number them in sequence, 1,2,3 etc.用 1, 2, 3 等依次给它们编号。朗文当代〔set〕Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please? 你来摆一下餐桌,好吗?剑桥高阶〔share〕The group listens while one person shares(= tells other people about their experiences, feelings, etc.).一个人在谈自己的情况时,小组的其他成员在旁聆听。牛津高阶〔skater〕Extreme skaters perform jumps, spins, flips, etc.极限滑板运动员能做跳跃、旋转、空翻等动作。牛津高阶〔smoke〕Hundreds of people die each year as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke (= smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, etc.).每年有数百人死于吸二手烟。牛津搭配〔sound〕You sound just like my mother (=the things you say, opinions you express etc are just like the things my mother says).你说话听起来就像我母亲。朗文当代〔source〕The author has done extensive work in the sources —official records, manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc.作者花了很大工夫钻研原始资料——官方档案、原稿、信函、日记等等。英汉大词典〔speak〕French-speaking/ltalian-speaking etc a German-speaking secretary 会说德语的秘书朗文当代〔speech〕Speech codes have been instituted by some universities (= to stop language that is sexist, racist, etc.).有些大学已经制定了语言规范。牛津搭配〔style〕Please follow house style(= the rules of spelling, etc. used by a particular publishing company).请遵循本社的行文格式。牛津高阶〔sugar〕Do you take sugar(= have it in your tea, coffee, etc.)? 您放糖吗?牛津高阶〔suspend〕In the theatre we willingly suspend disbelief(= temporarily believe that the characters, etc. are real).在剧院看戏时,我们自愿对一切暂不置疑。牛津高阶〔swag〕The bag was full of swag from the conference: coupons, samples, pens, etc. 袋子里装满了会议赠品:优惠卷、样品、笔等等。剑桥高阶〔table〕The waiter cleared the table (=took all the plates, glasses etc off) .侍者清理了餐桌。朗文当代〔tab〕Insert tab A into slot 1(= for example to make a model, box, etc.).将凸舌 A 插入 1 号孔(如制作模型、盒子等)。牛津高阶〔thing〕Put your things(= coat, etc.)on and let's go.把你的衣服穿上,咱们就走。牛津高阶〔time〕Why is it that the buses never run on time (= make their journeys in the expected number of hours, etc.)? 为什么公交车从不准点?剑桥高阶〔title〕Give your name and title(= Mr, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc.).报出你的姓名和称谓。牛津高阶〔true〕She has always been true to herself(= done what she thought was good, right, etc.).她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。牛津高阶〔turn〕She was born around the turn of the century (= around 1900, 2000, etc.).她出生于世纪之交。剑桥高阶〔two〕He's inclined to put two and two together and make five(= reaches the wrong conclusion from what he sees, hears, etc.).他爱捕风捉影,听风就是雨。牛津高阶〔violent〕He met with a violent death(= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.).他遭暴力致死。牛津高阶〔way〕Will you be able to make your own way to the airport(= get there without help, a ride, etc.)? 你能自己去机场吗?牛津高阶〔where〕I read it somewhere - I don't know where (= in which book, newspaper, etc.).我在什么地方读到过——我不记得是在哪儿了。剑桥高阶〔where〕Where(= in what book, newspaper, etc.)did you read that? 你在哪儿读到这个的?牛津高阶〔work〕He works a large area(= selling a company's goods, etc.).他负责一个大地区的工作。牛津高阶〔worthwhile〕It was in aid of a worthwhile cause(= a charity, etc.) 这是在为高尚的事业尽一分力。牛津高阶〔zip〕Shall I zip you up(= fasten your dress, etc.)? 要我给你拉上拉链吗?牛津高阶A car manufacturer has a derived demand for manufacturing equipment, components, steel, etc. so that it can satisfy its customers.汽车制造商对生产设备、零部件及钢铁等的派生需求是为了能够满足顾客的需要。牛津商务A family man's earnings rose 5% in real terms after deducting income tax, insurance, child allowances, etc.减去所得税、保险、儿童补贴等后,一个家庭男士的收入实际增长了5%。剑桥国际A veiled statement, remark, etc. is one which is not direct or expressed clearly.不言明的;掩饰的剑桥国际After dinner, we watched the floor show (=the series of performances by singers, dancers, etc. in a restaurant).宴会后,我们观看了系列文娱表演。剑桥国际All he ever reads is junk (= books, magazines, etc. of low quality).他读的全是些乌七八糟的东西。剑桥国际All trades (= in shares, etc.) are executed through a broker.所有的(股票等的)交易都由经纪人经手完成。牛津商务Be careful what you believe--her powers of invention (=ability to think of excuses etc.) are well known.小心你该相信些什么----她的捏造能力是很有名的。剑桥国际China (= its businesses, etc.) became the second-largest importer of Japanese steel.中国成为日本钢铁的第二大进口国。牛津商务Cleaning the fireplace is a dirty job (= one that makes your clothes, hands, etc. dirty).清扫壁炉是件脏活儿。剑桥国际Declining car exports were responsible for the €2 billion current account deficit (= the amount by which money received from exports, etc. was less than money spent on imports, etc.).汽车出口下降导致 20 亿欧元经常账赤字。牛津商务Don't hold a naked flame (=one which is open to the air instead of separated from it by glass, etc.) near the fuel.在燃料附近不得使用明火。剑桥国际Earth, clay, etc. can be baked at a high temperature, until they become hard in order to make bricks.泥土、粘土等在高温下焙硬后可制砖。剑桥国际Enclose the remittance slip with your payment (= a form with details of the payment, the customer's name, etc.).付款请随附汇款单。牛津商务From outside the classroom, we could hear the children counting (out loud)--one, two, three, four, etc.我们在教室外听到孩子们在(大声)数----一、二、三、四,等等。剑桥国际Have a slice of fruit loaf (= sweet bread containing RAISINS , SULTANAS , etc.) .吃一片水果面包剑桥国际He has no descendants (= children, or children of his children, etc.) 他没有后代。剑桥国际He is dependent on his father for support (= for paying for food, a place to live, etc.).他靠父亲养他。剑桥国际He was a big man with rather heavy features (=large and obvious nose, mouth, etc.) 他是个浓眉大眼的大汉。剑桥国际He's a bad/high risk (= he is likely to cause failure, damage, etc.).他具有很大危险。剑桥国际He's a real Christian (=good, kind, helpful, etc.).他是个真正的基督教徒。剑桥国际He's currently the best defensive player (= one who prevents opposing players from scoring points, goals, etc.) on the team.他是队里现阶段最棒的防守队员。剑桥国际Her income runs into six figures (= is more than $100 000, etc.).她的收入达到了六位数(10 万元以上)。牛津商务His scale of values (= belief about what is good, moral, important, etc.) is different from mine.他(衡量好坏的)价值标准和我不一样。剑桥国际I always set my watch by the time signal (= a signal which is broadcast on the radio every hour, for example at one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, etc. to show exactly what particular point in the day it is).我总是按无线电报时信号对表。剑桥国际I had to ask my secretary to get some more stationery from (the) stores (= the place in an office, factory, etc. where equipment is kept until needed).我得让我的秘书去库房多拿些办公用品来。剑桥国际I never was much good at/with numbers (= adding, subtracting, etc.).我从来就不擅长算术。剑桥国际I read it somewhere--I don't know where (= in which book, newspaper etc.).我在某个地方读到过----可我记不得哪儿了。剑桥国际I'll have a decaffeinated (= a glass, cup, etc. of such drink), please.请给我一杯不含咖啡因的饮料。剑桥国际I'm not sure we can afford it. We'll have to look at the figures (=the accounts, costs, etc.).我不能肯定我们能支付得起。我们得看看数额。剑桥国际IT expenditure (= money spent on computers, etc.) 信息技术开支牛津商务If two pieces of equipment, people, etc. are working in tandem they are working together, esp. well or closely.协同地,联合地剑桥国际In a recession people are reluctant to splash out on consumer goods like TVs, dishwashers, etc.在经济萧条时期,人们很不愿意花钱购买类似电视机、洗碟机之类的消费品。剑桥国际It cost over $25 000 just to land the goods (= pay for their transport, taxes, etc.).仅卸货费就花了超过 2.5 万元。牛津商务It is vital for a manufacturer to have a reliable supply base (= a number of companies that supply materials, parts, etc.) 制造商有一个可靠的供应基地是至关重要的。牛津商务It isn't a very good idea to camp in the middle of an open field (= one which is not covered with trees, bushes, etc.), where there isn't any shelter.在没有任何遮蔽物的旷野中宿营不是一个很好的主意。剑桥国际It was one of those films where at the end they rode/drove/walked off into the sunset (= the film ended happily, with the main characters riding etc. away at sunset).许多电影的结尾都是大团圆,主人公迎着日落骑马/驾车而去/走去,这部也不例外。剑桥国际It's Peter's turn to clear away (=remove the plates, dishes, knives, forks, etc. from the table) and wash up today.今天轮到彼得收拾桌子并洗碗。剑桥国际It's important that buildings should fit in with their surroundings (= the other buildings, countryside, etc. around them).建筑物与周围的环境相协调是很重要的。剑桥国际Lay/set the dining/kitchen table (= put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table) and we'll have lunch.布置好餐桌,我们要吃午饭了。剑桥国际Let me help you clear away the tea things (= cups, plates, etc. that are used for having tea).让我帮你收拾茶具。剑桥国际Martha threw back the covers (=sheets etc. ) and bounced out of bed.马莎掀掉床单,从床上跳了出来。剑桥国际Most of the families lived off the land (= grew their own food etc.).大多数家庭靠土地生活。剑桥国际Put this one here, this one next to it, then another one, etc., etc. (= and so on).把这个放这儿,这个放它旁边,然后另外一个,等等,等等。剑桥国际She didn't finish her exam paper because she ran out of time (= there were not enough hours, etc. available for her to finish).她没有做完她的试题,因为时间来不及了。剑桥国际She has Russian blood in her (= a parent, grandparent, etc. of hers was Russian).她身上有俄罗斯血统。剑桥国际She has little experience in administration (=in organizing a business, etc.).她在管理方面没有什么经验。剑桥国际She has very strong opinions and tends to be quite dominating (= having or trying to have control over people, situations, etc.) 她的意见非常激烈,有控制人或事的倾向。剑桥国际She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (=shoes, hat, bag, etc.).她穿着一套绿色羊毛套装并佩戴着相称的饰品。剑桥国际She's a person of culture (=She likes and knows a lot about literature, music, art, etc.).她是有文化教养的人。剑桥国际She's a very cultured woman (=She's had a good education and knows a lot about art, music, painting, etc.).她是个文化修养极高的人。剑桥国际She's my agent (=person representing an actor, artist, writer, etc.).她是我的经纪人。剑桥国际Some illnesses are caught by coming into contact with the bodily fluids (= blood, SALIVA , etc.) of people who are suffering from them.有些疾病是通过与患有此病的人的体液(如血液、唾液等)相接触而染上的。剑桥国际Such an outspoken article lays her open to attack/criticism/ridicule (= makes her likely to be attacked, etc.).这样一篇坦率的文章使她容易受到攻击/批评/嘲笑。剑桥国际Thanks to computer animation (=photographing drawings, etc. so that they appear to move), it is now possible to make cartoon films much more quickly than in the past.由于有了电脑绘制技术,现在制作动画片要比过去快得多了。剑桥国际The 1500 metres race next week will be a chance for her to show what she's (really) made of (= how strong, brave, clever, etc. she really is).下周的1500米赛跑是显示她实力的机会。剑桥国际The Renault plant near Paris had lots of spare capacity (= it had the equipment, etc. to produce more vehicles).巴黎附近的雷诺厂拥有大量闲置的生产能力(有生产更多汽车的设备等)。牛津商务The burglar forced an entry (=broke a window, door, etc. to get into the house).盗贼破窗/门而入。剑桥国际The clock strikes the hour (= It makes a noise at one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).这个钟整点报时。剑桥国际The company makes water / space / room / etc. heaters (=ones which heat the stated thing or place).这家公司制造热水器 / 小型取暖器 / 房间取暖器。剑桥国际The family had no means of support (= way of getting the money it needed to pay for food, somewhere to live, clothes, etc.) 这家人已无法过活了。剑桥国际The flower show featured roses, peonies, etc. 花展主要展出玫瑰、牡丹等等。译典通The group has won an $8 million media buying account for an airline (= the job of buying space, etc. for its advertisements).这个集团赢得了一家航空公司价值 800 万元的广告媒体购买合约。牛津商务The library lacks access for disabled people/disabled access (= a way in which people unable to walk or unable to walk well can go into buildings, vehicles, etc.).图书馆没有残疾人通道。剑桥国际The plane went down (= fell to the ground because of an accident, bomb explosion, etc.) ten minutes after take-off.这架飞机在起飞十分钟后坠落。剑桥国际The sun, moon, stars, etc. are celestial bodies. 太阳、月亮、星星等都是天体。译典通The team's superb athleticism (=skill in running, jumping, throwing, etc. ) compensated for their lack of international experience.这个运动队高超的田径技术弥补了他们在国际比赛上的经验不足。剑桥国际The torture failed to break their spirit (= destroy their confidence, strength of mind, loyalty, etc.).酷刑并没有摧毁他们的精神力量。剑桥国际They claim to be descendants (= children, or children of the children, etc.) of a French duke.他们自称是法国一个公爵的后裔。剑桥国际Trains for Washington depart on the half-hour (=at 10###∶30, 11###∶30, etc.).去华盛顿的火车每小时的半点钟发一次车。剑桥国际Trains leave every hour on the hour (= at exactly one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).火车每小时整点发车。剑桥国际We had a cost of living increase (=Our pay was increased to cover rising prices of food, housing, etc.) in January.一月份我们的工资随生活费用调高。剑桥国际We need to proceed with / exercise caution (=be careful in taking action, making decisions, etc.) 这事我们必须谨慎地进行。剑桥国际We watched the soldiers drilling (= practising movements, marching, etc.) 我们看着士兵们进行军事操练。剑桥国际We've just bought some new garden furniture (=tables, chairs, etc. for use in the garden).我们刚买了些花园里用的新家具。剑桥国际You cannot be forced to give evidence (= say what you know, describe what you have seen, etc. in a court) against your spouse.别人不能强迫你出庭发表不利于你配偶的证词。牛津商务 |
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