

单词 drinking water
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DIRTY〕contaminated drinking water 受污染的饮用水朗文写作活用〔bacterium〕an illness caused by bacteria in drinking water 饮用水中细菌引起的疾病剑桥高阶〔boil〕boil drinking water 用煮沸方法净化饮用水英汉大词典〔clean〕clean drinking water 洁净的饮用水牛津高阶〔concentration〕allowable concentrations of pesticides in drinking water 饮用水中允许的杀虫剂浓度朗文当代〔decontaminate〕the decontamination of drinking water 饮用水净化韦氏高阶〔diabolic〕a diabolic plot to poison the city's drinking water 在城市饮水中投毒的凶残阴谋英汉大词典〔excrement〕the pollution of drinking water by untreated human excrement 未经处理的人体排泄物对饮用水的污染牛津高阶〔filter〕filter the drinking water 过滤饮用水英汉大词典〔infect〕to infect the drinking water with sewage污水污染了饮用水21世纪英汉〔in〕the bacteria in our drinking water 在我们饮用水里的细菌麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕monitored the city's drinking water for impurities.测试城市的饮用水中的杂质美国传统〔nitrate〕high levels of nitrates in drinking water 饮用水中高含量的硝酸盐朗文当代〔pure〕pure drinking water (food) 洁净的饮用水(食物) 英汉大词典〔purity〕the purity of drinking water 饮用水的纯净文馨英汉〔purity〕the purity of drinking water 饮用水的纯净英汉大词典〔taint〕tainted drinking water 污染的饮用水牛津高阶〔unclean〕unclean drinking water 不干净的饮用水麦克米伦高阶〔unclean〕unclean drinking water 不洁净的饮用水朗文当代




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