

单词 envy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕Arthur's enormous wealth excited the envy of his rivals. 阿瑟的巨额财富引起了他对手的妒忌。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕The poor viewed with envy the increasing wealth of the bourgeoisie. 穷人十分羡慕资产阶级不断增长的财富。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕Before you get green with envy, I had to do a lot of stuff that wasn't so glamorous, too. 你先别忙着妒忌,我也是做了许多默默无闻的事的。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕It was difficult to hide her envy as Jim described his new job. 吉姆说起自己的新工作时,她难以掩饰心中的妒忌。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕The country has a low crime rate that is the envy of most other countries. 该国的犯罪率很低,令其他许多国家非常羡慕。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕He was motivated by greed, envy, and the lust for power. 他受了贪婪、妒忌和权力欲的驱使。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕He couldn't hide his envy from her. 他在她面前掩饰不住自己的嫉妒。朗文写作活用〔above〕A true gentleman is above envy, jealousy or vindictiveness.一个真正有教养的人是没有妒忌猜疑或报复心的。21世纪英汉〔amass〕Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has amassed.他积聚了大笔财富,这引起了一些同事的忌妒。剑桥高阶〔amount〕Dina encountered a fair amount of envy among her colleagues.迪娜遭到了不少同事的妒嫉。朗文当代〔be green with envy〕Chad is heading off to Spain for the week, and I'm green with envy.查德要去西班牙呆上一星期,真让我眼红。剑桥高阶〔better〕The poor did not envy their betters.穷人不妒忌比他们更优越的人。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕She was caught between envy and admiration.她不知是该妒忌还是该羡慕。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕She was caught between envy and admiration.她说不清自己是嫉妒还是羡慕。外研社新世纪〔cupidity〕They gazed with envy and cupidity at the noble mansions.他们以妒忌与贪婪的眼光注视著那些富丽堂皇的大厦。文馨英汉〔devour〕She was devoured by envy and hatred.她心中充满嫉妒和憎恨。牛津高阶〔do down〕Glover thinks that Smith did him down, perhaps out of envy.格洛弗认为史密斯说他坏话,也许是出于嫉妒。柯林斯高阶〔eat up〕He was eaten up with envy of his brother's success.他因嫉妒哥哥的成功而陷入烦恼。韦氏高阶〔eaten up〕Don't waste your time being eaten up with envy.不要为嫉妒所吞噬而白白让时间溜走。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕Britain is now the envy of the world's record companies.英国现在是全世界唱片公司羡慕的对象。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕Britain is now the envy of the world's record companies.英国现在是全世界唱片公司艳羡的对象。外研社新世纪〔envy〕British television is the envy of the world (= is admired by everyone).英国的电视令世人羡慕。牛津搭配〔envy〕British television is the envy of the world.英国电视节目令世人羡慕。牛津高阶〔envy〕Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.渐渐地,他开始承认自己羡慕母亲。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕He couldn't conceal his envy of me.他掩饰不住对我的忌妒。牛津高阶〔envy〕He was filled with envy of me (at my success).他对我 (的成功) 妒忌 (或羡慕) 极了。英汉大词典〔envy〕He was sure that other drivers looked at him with envy.他确信别的司机羡慕地看着他。麦克米伦高阶〔envy〕He watched the others with envy.他羡慕地看着其他人。朗文当代〔envy〕Her car was an object of envy among her friends.她的汽车是朋友们羡慕的对象。牛津搭配〔envy〕Her hair is the envy of the office.她的一头秀发令同办公室的人好生羡慕。剑桥高阶〔envy〕Her sisters watched with envy.她的姐妹们眼红地看着。外研社新世纪〔envy〕Her youth and looks aroused extreme envy in her rivals.她的青春美貌使她的对手非常嫉妒。牛津搭配〔envy〕His new house was the envy of all his friends.他的新居成了他所有朋友的羡慕对象。英汉大词典〔envy〕I envy a person like you very much.我特别羡慕像你这样的人。外研社新世纪〔envy〕I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before.她与人初次见面就能侃侃而谈,这真让我羡慕。剑桥高阶〔envy〕I envy people who are always confident.我羡慕那些总是很自信的人。麦克米伦高阶〔envy〕I envy the way you've made so many friends.我羡慕你怎么交到这么多的朋友。韦氏高阶〔envy〕I envy you for your large group of friends.我羡慕你有一大帮朋友。韦氏高阶〔envy〕I envy you having such a close family.我羡慕你有这么一个关系紧密的家庭。牛津高阶〔envy〕I envy you your view of the ocean.我羡慕你对海洋的看法。麦克米伦高阶〔envy〕I detected a tinge of envy in her tone.我觉察出她的语气中有一丝嫉妒。牛津搭配〔envy〕I don't envy her that job.我不羡慕她有那份工作。牛津高阶〔envy〕I don't envy you the job of cooking for all those people.为所有那些人做饭,你这种工作我可不眼红。剑桥高阶〔envy〕I don't envy you!我并不忌妒你!外研社新世纪〔envy〕I felt a twinge of envy for the people who lived there.我对住在那儿的人产生过一阵嫉妒。牛津搭配〔envy〕I felt a twinge of envy when I saw them together.看到他们在一起,我感到一阵忌妒。朗文当代〔envy〕I had no envy of his success.我对他的成功一点儿也不嫉妒。牛津搭配〔envy〕I have a rich brother and a lot of people envy the fact.我有个有钱的兄弟,很多人都因此羡慕我。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕I look with envy on those lucky people with big families.我羡慕地看着那些有大家庭的幸运儿。牛津搭配〔envy〕I really envy you and Ian, you seem so happy together.我确实羡慕你和伊恩,你俩在一起好像过得很幸福。朗文当代〔envy〕I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羡慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。牛津搭配〔envy〕I watched with envy as she set off for the airport.看着她动身去机场,我心中好生羡慕。剑桥高阶〔envy〕It would be unfair to envy him his good fortune.因为他运气好就忌妒他并不公平。外研社新世纪〔envy〕It's a difficult situation you're in. I don't envy you.你的处境很困难,我不会羡慕你。牛津高阶〔envy〕She could see that all the other girls were green with envy (=feeling a lot of envy) .她看得出其他女孩都很眼红。朗文当代〔envy〕She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒的痛苦。牛津高阶〔envy〕She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.她的生活方式会令大多数人感到羡慕。朗文当代〔envy〕Their exotic vacations inspired envy in/among their friends.他们充满异国风情的假期让朋友们羡慕。韦氏高阶〔envy〕Their new pool made them the envy of their neighbors.他们的新游泳池受到邻居的羡慕美国传统〔envy〕They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.他们凝视着这座雕像, 既为它的美丽所折服, 又心生妒忌。外研社新世纪〔envy〕They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.他们心情复杂地凝视着这尊雕像,既为它的美丽折服又心生忌妒。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们羡慕地看着她最近买到的东西。牛津高阶〔envy〕To feel envy toward.对…感到羡慕美国传统〔envy〕To regard with envy.羡慕地看待美国传统〔envy〕We are in the midst of an economic recovery that is the envy of the world.我们正处于令全世界羡慕的经济复苏之中。麦克米伦高阶〔envy〕We watched with envy as the yacht slid past us.我们羡慕地看着那艘快艇从我们身边驶过。韦氏高阶〔envy〕You're going to have to tell her, and I don't envy you.得由你去告诉她,幸亏不是我。麦克米伦高阶〔fullness〕I envy him the fullness of his life (= how busy and interesting his life is).我真羡慕他那充实的生活。剑桥高阶〔green〕His brother's success made him green with envy.他哥哥的成功让他十分嫉妒。韦氏高阶〔green〕I was green with envy as I watched him drive away in his new car.看着他开着一辆新车走了, 我嫉妒得不得了。外研社新世纪〔green〕I'm green with envy when I go to Bristol and see their facilities.我去布里斯托尔见到他们的设备,真羡慕极了。英汉大词典〔hater〕He's faced jealousy, envy, and haters.他面对的是妒忌、羡慕和嫉恨。外研社新世纪〔hell〕Envy like yours is a hell of a good motive for murder.你那种嫉妒心构成了谋杀的充分理由。朗文当代〔jaundiced〕Affected by or exhibiting envy, prejudice, or hostility.不满的:带有妒嫉、偏见或有敌意的美国传统〔jealousy〕Her beauty causes envy and jealousy.她的美丽惹来了羡慕和忌妒。外研社新世纪〔jealousy〕Her beauty causes envy and jealousy.她的美貌惹来嫉妒和羡慕。柯林斯高阶〔let〕She found it quite hard to let go of her feelings of envy.她觉得她很难不去忌妒。外研社新世纪〔lifestyle〕They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.他们享有很多人都会妒忌的收入和生活方式。外研社新世纪〔lifestyle〕They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.他们的收入和生活方式会令很多人都羡慕不已。柯林斯高阶〔maybe〕Maybe there is jealousy, but I think the envy is more powerful.也许是羡慕,但我认为更多的是嫉妒。柯林斯高阶〔mixture〕They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.他们带着一种恐惧、嫉妒和敬畏交织在一起的复杂心情望着他。柯林斯高阶〔mixture〕They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.他们看了他一眼, 眼神里夹杂着恐惧、嫉妒和敬畏。外研社新世纪〔note〕There was a note of desperation (warning, envy, sarcasm, respect) in what he said.他的话带有一种绝望(警告,羡慕,讥讽,尊敬)的口气。英汉大词典〔number〕Tod really did a number on the old house. I don't envy the new tenants.托德把那所老房子搞得一塌糊涂,我可不羡慕新的租户。朗文当代〔other〕Do you envy other women who seem to manage their lives better? 你是否妒忌其他似乎把生活安排得更好的女人?朗文当代〔pinch〕Stephanie felt a pinch of envy.斯蒂芬妮觉得有一点点羡慕。外研社新世纪〔politics〕The party is trying to exploit the politics of class envy.该党正试图利用阶级相争的策略。麦克米伦高阶〔remain〕Japan's low crime rate remains the envy of the industrialized world.日本的低犯罪率依然让发达国家感到羡慕。麦克米伦高阶〔say〕I can't say I envy her being married to him! 我可不会羡慕她嫁给他!朗文当代〔seal〕Their voices held the seal of envy.他们的嗓音里含有嫉妒的意味。英汉大词典〔shadow〕Envy has always been the shadow of success.妒忌与成功总是如影随形。外研社新世纪〔squint-eyed〕Looking askance, as in envy.因嫉妒而斜视看的美国传统〔stab〕She felt a stab of envy when she saw all the expensive presents Zoe had been given for Christmas.她看到佐伊圣诞节收到的那些贵重礼物,顿生妒意。剑桥高阶〔stirring〕She felt a faint stirring of envy when she heard that one of her colleagues had been promoted.当她听说一个同事升职之后,心里感觉有点儿妒忌。剑桥高阶〔symbolically〕Symbolically, the color green represents envy.从象征意义看,绿色代表嫉妒。韦氏高阶〔the seven deadly sins〕The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger, and sloth.七宗原罪是:贪婪、嫉妒、贪吃、淫荡、傲慢、愤怒和懒惰。剑桥高阶〔thinly〕He looked at Frank's new car with thinly veiled envy.他带着掩饰不住的嫉妒看着弗兰克的新车。朗文当代〔tinge〕Could there have been a slight tinge of envy in Eva's voice?伊娃的声音里是不是显现过一丝羡慕?外研社新世纪〔tint〕Her admiration was tinted with envy.她的赞美之中含有妒意。21世纪英汉〔twinge〕I must admit to a twinge of envy.我得承认我突然有点忌妒。韦氏高阶〔twist〕His envy showed in a twist of the mouth.他嘴巴一歪显出妒忌的样子。英汉大词典〔unconsciously〕Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔unconscious〕Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔vice〕Greed, pride, envy, and lust are considered to be vices.贪婪、骄傲、妒忌和淫欲都被视为罪恶。剑桥高阶〔vice〕The human vices include greed and envy.人类的劣性包括贪婪和嫉妒。外研社新世纪〔world〕We all envy the Bill Gateses of this world(= the people who are as rich and successful as Bill Gates).我们大家都羡慕比尔 · 盖茨这样的人。牛津高阶〔write〕Envy was written all over his face.他满脸嫉妒。外研社新世纪Greed, pride, envy, dishonesty, and lust are considered to be vices.贪婪、自傲、忌妒、不诚实以及色欲都被认为是邪恶。剑桥国际He's got the sort of physique that many top athletes would envy.他具有许多顶尖运动员都要羡慕的体格。剑桥国际His success made his opponent broil with envy. 他的成功使他的对手妒火中烧。译典通His talent is the envy of his colleagues. 他的同事都羡慕他的才能。译典通I envy her ability to start conversations with people she's never met before.我羡慕她和素昧平生的人见面就能交谈的本事。剑桥国际I envy him the fullness of his life (=how busy and interesting his life is).我真羡慕他那充实的生活。剑桥国际I envy you your good luck. 我羡慕你的好运。译典通I am green with envy. 我羡慕极了。译典通I don't envy you the job of cooking for all those people.我不羡慕你给所有那些人做饭的工作。剑桥国际She felt a faint stirring of envy when she heard that one of her colleagues had been promoted.当听说她的一个同事被提拔后,她感到有些嫉妒。剑桥国际She felt a stab of envy when she saw all the expensive presents her friend had been given for Christmas.看见她朋友收到的贵重圣诞礼物时,她突然感到一阵嫉妒。剑桥国际She has a certain careless simplicity about her which I rather envy.我相当羡慕她的天然纯朴。剑桥国际She said it out of envy. 她出于嫉妒说了这话。译典通Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has amassed.一些同事嫉妒他所积聚下来的巨大财富。剑桥国际The family enjoys living standards that are the envy of (= liked and wanted by) visitors to their estate.这家人所享有的生活水平为前来他们庄园的参观者羡慕不已。剑桥国际They felt a lot of envy towards the youngest sister because she was so pretty and popular.他们都嫉妒最小的妹妹,因为她又漂亮,又讨人喜欢。剑桥国际




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