

单词 domesticated
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Houdan〕A domesticated fowl characterized by black-and-white plumage and a V-shaped comb.奥当鸡:一种家禽,其特点是羽毛为黑白相间色,其冠呈"V"字型美国传统〔cholera〕Any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis.霍乱:以鸡、火鸡、猪等家畜所患的几种严重的胃肠炎为特征的疾病中任何一种美国传统〔cow〕A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age.不分性别和年龄的家牛美国传统〔dog〕A male animal of the family Canidae, especially of the fox or a domesticated breed.雄性兽:犬科雄兽,尤用于狐狸和家养犬美国传统〔domesticable〕She was fully domesticated by then,washing the dishes and taking out the garbage.从那以后她非常习惯于家务,刷碗碟和清除垃圾。21世纪英汉〔domesticable〕Since they had their baby they've both quite domesticated.自从他们有了自己的婴儿,他们两个都已变得习惯于家庭生活了。21世纪英汉〔domesticable〕The wheat is one of the most important plants to be domesticated.小麦是被本地化的最重要的植物之一。21世纪英汉〔domesticated〕He is thoroughly domesticated and cooks a delicious chicken casserole.他完全适应了家居生活,烹制的砂锅炖小鸡非常可口。牛津搭配〔domesticated〕Mum wasn't very domesticated.妈妈不是很喜欢干家务活。柯林斯高阶〔domesticated〕Mum wasn't very domesticated.妈妈不是很居家。外研社新世纪〔domesticated〕Ray's very domesticated and even likes baking cakes.雷很喜欢做家务,他甚至爱烤蛋糕。朗文当代〔domesticated〕She's a domesticated woman.她是个习于家事的女人。文馨英汉〔domesticated〕Since they had their baby they've both become quite domesticated.自从有了孩子之后,他们两人都变得很会做家务了。剑桥高阶〔domesticated〕These animals are only partly domesticated.这些动物只是部分驯化了。牛津搭配〔domesticate〕Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.狗很可能是最早被驯化的动物。剑桥高阶〔domesticate〕Horses and oxen have been domesticated to work on farms.马和牛已经被驯养来干农活。韦氏高阶〔domesticate〕Humans have domesticated dogs/cattle/chickens.人类已经驯化了狗/牛/鸡。韦氏高阶〔domesticate〕Native Americans domesticated corn.美洲土著居民培植了玉米。韦氏高阶〔domesticate〕They've become a lot more domesticated since they got marri ed.他们婚后恋家多了。牛津高阶〔domesticate〕We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting.我们驯狗来帮我们打猎。外研社新世纪〔domesticate〕We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting.我们驯狗来帮我们打猎。柯林斯高阶〔domestic〕Tame or domesticated. Used of animals.驯养的。用于动物美国传统〔dovecote〕A compartmental structure, often raised on a pole, for housing domesticated pigeons.鸽房:挂在杆子上让家鸽栖息的屋状结构美国传统〔duck〕Any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.鸭:鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足美国传统〔haw〕A nictitating membrane, especially of a domesticated animal.瞬膜:尤指驯养动物的瞬膜美国传统〔hog〕Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the boar and the wart hog.猪:猪科动物的各类哺乳动物,包括家养猪及野猪和疣猪等野生猪美国传统〔mesolithic〕They believe that dogs were domesticated during the mesolithic age.他们相信狗是在中石器时代被驯化的。剑桥高阶〔offspring〕Most 'wild' horses are the offspring of domesticated animals that have been turned loose over the centuries.大多数“野”马都是几百年来被散养的家马的后代。外研社新世纪〔potbellied pig〕A small domesticated pig native to Vietnam, often raised as a house pet, having a saddle-shaped back and usually dark coloration.迷你猪:原产于越南的小家猪,通常作为家庭宠物喂养,北部呈鞍状,肤色通常较黑美国传统〔sire〕Abbr. s.The male parent of an animal, especially a domesticated mammal such as a horse.缩写 s.雄性种畜:动物亲代中雄性的一方,尤指被驯化的哺乳动物,例如马美国传统〔swinepox〕An acute infectious disease of domesticated swine caused by a virus and characterized by skin lesions.猪痘:由某种病毒引起的家猪的急性感染性疾病,特征是皮肤有损伤美国传统〔tame〕Brought from wildness into a domesticated or tractable state.驯化的:从野生状态被带入一种养驯的或温顺状态的美国传统〔white rat〕A domesticated albino variety of the Norway rat.白鼠:挪威鼠中被驯化了的白化变种鼠美国传统〔wild turkey〕A wild variety of turkey, especially one from which the common domesticated North American turkey is developed.野吐绶鸡,野火鸡:一种野生的火鸡,尤指一般北美家养火鸡的原种火鸡美国传统〔yak〕A domesticated yak, used as a work animal or raised for meat and milk.牦牛:一种家用牦牛,用作干活的牲畜或为其肉和奶而饲养美国传统Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk. 驯养奶牛是为了给我们提供牛奶。译典通In spite of her efforts, Hunt had not quite domesticated. 虽然她想尽了办法,亨特仍不常在家住。译典通She is not at all domesticated. 她一点不爱做家务。译典通Sheep and cows were two of the most important animals to be domesticated (= brought under human control in order to produce food).羊和牛是两种重要的被驯养的家畜。剑桥国际Since they had their baby they've both become quite domesticated (= they enjoy being at home and taking care of a house and family).自从有了孩子,他们都开始喜欢家庭生活了。剑桥国际The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass which has been used for thousands of years for carrying heavy loads.驴是非洲野驴的一种已驯化的品种,几千年来一直被用来驮载重物。剑桥国际




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