

单词 exhalation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breathe〕Linguistics To utter with a voiceless exhalation of air.【语言学】 发清音美国传统〔effluvium〕A usually invisible emanation or exhalation, as of vapor or gas.无形排放气:常指看不见的排放物,如蒸气或气体等美国传统〔exhalant〕An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation.发散管:用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管美国传统〔exhalant〕Functioning in exhalation.散发性的:具有蒸发或发散功能的美国传统〔exhalation〕Milton let out his breath in a long exhalation.米尔顿长长地呼出一口气。柯林斯高阶〔exhalation〕Milton let out his breath in a long exhalation.米尔顿长长地舒了一口气。外研社新世纪〔expiration〕The act of breathing out; exhalation.呼出;呼气美国传统〔puff〕A short, forceful exhalation of breath.喘息:短促而有力的呼气美国传统〔sigh〕To express with or as if with an audible exhalation.叹气地说:以或似以可听得见的吐气表示美国传统〔stridor〕Pathology A harsh, high-pitched sound in inhalation or exhalation.【病理学】 喘鸣:呼气或吸气时尖锐的高音美国传统




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