

单词 exerting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔compulsory〕Employing or exerting compulsion; coercive.强制的:使用或施加压力的;强迫的美国传统〔exertion〕The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.那个囊肿正在引起肿胀,压迫着她的大脑。柯林斯高阶〔exertion〕Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realise how much they're exerting themselves.年轻人如此地沉浸其中,他们没有意识到自己有多么努力。柯林斯高阶〔exert〕Environmental groups are exerting pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.环境保护组织在向政府施加压力,要求强化污染法规。朗文当代〔exert〕He's been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.他一直在施加种种压力要我改变主意。英汉大词典〔exert〕The cyst was exerting pressure on her brain.囊肿在压迫她的大脑。外研社新世纪〔exert〕Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realize how much they're exerting themselves.年轻人太投入, 都没有意识到他们有多努力。外研社新世纪〔head〕The liquid or gas exerting the pressure.泡沫:产生压力的液体或气体美国传统〔influence〕He denies exerting any political influence over them.他否认对他们施加了任何政治压力。柯林斯高阶〔influence〕They were accused of exerting undue influence (=too much influence) on voters.他们被指责对投票者施加过度影响。朗文当代〔low-pressure〕Having, working under, or exerting little pressure.低压的:几乎没有压力的,在几乎没有压力下工作的,或几乎不施加压力的美国传统〔malefic〕Having or exerting a malignant influence.有害的:具有或产生不良影响的美国传统〔mascon〕A mare on the moon having rock of greater density than that of the surrounding area, thus exerting a slightly higher gravitational force.质量密集:月球上的阴暗部,其内部岩石比周围地区的岩石的密度大,因此产生略大些的引力美国传统〔powerful〕Having or capable of exerting power.有力的,有威力的:具有权利或能够施加权力的美国传统〔purchase〕An advantage that is used in exerting one's power.优势:某人实现权利所使用的利益手段美国传统〔push〕To move (an object) by exerting force against it; thrust or shove.推开,挤开:为移动(某物体)而对其施加力量;猛推或挤美国传统〔strong〕Physically powerful; capable of exerting great physical force.强壮的:身体强壮的;能运用强大体力的美国传统〔tractive〕Serving to pull or draw; exerting traction.牵引的:用来拉或拽的;产生牵引力的美国传统By exerting all of his strength he could just move the crate.他使足了劲也只能移动那只板条箱。剑桥国际The armed forces have a long history of exerting powerful behind-the-scenes influence during times of civilian rule.在文职人员掌权的年代里,军方长期在幕后施加有力的影响。剑桥国际We will be exerting our right to retrieve our property.我们将行使我们的权利索回我们的财产。牛津商务




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