

单词 house
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LEAVE〕to leave your house and go to live in another one 离家去别处居住朗文写作活用〔Plantagenet〕the House of Plantagenet 金雀花王室文馨英汉〔STAY〕someone who is staying in a hotel or someone's house 住在旅馆或别人家里的人朗文写作活用〔aglimmer〕a house aglimmer with light 灯光闪烁的房屋文馨英汉〔air〕a house with central air 装有中央空调的房子韦氏高阶〔among〕a little house among the trees.掩映于树丛中的小房子柯林斯高阶〔authorize〕commissioned the real-estate agent to purchase the house for us; 委托不动产代理机构为我们购买房屋;美国传统〔a〕a Democratic White House 由民主党人任总统的白宫 英汉大词典〔backside〕run to the backside of the house 向屋后跑英汉大词典〔baronial〕a splendid baronial house 富丽堂皇的房子朗文当代〔barrier〕a severe storm, which destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake.猛烈的暴风雨摧毁了房子和湖之间的一道天然屏障柯林斯高阶〔big〕a big house 大房子朗文当代〔burnt out〕a burnt-out house 一座被烧毁的房子剑桥高阶〔burn〕a house that burned to the ground; eggs that burned and stuck to the pan.被烧毁的房屋;烤焦了粘在平锅上的鸡蛋美国传统〔chief of staff〕the White House Chief of Staff 白宫幕僚长韦氏高阶〔class〕an expensive class of house 高档房屋英汉大词典〔collect〕water tanks which collect rainwater from the house roof.积存屋顶雨水的水箱柯林斯高阶〔corking〕a perfectly corking house 一幢顶呱呱的房子英汉大词典〔corner〕a restaurant just round the corner from the house 离房屋不远处的一家餐馆英汉大词典〔corruption〕placed under house arrest after corruption allegations因腐败指控而被软禁外研社新世纪〔deed〕the deeds of the house 房契牛津高阶〔desolate〕a desolate old house 废旧的房屋英汉大词典〔equivalent〕the price we would pay elsewhere for a broadly equivalent house 我们在其他地方购买大致相同的房子要付的价钱牛津搭配〔fall〕a big fall in house prices 房价的大幅下降牛津搭配〔farthest〕the part of the garden farthest from the house 花园离房子最远的那部份牛津高阶〔fire〕fire a house 放火烧屋 英汉大词典〔flourish〕a house with many clever little flourishes 有很多巧妙的小装饰的房子韦氏高阶〔harlot〕a harlot house 妓院英汉大词典〔house〕house farm tools in a shed 把农具放在棚屋里 英汉大词典〔house〕a publishing house 出版社剑桥高阶〔house〕the House of Windsor 英国王室英汉大词典〔house〕the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院剑桥高阶〔house〕to house someone.给某人安排住处。牛津同义词〔hunt〕hunt for a house to let 寻找一所出租房屋英汉大词典〔interior〕an interior view of a house 房屋的内观英汉大词典〔into〕live into the house 住在这屋子里英汉大词典〔journal〕the house journal of Southern Gas 南方燃气公司的内部刊物牛津搭配〔lake〕a house on the lake 临湖的房子牛津搭配〔life span〕the average life span of house cats 家猫的平均寿命韦氏高阶〔made-to-order〕look for a made-to-order house 寻找一栋非常适合的房子文馨英汉〔natural gas〕a house heated by natural gas 靠天然气取暖的房屋韦氏高阶〔of〕a house of prayer 教堂英汉大词典〔opera house〕the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院朗文当代〔perspective〕an architect's perspective of a house 建筑师的一幅房屋透视图英汉大词典〔pitfall〕the potential pitfalls of buying a house 购买房屋可能遇到的圈套牛津高阶〔pool〕the White House press pool.白宫的记者团.美国传统〔poorly〕a poorly built house 草率搭建的房屋英汉大词典〔private〕a very attractive country house set within a uniquely beautiful and private position.坐落在风景独特的僻静之处的非常别致的乡间别墅柯林斯高阶〔raid〕a police raid upon a gambling house 警方对赌场的突袭查抄英汉大词典〔reconstruct〕reconstruct the house 改建房屋英汉大词典〔sacrifice〕to sacrifice one's house for needs因急需现钱而贱价出让房产21世纪英汉〔set〕set fire to a house 放火烧房子英汉大词典〔steep〕a steep increase in house prices 房价的急剧上涨朗文当代〔tailor-made〕furniture tailor-made for a small house 非常适合小房子的家具文馨英汉〔top〕a house in top condition 修葺状况极好的房子英汉大词典〔to〕a house [room] to rent 房屋[房间]出租文馨英汉〔unoccupied〕an unoccupied house 闲置的房屋牛津高阶〔unpretentious〕a large but unpretentious house 大而简朴的房子 英汉大词典〔weathered〕a house of weathered shingles.木瓦屋板受到风雨侵蚀的房子美国传统〔weather〕a house paint that weathers well.耐久性好的房屋油漆美国传统




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