

单词 fibrous membrane
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aponeurosis〕A sheetlike fibrous membrane, resembling a flattened tendon, that serves as a fascia to bind muscles together or as a means of connecting muscle to bone.腱膜:薄片状类似平肌腱的纤维膜,它可作为筋膜使肌肉结合起来或作为使肌肉和骨骼连结起来的媒介美国传统〔perichondrium〕The fibrous membrane of connective tissue covering the surface of cartilage except at the endings of joints.软骨膜:包在软骨外的除关节软骨以外纤维结缔组织膜美国传统〔periosteum〕The dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones except at the joints and serving as an attachment for muscles and tendons.骨膜:覆着骨表面的致密膜,关节处除外,起连接肌肉和筋腱的作用美国传统〔suspensory ligament〕A ligament that supports an organ or a body part, especially a fibrous membrane that holds the lens of the eye in place.悬韧带:支撑一器官或身体部位的韧带,尤指固定眼球晶体的纤维膜美国传统




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