

单词 drill
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FAST〕a high-speed drill 高速钻孔机朗文写作活用〔attachment〕an attachment for an electric drill 电钻的附件英汉大词典〔bite〕a drill that bites through steel plates 能穿透钢板的钻子英汉大词典〔bit〕a drill bit 钻头朗文当代〔cordless〕a cordless drill 无线电钻朗文当代〔deeply〕to drill deeply into the wood (钻头)往木头深处钻牛津高阶〔drill into〕to drill discipline into soldiers通过反复训练使战士们牢记守纪律的必要性21世纪英汉〔drill into〕to drill into the wooden board钻进木板21世纪英汉〔drill in〕to drill in a well钻入产油层打出一口油井21世纪英汉〔drill in〕to drill students in English grammar对学生进行英语语法训练21世纪英汉〔drill in〕to drill students in pronunciation在发音方面训练学生21世纪英汉〔drill in〕to drill the class in maths让班上学生做数学练习21世纪英汉〔drill〕drill (up) a road 在道路上钻孔英汉大词典〔drill〕drill a board 在木板上钻孔文馨英汉〔drill〕drill a tooth for a filling 在牙齿上钻洞镶补英汉大词典〔drill〕drill for oil 钻井勘探石油英汉大词典〔drill〕drill for oil 钻采石油文馨英汉〔drill〕drill holes an inch apart 每隔一英寸打一个孔英汉大词典〔drill〕drill into the wood 钻进木头英汉大词典〔drill〕drill knowledge (an idea) into sb. (或sb.'s head) 通过练习向某人传授知识(灌输一种想法)英汉大词典〔drill〕drill out samples of Martian earth 钻取火星土壤的样品英汉大词典〔drill〕drill sb. between the eyes 击中某人的眉心英汉大词典〔drill〕drill the bad bits out of a person's teeth 把某人牙齿蛀坏的部钻掉文馨英汉〔drill〕drill the bad bits out of a tooth 把牙齿上蛀坏的部分钻掉英汉大词典〔drill〕a drill bit(= the pointed part at the end of the drill) 钻头牛津高阶〔drill〕a fire drill 消防演习麦克米伦高阶〔drill〕a hand drill 手钻牛津高阶〔drill〕a pronunciation drill 发音练习朗文当代〔drill〕a spelling/pronunciation drill 拼写/发音练习剑桥高阶〔drill〕an electric drill 电钻牛津高阶〔drill〕an electric/pneumatic drill 电/风钻剑桥高阶〔drill〕an electric/power drill 电钻;动力钻韦氏高阶〔drill〕build up a habit by drill 通过训练养成习惯英汉大词典〔drill〕conducted an air-raid drill; a drill for learning the multiplication tables.进行空袭演习;学习乘法表的一项练习美国传统〔drill〕do half-an-hour of drill after tea 喝茶后训练半小时英汉大词典〔drill〕infantry drill 步兵操练英汉大词典〔drill〕proposals to drill for more oil进一步勘探石油的提议外研社新世纪〔drill〕rifle drill 步枪操练朗文当代〔drill〕rifle drill 步枪操练牛津高阶〔drill〕the close drill 基本教,密集队形教练文馨英汉〔drill〕the dentist's drill 牙钻韦氏高阶〔drill〕the prolonged drill of the night insects 夜间各种昆虫不停的尖声啾鸣英汉大词典〔drill〕to drill an oil well钻出一口油井21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill boulders for inserting dynamite在巨石上打眼以便装炸药21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill recruits in the use of weapons训练新兵用武器21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill soldiers in the use of bayonets训练士兵使用刺刀21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill soldiers.训练士兵。牛津同义词〔drill〕to drill through a metal plate钻通金属板21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill through something.钻通某物。牛津同义词〔evacuation〕a fire evacuation drill 火灾疏散演练牛津搭配〔man〕a drill sergeant who would work with the men at least one hour every morning.每天早晨至少和士兵操练一小时的操练中士柯林斯高阶〔man〕a drill sergeant who would work with the men at least one hour every morning一名每天早晨至少操练士兵一小时的教官外研社新世纪〔order〕drill order训练装备外研社新世纪〔plug〕a power drill that plugs in.插上电源的电钻美国传统〔pneumatic〕the sound of a pneumatic drill hammering away.风钻钻个不停的轰鸣声柯林斯高阶〔practice〕drill pupils in the multiplication tables; 让学生们练习乘法口诀表;美国传统〔recruit〕raw recruits marching up and down with the drill instructor 在教官的带领下齐步行进的新兵牛津搭配〔shank〕the shank of a drill bit 钻头柄韦氏高阶〔tideland〕drill wells in the tidelands 在领海底地掘井英汉大词典〔tipped〕a diamond-tipped drill bit 镶金刚石的钻头韦氏高阶




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