

单词 amorphous
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔amorphous〕an amorphous boundary 不定的边界英汉大词典〔amorphous〕an amorphous cloud mass 一团乱云英汉大词典〔amorphous〕an amorphous institution like Congress 一个像国会那样散漫的机构英汉大词典〔amorphous〕an amorphous mass of buildings and highways 一大片不规则的建筑和公路麦克米伦高阶〔amorphous〕an amorphous mass of cells with no identity at all 不知何物的杂乱一团的细胞牛津高阶〔amorphous〕an amorphous mass of jelly 一团稀软的果冻剑桥高阶〔amorphous〕an amorphous mass of twisted metal 一堆扭曲变形的金属朗文当代〔amorphous〕an amorphous mineral 非结晶质矿石英汉大词典〔amorphous〕an amorphous political programme 含糊不清的政纲英汉大词典〔amorphous〕an amorphous segment of society 杂乱无章的一类社会群体韦氏高阶〔amorphous〕an amorphous shape 不规则的形状韦氏高阶〔amorphous〕lifeless and amorphous routine 毫无生气的例行公事英汉大词典〔amorphous〕the amorphous mass of the unemployed.散漫的失业人群柯林斯高阶〔amorphous〕the amorphous mass of the unemployed形形色色的失业群体外研社新世纪〔shapeless〕an amorphous cloud of insects; 一大群密密麻麻的昆虫;美国传统




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