单词 | ended |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The execution ended a 14-year battle to have Bannister's death sentence overturned. 班尼斯特被处决了,这结束了为推翻他的死刑判决而进行的长达14年的斗争。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The lessons began and ended at fixed times. 上下课的时间是固定的。朗文写作活用〔COMPLAIN〕The uprising at Southport prison ended after inmates were allowed to air their grievances to the media. 犯人被允许向媒体诉说不满之后,绍斯波特监狱的暴动平息了下去。朗文写作活用〔DESERVE〕The game ended in a well-deserved victory for the German team. 比赛以德国队获胜告终,这是理所当然的。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕The vacation package we bought ended up being a total rip-off. 我们花了钱的包价旅游结果被人宰了一刀。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Some drunks began calling us names and we ended up getting into a punch-up. 几个醉鬼开始骂起我们来,最后大家就打了一架。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕The priest ended the service by saying a short prayer. 牧师作了个短短的祷告结束了礼拜。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The drought has ended at last, and the reservoirs are filling up again. 干旱终于过去了,水库又满了。朗文写作活用〔INSIST〕I didn't want to go to the party, but he was adamant and we ended up going. 我不想去参加聚会,可他坚持要去,最后我们还是去了。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Sergei Rebrov scored the goal that finally ended an enthralling match. 谢尔盖·雷布罗夫射入一球,终于结束了这场引人入胜的比赛。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕She ended her days in poverty. 她在穷困潦倒中度过余生。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕An attempt to rescue the American hostages ended in disaster when a helicopter crashed. 一架直升机坠毁,营救美国人质的行动以灾难告终。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕The riots ended with long jail terms for 338 mobsters. 骚乱以338名暴徒被判长期监禁结束。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕The latest attempt to reach a peace settlement ended in failure. 最近一次和平解决的尝试以失败告终。朗文写作活用〔SCORE〕The game ended in a tie. 比赛打成了平局。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The second game was very exciting, but it ended in a tie. 第二场比赛打得很精彩,不过最后是平局。朗文写作活用〔Solon〕Athenian lawgiver and poet. His reforms preserved a class system based on wealth but ended privilege by birth.棱伦:古雅典的立法者及诗人。他的改革保留了建立在财富基础之上的阶级系统,但却以出生特权而告终美国传统〔UNLUCKY〕It was very unfortunate that someone ended up getting hurt. 很不幸,最后有些人受伤了。朗文写作活用〔abortion〕Her pregnancy ended in an abortion.她怀孕流产了。牛津同义词〔abrupt〕The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.道路沿一个险峭陡坡俯冲到海边,就到了尽头。剑桥高阶〔addendum〕Most recitals would have ended at the wonderful conclusion to Liszt's sonata, but Donohoe offered an addendum.大多数独奏在完成对李斯特奏鸣曲的精彩演绎后就应该结束了, 但是多诺霍又加演了一段。外研社新世纪〔agreement〕The talks ended in agreement on most issues.会谈结束时, 在大多数问题上都取得了一致。外研社新世纪〔applause〕He won standing applause when he ended his speech.演讲结束时他博得听众起立鼓掌。英汉大词典〔begin〕The American Civil War began in 1861 and ended in 1865.美国南北战争于1861年开始,1865年结束。韦氏高阶〔best〕The contest ended with no clear winner but, of the two, I think George had the best of it.比赛结束时胜负并不明朗,但我认为在两人中乔治稍占上风。麦克米伦高阶〔blessing〕The priest gave the blessing and the service ended.牧师做完祈恩祷告, 礼拜结束。外研社新世纪〔break〕The police broke up the fight (= ended it forcefully).警方强行制止了打斗。剑桥高阶〔campaign〕The football team ended its campaign with an unexpected defeat.足球队在季节赛中以出乎意料的失败告终。英汉大词典〔captaincy〕His captaincy of the team was ended by injury.他因伤停止担任队长。外研社新世纪〔captaincy〕His captaincy of the team was ended by mild eye trouble.他由于患轻度眼疾而不再担任队长一职。柯林斯高阶〔cause〕The moderator invoked a rule causing the debate to be ended.仲裁人引用了一项规则使辩论终止美国传统〔chance〕It was pure chance that they ended up working in the same office in the same town.真巧,结果他们在同一个小镇同一个办事处工作。朗文当代〔chaos〕The game ended in utter chaos.那场比赛在完全的混乱中结束。文馨英汉〔chaos〕The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.世界首次横跨大西洋的热气球比赛昨晚在一片混乱中结束。外研社新世纪〔checkroom〕I got my bag out of the checkroom when the performance ended.演出结束后我从衣帽间取回了我的包。韦氏高阶〔civilized〕I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。柯林斯高阶〔complete〕We ended the meal with fruit and cheese.我们最后吃的是水果和奶酪。美国传统〔consent〕The contract was ended by mutual consent.经双方同意,合同被终止了。麦克米伦高阶〔contrary〕Despite repeated assurances to the contrary, Pakistan has not ended its nuclear programme.尽管巴基斯坦再三保证停止其核项目,但事实却并非如此。柯林斯高阶〔cool〕He ended up with a cool £50,000.他最终得到了整整5万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕His frequent absences ended up costing him his job.他经常缺勤,结果丢掉了工作。韦氏高阶〔course〕He ended his course with fame and wealth.他去世时已名利双收。英汉大词典〔day〕He ended his days in a house he had bought for himself beside Lyme Bay.他死在莱姆湾畔他为自己买的房子里。外研社新世纪〔day〕He began his days in a village and ended his days in a big city.他出生在一个村庄,死在一座大城市。英汉大词典〔dead heat〕The race ended in a dead heat.赛跑最终不分胜负。剑桥高阶〔deadlock〕Once again the talks have ended in deadlock.谈判再次以僵局告终。剑桥高阶〔decisive〕The fight ended with a decisive blow.这场打斗以决定性的一击告终。韦氏高阶〔destroy〕The scandal destroyed Simmons and ended his political career.这桩丑闻毁了西蒙斯,终结了他的政治生涯。朗文当代〔die in bed〕After a long and adventurous life, he ended up dying in his bed.经历了漫长而惊险的一生,他最后寿终正寝。韦氏高阶〔disappointment〕Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.尽管赢得了冠军,但他们最后一役却令人大失所望。柯林斯高阶〔disaster〕The show ended in disaster when the tent collapsed.帐篷倒塌,演出以灾难收场。牛津搭配〔ditch〕Did you know that Sarah ditched (= ended her relationship with) her boyfriend last week? 萨拉上个星期把她男朋友给甩了,你知道吗?剑桥高阶〔divorce〕The marriage ended in divorce in 1996.这桩婚姻在 1996 年以离婚告终。牛津高阶〔draw〕The game ended in a draw.比赛以平局结束。外研社新世纪〔eclipse〕When the war ended, he suffered a rapid eclipse.战争结束后, 他很快就湮没无闻了。外研社新世纪〔effectively〕Though a few rebels still held out, the fighting was effectively ended.尽管少数叛乱者仍负隅顽抗,战争实际已告结束美国传统〔empty〕The theatre emptied rapidly after the show ended.演出结束后,剧场很快就走空了。英汉大词典〔encounter〕The march ended in a violent encounter with the police.游行最终以和警方发生激烈冲突而结束。麦克米伦高阶〔encounter〕Their last encounter ended in a draw.他们上次交手最终打成了平局。麦克米伦高阶〔end in〕The match ended in a draw.比赛结果是平局。21世纪英汉〔end off〕We ended the meeting off with the Internationale.我们在国际歌声中结束了会议。21世纪英汉〔end up〕She could have ended up a millionairess.她本可以成为百万富婆的。柯林斯高阶〔end up〕The chairman finally ended up his speech.主席终于结束了演说。21世纪英汉〔end up〕The gangster ended up in the electric chair.那个歹徒最后被送上了电椅处死。21世纪英汉〔end up〕The movie we wanted to see was sold out so we ended up seeing a different one.我们想看的那部电影票已卖完,所以我们最终看了场别的。韦氏高阶〔end up〕They took the wrong train and ended up at a small station.他们坐错了火车,结果来到了一个小站。21世纪英汉〔end with〕Helen has ended with Jack.海伦已和杰克断绝了关系。21世纪英汉〔end〕A back injury effectively ended her career.背部的伤实际上结束了她的职业生涯。牛津搭配〔end〕A bullet through the heart ended her.一粒子弹穿心过肺,使她一命呜呼。21世纪英汉〔end〕British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p.英国天然气公司股价上涨1便士, 以287便士收盘。外研社新世纪〔end〕He took her out a couple of times before term ended.学期结束前, 他带她出去过几次。外研社新世纪〔end〕Her note ended with the words: ‘See you soon.’ 她的便条以“再见”结束。牛津高阶〔end〕His attempt to persuade the boy ended in failure.他说服那个男孩的企图以失败而告终。麦克米伦高阶〔end〕His speech ended on a positive note.他用肯定的语气结束了演讲。牛津搭配〔end〕Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。柯林斯高阶〔end〕The Dow Jones Index ended the day 15 points up on yesterday's close.道琼斯指数以高于昨天15点收盘。麦克米伦高阶〔end〕The line of people ended around the corner.排队的人排到了大街的拐角处。韦氏高阶〔end〕The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.会议因主席被叫走而突然中止。牛津搭配〔end〕The road ended at a T-junction.这条路的尽头是一个丁字路口。外研社新世纪〔end〕The road ended at a T-junction.道路的尽头是一个丁字路口。柯林斯高阶〔end〕The show ended with a song.演出在歌声中结束。牛津搭配〔end〕Their long struggle ended in failure.他们的长期努力以失败告终。牛津高阶〔end〕Their marriage ended in 1991.他们的婚姻在1991年走到了尽头。剑桥高阶〔end〕There were only three of them left when the meeting ended.他们中只有三人待到会议结束。外研社新世纪〔end〕They ended the discussion on a note of optimism.他们在乐观的调子中结束了讨论。21世纪英汉〔error〕His attempts to arrange a party ended up as a comedy of errors.他尝试安排聚会,结果闹了笑话。牛津搭配〔failure〕All my efforts ended in failure.我的一切努力最后都无济于事。牛津高阶〔failure〕His plans ended in failure.他的计划以失败告终。英汉大词典〔failure〕The attempt ended in failure.这次尝试以失败告终。外研社新世纪〔fairway〕He completely missed the fairway from his tee shot, and his ball ended up in the bushes.他开球完全偏离球道,球最后落进了灌木丛。剑桥高阶〔finale〕The game ended with a thrilling finale, with three goals scored in the last five minutes.比赛结尾非常激动人心,最后 5 分钟连进 3 球。牛津搭配〔flourish〕The season ended with a flourish for Rooney, when he scored in the final minute of the match.鲁尼本赛季华丽收关:他在比赛最后一分钟射进一球。牛津高阶〔fortune〕No matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.无论他们是怎么做的,最后都成功了美国传统〔glaciation〕The last glaciation ended about 10,000 years ago.上次冰川期大概在1万年前结束。外研社新世纪〔goalless〕The fixture ended in a goalless draw.这场比赛以零比零的平局收场。柯林斯高阶〔gutter〕Men like him usually ended up in jail – or the gutter.像他这样的男人,下场通常是坐牢 — 要不就是穷困潦倒。朗文当代〔high five〕As the show ended, Chris high-fived his friends.演出结束时,克里斯和朋友们举手击掌相庆。剑桥高阶〔inconclusively〕The first round ended inconclusively, with no clear winner.首轮比赛结束没有决出胜负,没有确切的赢家。韦氏高阶〔inconclusive〕The last meeting had ended inconclusively.上一次会议没有结果。牛津高阶〔ingloriously〕His command ended ingloriously.他的指挥不光彩地结束了。韦氏高阶〔injury〕These injuries ended her hopes of becoming a doctor.这些损伤终结了她成为一名医生的希望。牛津搭配〔intention〕I went to the meeting with the best of intentions but we still ended up arguing.我满怀好意去参会, 但最后我们还是吵了起来。外研社新世纪〔in〕In trying to please everyone, I ended up pleasing no one.我试图讨好每个人,结果谁也没讨好。韦氏高阶〔jury〕The first trial ended in a hung jury.一审因陪审团意见分歧作不出决定而告终。英汉大词典〔knockout〕The fight ended in a knockout.这场比赛以一方被击倒而结束。朗文当代〔latch onto〕Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around, sat beside me at lunch, and usually ended up working with me.罗布缠上了我,我去哪儿他都跟着,吃午饭时就坐我身边,最后还往往和我一起工作。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕Well, one thing led to another and we ended up at the police station.嗯,事情一件接一件,弄到最后咱们进了警察局。英汉大词典〔lighten〕When the storm ended, the sky lightened.暴风雨过后,天空变得明亮了。英汉大词典〔loss〕His first week of business ended in a huge loss.他第一周的营业大大亏损。英汉大词典〔management〕Talks between management and pilots ended in disagreement over pay cuts.资方和飞行员一方的谈判因在减薪问题上出现分歧而告终。麦克米伦高阶〔march〕When the terrible march ended, much of the Confederacy lay in smoldering ruins.这次可怕的行军结束后, 大多数邦联士兵倒在了浓烟滚滚的废墟中。外研社新世纪〔marriage〕All of her children's marriages ended in divorce.她的孩子们最终都离了婚。牛津高阶〔marriage〕His marriage to Catherine ended unhappy in 1858.他与凯瑟琳的婚姻于1858年不幸告终。英汉大词典〔marriage〕Their marriage ended in divorce.他们的婚姻以离婚告终。牛津搭配〔minor〕The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.这个方法几乎杜绝了向未成年人出售香烟的现象。外研社新世纪〔misdirect〕She was misdirected, and ended up in the wrong room.别人给她指错了路,结果她进错了房间。英汉大词典〔mistrial〕He went on trial for the second time after the first case ended in a mistrial.在第一次审判结果被认定无效后,他又一次接受了审判。剑桥高阶〔moment〕The crisis ended upon the moment on Monday.危机在星期一很快就过去了。英汉大词典〔much〕The day ended much as it began.这一天的开始和结束几乎是一样的。柯林斯高阶〔nearness〕The pound, which ended last year near its annual low, is expected to come under renewed pressure today.英镑去年年终降到了接近全年最低点的水平,预计今天将再度面临汇价下跌的压力。柯林斯高阶〔officially〕The war officially ended in 1945.那场战争于1945年正式结束。文馨英汉〔of〕They ended up living in the house of Jeanne's oldest brother.他们最后住在珍妮的大哥家。麦克米伦高阶〔ordeal〕The Rosses' dreadful ordeal finally ended at 9 am.罗斯一家人可怕的煎熬终于在上午9点钟结束了。外研社新世纪〔outbreak〕The four-day festival ended a day early after an outbreak of violence involving hundreds of youths.一场有数百名年轻人卷入的暴力活动发生后,为期4天的节庆活动被迫提前一天结束。柯林斯高阶〔peaceful〕The siege has ended peacefully.围城已经和平地结束了。牛津高阶〔period〕The long dry period ended with torrential rain.暴雨倾盆,结束了长久的旱季。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕He picked a fight with a waiter and ended up in jail.他找碴和服务生打了一架, 最后进了监狱。外研社新世纪〔pledge〕The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。外研社新世纪〔price〕In an effort to price out football hooligans, most Saturday concessionary fares are being ended.为了向足球流氓收取使他们望而却步的高价,大多数的星期六优惠票价正陆续取消。英汉大词典〔promise〕The year began so full of promise, and ended in disappointment.这一年开始时充满了希望,却以失望而告终。牛津搭配〔quirk〕By some strange quirk/By an odd quirk of fate (= unexpectedly), we ended up on the same train.说来奇怪,我们结果上了同一辆火车。剑桥高阶〔rancorous〕The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.经过一连串充满敌意的争吵,交易泡汤了。柯林斯高阶〔reading〕The evening ended with a reading from her latest novel.晚会最后朗诵了一段她的最新小说。牛津高阶〔remain〕I remained behind after the class had ended.下课后,我留了下来。韦氏高阶〔retiring〕The match ended in disappointment for the retiring captain.这场比赛的结果令即将退役的球队队长很失望。剑桥高阶〔round〕Her second round of chemotherapy recently ended.她最近刚做完第二次化疗。韦氏高阶〔rule〕British rule over Hong Kong ended in 1997.英国对香港的统治于1997年结束。麦克米伦高阶〔run off〕They ran off the road and ended in a ditch.他们冲出道路, 掉进了沟里。外研社新世纪〔run〕Manchester United have finally ended their run of victories.曼联队最终结束了连胜。牛津搭配〔sack〕I ended up hitting the sack at 2am.我终于在凌晨两点上床睡觉了。外研社新世纪〔sad〕It was a sad case . The boy ended up in prison.事情很惨,那男孩子最后进了监狱。朗文当代〔same〕My sister and I ended up staying at the same hotel as our parents.我和我姐姐最后与我们父母呆在同一家酒店。麦克米伦高阶〔scene〕There was a terrible scene and Jayne ended up in tears.他们吵得不可开交,杰恩最后泪流满面。剑桥高阶〔siege〕The seven-hour armed siege at the school ended peacefully.对这所学校长达 7 小时的武装封锁以和平方式结束。牛津搭配〔so much as〕They ended their date without so much as a hug.约会结束时,他们甚至连个拥抱都没有。韦氏高阶〔spin doctor〕The spin doctors from both sides were already declaring victory for their candidates as soon as the debate ended.辩论一结束,双方的舆论导向专家就已经在宣布自己的候选人获胜了。韦氏高阶〔stalemate〕President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。柯林斯高阶〔stalemate〕The fourth round of talks ended in a stalemate.第四轮会谈以僵局告终。麦克米伦高阶〔stream〕The stream of words ended and she began to cry.她咆哮一通之后开始大哭起来。外研社新世纪〔success〕The year-long fight for permission to build the house ended in success.长达一年的争取建房许可的斗争以胜利告终。牛津搭配〔such〕The countries are still allies, but the special relationship, such as it was, ended long ago.这些国家仍是同盟国,但那种特殊的关系,虽然不怎么样,早就结束了。麦克米伦高阶〔sultanate〕His sultanate ended in 1923.他的苏丹地位于1923年终结。韦氏高阶〔swoop〕The terror ended when armed police swooped on the car.武装警察突袭了这辆车, 从而制止了这起恐怖袭击。外研社新世纪〔tie〕The match ended in a tie.这场比赛以平局告终。朗文当代〔to the bad〕He ended the day £50 to the bad.他那天亏了50英镑。剑桥高阶〔tussle〕They ended up tussling with security staff.他们最终和保安厮打了起来。外研社新世纪〔twilight〕McClellan ended up blind and virtually immobile, living a twilight existence.麦克莱伦最后失明了, 几乎寸步难行, 过着一种模模糊糊的生活。外研社新世纪〔two-time〕I ended the relationship when I found out he was two-timing me.当我发现他脚踏两条船时,就分手了。剑桥高阶〔upbeat〕The meeting ended on an upbeat note.会议在乐观的气氛中结束。牛津高阶〔voice〕I ended up with bronchitis and no voice.结果我患了气管炎, 连话都说不出来了。外研社新世纪〔way〕You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant.你或许还记得,每一场的结尾要么是某人作沉思状,要么是某人故作深沉。柯林斯高阶〔which〕Anyway, that evening, which I'll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place.总之,那天夜里我住在了雷切尔那里,我以后会告诉你更多那天晚上的事。剑桥高阶〔wire〕The marathon ended in a sprint to the wire by the two top runners.两位优秀选手冲刺到终点线,结束了这场马拉松比赛。韦氏高阶〔with〕I ended up having an argument with her.我最终和她吵了一架。剑桥高阶〔worse〕She ended up in worse shape than when she started.她最后的情况比她开始时要糟。韦氏高阶〔wrangle〕The joint venture ended in a legal wrangle between the two companies.这家合资企业最终陷入了两家公司间旷日持久的官司中。剑桥高阶〔year-long〕The miners ended their year-long strike in March 1985.1985年3月, 矿工们结束了持续一年之久的罢工。外研社新世纪〔yours truly〕She didn't have any money, so yours truly ended up having to lend her some.她身无分文,最后鄙人只好借给她一些。剑桥高阶A scatter of applause reached him when he ended his speech. 演讲结束时他听到稀稀拉拉的掌声。译典通After many defeats, the war ended for us in ultimate victory. 经过多次失败,战争以我们的最终胜利而结束。译典通His political career ended when he compromised himself (=allowed his standards to be lowered) by accepting bribes.他的政治生涯因他接受贿赂自毁名誉而结束。剑桥国际His teacher nodded (her head) in pleasure as soon as the recital ended.独奏会刚结束,他的老师便愉快地点头赞许。剑桥国际I auditioned for the lead role, but I ended up with a tiny part and only one line (= a single sentence) .试演时我演的是主角,但最终却落到了一个无关紧要的角色,只有一句台词。剑桥国际I can't begin to explain how I ended up on the roof.我几乎无法解释我最后怎么会在屋顶上。剑桥国际I have ended up as a sort of open-minded agnostic but without any anti-clericalism.我最后成了一个开明的不可知论者,但毫不抱有反教权主义。剑桥国际I hear she's split up (= ended her relationship) with her boyfriend.我听说她和她男朋友分手了。剑桥国际I needed money to buy drugs and I ended up walking the streets.我需要钱买毒品,最终沦为卖淫。剑桥国际I only intended to be there for a few days, but I actually ended up staying for a whole month.我本打算只在那里待几天,但实际上却待了整整一个月。剑桥国际I originally wanted to work in television but I ended up in radio which is the next best thing.原先我希望做电视工作,最后决定在电台工作,这是仅次于它的最好的工作。剑桥国际I was trying to make a clay pot, but it ended up just a shapeless lump.我试图做一个陶罐,但最后却还只是一堆不成形的泥块。剑桥国际In the quarter just ended, the company made a $21 m tax provision.在刚刚过去的这个季度,公司预备了 2 100 万元的纳税准备金。牛津商务It was over five years since their relationship had ended but she still haunted his dreams.他们的关系已结束五年多了,但她还经常出没在他的梦中。剑桥国际Our plan ended in disaster. 我们的计划以彻底失败告终。译典通Our plan ended in smoke. 我们的计划成了泡影。译典通Shares ended at $9.25 in regular NASDAQ trade on Monday.在周一纳斯达克正常交易时间内股票以 9.25 元收盘。牛津商务She said that the oppression of women would not be ended simply by changing the law.她说对妇女的压迫不会仅仅因变更法律而结束。剑桥国际Small groups of soldiers were skirmishing with each other long after the war had ended.在战争结束后很长时间里,小队士兵仍在进行遭遇战。剑桥国际The army was disbanded when the war ended. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。译典通The ball ended as dawn was breaking.破晓时分,舞会结束了。剑桥国际The ball ended at the break of dawn.天亮时舞会结束了。剑桥国际The band ended their concert with the title track from their latest album.这个乐队以他们最新一张专辑的标题歌曲结束了他们的音乐会。剑桥国际The conference ended with everyone singing the Internationale.会议以全体高唱国际歌而结束。剑桥国际The game ended in a draw. 比赛以平局结束。译典通The police broke up the fight (= ended it forcefully).警察强行终止了打斗。剑桥国际The road ended in an abrupt (=sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.道路在一处朝向大海的陡坡处中止。剑桥国际The scheme ended in disaster.计划以失败告终。牛津商务There was an unchecked frenzy of share buying that ended in disaster.出现了股票购买狂潮, 最后酿成了灾难。剑桥国际When the contract ended the company was left with an office full of expensive, underemployed talent.当合同终止时,公司里剩下一群无用武之地的高薪人才。牛津商务When the storm ended the sky lightened. 暴风雨过去后,天空变得明亮了。译典通When the war ended all defences stopped, too. 战争结束时防御工事也停止了。译典通 |
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