

单词 europe
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Europe〕the Prime Minister's stated aim of keeping Britain at the heart of Europe 首相确定的保持英国处于欧洲的中心地位的目标朗文当代〔FAR〕long-haul routes between Europe and Asia 欧洲与亚洲之间的长途飞行路线朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕the democracies of Western Europe 西欧的民主国家朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕a new proposal to limit conventional weapons in Europe 限制欧洲发展常规武器的一个新提议朗文写作活用〔accord〕a trade accord between Europe and the United States 欧美间的贸易协议牛津搭配〔atlas〕a road atlas of Europe 欧洲道路地图册牛津高阶〔austerity〕the austerities of present Eastern Europe 当今东欧的贫困朗文当代〔budget〕budget for a trip to Europe 为去欧洲旅行作开支计划英汉大词典〔cockpit〕the cockpit of Europe “欧洲战场”(指比利时)英汉大词典〔comparison〕comparisons between Britain and the rest of Europe 英国与欧洲其他国家之间的各种比较牛津高阶〔court〕the courts of Renaissance Europe 文艺复兴时期的欧洲各王室剑桥高阶〔court〕the royal courts of Europe 欧洲各王朝英汉大词典〔court〕the royal courts of Europe 欧洲皇家宫廷朗文当代〔dealings〕commercial dealings with Europe and America与美国及欧洲的商业往来外研社新世纪〔demography〕the shifting demography of Europe 变化的欧洲人口统计韦氏高阶〔desire〕their desire for peace and stability in Europe 他们希望欧洲和平与稳定的愿望麦克米伦高阶〔discount〕discount airfares to Europe 到欧洲的折扣机票价格朗文当代〔diverge〕divergence between the US and Europe 美国和欧洲的分歧朗文当代〔divide〕a secret Soviet-German pact for dividing up Europe in 1940 1940年瓜分欧洲的苏德秘密条约麦克米伦高阶〔embark〕embark for Europe at New York harbour 从纽约港搭船去欧洲英汉大词典〔enthusiast〕enthusiasts for a united Europe 热烈赞成建立统一欧洲的人牛津高阶〔epoch〕a peaceful epoch in the history of Europe 欧洲历史上的一个和平时期英汉大词典〔europe〕countries wanting to join Europe 想加入欧盟的国家牛津高阶〔europe〕western/eastern/central Europe 西欧;东欧;中欧牛津高阶〔flow〕the flow of funds from the US to Europe 资金从美国流向欧洲朗文当代〔furthermost〕the furthermost ports of northern Europe 北欧最远的港口剑桥高阶〔grand〕the grand design of a single market for Europe 欧洲市场一体化的宏伟方案麦克米伦高阶〔head〕the crowned heads(= the kings and queens)of Europe 欧洲各国君主牛津高阶〔history〕the post-war history of Europe 欧洲的战后历史朗文当代〔ignite〕events which ignited the war in Europe 点燃欧洲战火的事件朗文当代〔impenetrable〕the Caucasus range, an almost impenetrable barrier between Europe and Asia.高加索山脉,几乎难以穿越的欧亚屏障柯林斯高阶〔impenetrable〕the Caucasus range, an almost impenetrable barrier between Europe and Asia高加索山脉, 欧洲和亚洲之间一道几乎不能穿越的屏障外研社新世纪〔import〕cheap imports from Eastern Europe 从东欧进口的廉价商品麦克米伦高阶〔intransit〕reduce the intransit time between Europe and the Far East 缩短欧洲和远东之间的运输(或客运)时间英汉大词典〔itself〕the threat of Europe building trade business around itself.欧洲在周边地区建立贸易往来的威胁柯林斯高阶〔journey〕our journey across Europe 我们的横贯欧洲之旅朗文当代〔majesty〕a royal wedding attended by the majesties of Europe 有欧洲各国王室参加的皇家婚礼英汉大词典〔momentum〕the momentum towards economic and political union in Europe 欧洲经济和政治统一的势头麦克米伦高阶〔outline〕outline a map of Europe 画欧洲的略图英汉大词典〔outlook〕outlook a gloomy economic outlook in Western Europe 西欧惨淡的经济前景朗文当代〔partnership〕a partnership between the United States and Europe 美国与欧洲的合作牛津高阶〔peak〕one of the hardest peaks in Europe for climbers 对登山者来说最难征服的欧洲山峰之一麦克米伦高阶〔people〕the peoples of Europe 欧洲各民族朗文当代〔postwar〕postwar Europe 战后的欧洲剑桥高阶〔postwar〕postwar Europe 第二次世界大战后的欧洲韦氏高阶〔practise〕a technique not widely practised in Europe 在欧洲并未得到应用的工艺朗文当代〔roma〕the Roma population of eastern Europe 东欧的吉卜赛人口牛津高阶〔scourge〕the numerous wars that have scourged Europe 蹂躏欧洲的无数次战争英汉大词典〔sojourn〕a brief sojourn in Europe 在欧洲小住朗文当代〔sojourn〕a long sojourn in Europe 在欧洲的长期旅居英汉大词典〔southeastern〕southeastern Europe 东南欧朗文当代〔southeast〕southeast Europe 东南欧韦氏高阶〔target〕nuclear weapons targeted on Western Europe 对准西欧的核武器英汉大词典〔umbrella〕the American nuclear umbrella over Europe 美国向欧洲提供的核保护伞牛津搭配〔unfurl〕as the dramatic changes in Europe continue to unfurl.随着欧洲剧变不断展现在人们眼前柯林斯高阶〔united〕efforts to build a united Europe 建立统一欧洲的努力牛津高阶〔united〕obstacles to a fully united Europe 实现欧洲完全统一的障碍牛津搭配〔work〕work one's passage to Europe 靠打工挣钱到达欧洲英汉大词典the environmental standards in force in Europe 已在欧洲应用的环境标准牛津商务the former command economies of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union 前东欧和前苏联的指令性经济牛津商务




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