

单词 gain on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Run faster -- they're gaining on us! 再跑快点,他们要追上我们啦!朗文写作活用〔FAST〕Seeing the van was gaining on him, he turned suddenly onto a dirt road. 看到小货车在追上来,他突然转弯开到一条烂泥路上去了。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Donna looked in her rear-view mirror and saw with alarm that the Audi was still gaining on her. 唐娜看了一眼后视镜,惊惶地发现那辆奥迪还在追她。朗文写作活用〔forereach〕To gain on or get ahead of (a sailing vessel).追过(他船):逼近或追过(他船)美国传统〔forereach〕To gain on or go ahead of a sailing vessel.追过他船:逼近或追过他船美国传统〔gain on sb/sth〕Garcia was gaining on her opponent throughout the race, but only overtook her at the very end.加西亚在整个赛跑过程中一点点逼近对手,但直到最后一刻才超过了她。剑桥高阶〔gain on〕In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him.他在某些地方比我快,而我会在其他地方追上他。柯林斯高阶〔gain on〕In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him.在有些地方他要快一些, 而在另外一些地方我可以赶上他。外研社新世纪〔gain on〕It is impossible for a small company to gain on the big firms while business is so inactive.商业是如此的萧条,小公司不可能超过大公司。21世纪英汉〔gain on〕She was still leading at the halfway point, but the other runners were gaining on her.跑到一半的时候她仍然领先,但是其他选手正在拉近与她的距离。韦氏高阶〔gain on〕The Mercedes began to gain on the van.那辆奔驰开始逼近小货车。柯林斯高阶〔gain on〕The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy.骑兵们迅速追上了敌人。21世纪英汉〔gain on〕The sea has been gaining on the east cost of England for many years.多年来,海洋一直在侵蚀英国东海岸。21世纪英汉〔gain on〕You'll have to drive faster. They're gaining on us.你得开快点儿。他们要追上我们了。外研社新世纪〔gain〕Quick – they're gaining on us! 快 — 他们要赶上我们了!朗文当代〔gain〕The runners in the back were steadily gaining on the leader.落后的运动员正逐步缩小与领先者的差距美国传统〔gain〕They picked up a five-yard gain on first down.在第一次进攻机会中,他们将球推进了五码。韦氏高阶〔ill-gotten gains〕He is swanning around the world spending his ill-gotten gains on a champagne lifestyle.他正在悠闲地周游世界, 用非法所得过着奢华的生活。外研社新世纪〔speak〕When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad.在研讨会上发言的时候,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近游览特立尼达的经历。柯林斯高阶〔stride〕I was gaining on the other runners with every stride.我正一步步赶上其他运动员。牛津高阶Being with his family for a few days I gained one or two insights into the reason he behaves the way he does.和他家人一起待了几天,我对他有这样举止行为的原因有了一些了解。剑桥国际Being with his family for a few days I gained one or two insights into the reason he behaves the way he does.和他的家庭一起住了几天后,我开始有点清楚了他为什么会那样行事。剑桥国际Brown gained on the runner ahead. 布朗逼近了前面的跑者。译典通Garcia was gaining on her opponent throughout the race, but only overtook her at the very end.加西亚在整个赛跑中越来越接近她的对手,但只在最后一刻才超过了她。剑桥国际Technology stocks and financials recorded strong gains on the market today.科技股和金融股在今天的市场上强劲上扬。牛津商务The bank has 400 billion yen in unrealized gains on its investments (= the investments have risen in value but have not yet been sold).这家银行拥有 4000 亿日元未实现的投资收益。牛津商务You're going to have to speed up--they're gaining on us.你得加快速度----他们越来越逼近了。剑桥国际




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