

单词 embankment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENT〕The bus crashed into an embankment before bursting into flames. 公共汽车撞到路堤上,之后就燃烧了起来。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕He stretched up his arms in a vain effort to reach the top of the embankment. 他伸直了双臂徒劳地想要抓到堤岸的顶部。朗文写作活用〔bank〕An artificial embankment.人造堤:人工建造的河堤美国传统〔bank〕To border or protect with a ridge or embankment.筑堤围栏,筑堤防护:用小土丘或堤坝来分隔、保护美国传统〔bulkhead〕A wall or embankment, as in a mine or along a waterfront, that acts as a protective barrier.(坑内的)堵壁、堤岸、挡土墙:在矿井里或沿着水边的墙或堤,用来当作当保护物的障碍物美国传统〔bulwark〕A wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification; a rampart.堡垒,壁垒:用作防御工事的墙或土堤;壁垒美国传统〔bulwark〕To fortify with a wall, an embankment, or a rampart.用堡垒防护:用墙、土堤或壁垒防御美国传统〔bund〕An embankment or dike, especially in India.堤岸:土堤或堤防,尤其在印度美国传统〔butt〕An embankment or hollow used as a blind by hunters of wildfowl.埋伏处:打猎时用于隐蔽的堤防或坑洞美国传统〔culvert〕A sewer or drain crossing under a road or embankment.涵洞:横在公路或堤岸下面的下水道或排水管美国传统〔culvert〕The part of a road or embankment that passes over such a sewer or drain.涵洞桥:跨越涵洞的公路或堤岸的一部分美国传统〔dike〕An embankment of earth and rock built to prevent floods.坝:为防洪水构筑的土坝石堤美国传统〔earthwork〕Engineering Excavation and embankment of earth.【工程学】 土木工程:土地的挖掘和筑根美国传统〔embankment〕They climbed a steep embankment.他们爬上了陡峭的堤岸。柯林斯高阶〔embankment〕Victoria Embankment.维多利亚大堤柯林斯高阶〔embank〕To confine, support, or protect with an embankment.筑堤防护:筑堤以限制、支持或保护美国传统〔fill〕A built-up piece of land; an embankment.路堤:一块加高的土地;堤坝美国传统〔levee〕An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.堤岸,防洪堤:防止河流泛滥而建造的堤岸美国传统〔mattress〕A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment, a dike, or a dam from erosion.(用以护堤、坝等的)柴排,沉排,沉床:荆棘和杆子的密织席,用于保护堤、坝,使不受侵蚀美国传统〔monolith〕Into this embankment, at intervals of a few feet, concrete monoliths each 45ft. square were sunk to great depths.在这座堤岸内部很深的地方, 每隔几英尺便埋有一块45平方英尺大小的巨型混凝土空心方块体。外研社新世纪〔plummet〕The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.汽车在转弯处失去了控制, 一头扎下了堤岸。外研社新世纪〔plummet〕The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.车子在弯道处失去控制,一头扎下堤岸。柯林斯高阶〔plunge down〕His Land Rover plunged down an embankment.他的路虎汽车猛地冲下路堤。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕The bus came off the road and plunged down an embankment.公共汽车驶离了公路,冲下路堤。牛津搭配〔pour〕Flood waters poured over the embankments.洪水汹涌地漫过堤岸。英汉大词典〔rampart〕A fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a parapet built on top.防御土墙:一种有筑堤的防御工事,上部常建有胸墙美国传统〔revetment〕A facing, as of masonry, used to support an embankment.护岸:一种表层,如砖石土程,用于支撑堤岸美国传统〔revet〕To retain (an embankment, for example) with a layer of stone, concrete, or other supporting material; provide with a revetment.用砖石护:用一层石头、混凝土或其它支撑材料铺砌(例如堤岸);提供护岸物美国传统〔sea wall〕An embankment to prevent erosion of a shoreline.海堤:防止海岸线被侵蚀的筑堤美国传统〔tinily〕A miniature worm of train rolled tinily along the embankment.一列火车像条小虫似地沿着路堤徐徐前进。英汉大词典〔toe〕The lowest part, as of an embankment or a dam.坡脚:最底下的部分,如堤防或坝的美国传统〔wash〕The embankment was washed out by the storm.堤岸被暴风雨冲毁。英汉大词典The bus plunged down the embankment, somersaulted twice and finally landed on its side.这辆公共汽车直冲向河堤,栽了两个跟斗,最后侧面着地。剑桥国际




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