

单词 ex
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIVORCE〕My ex and I haven't spoken in years. 前夫和我已经多年没说话了。朗文写作活用〔St Ex.〕Stock Exchange.证券交易所美国传统〔XD〕Ex dividend.被除数美国传统〔XI〕Ex interest.XI:无利息美国传统〔cohabit〕If you cohabit with a divorcee, his ex may contest his will when he dies.如果你和一个离过婚的男人同居, 他去世以后, 他的前妻可能会对他遗嘱的有效性提出异议。外研社新世纪〔crowd out〕When his mother, female friends and exes start crowding you out, it 's time to fight back.当他的母亲、女性朋友和前女友开始排挤你时, 就是你反击的时候。外研社新世纪〔deus ex machina〕A person or event that provides a sudden and unexpected solution to a difficulty.解围的人或事:突然地,出人意料地解决难题的人或事美国传统〔deus ex machina〕In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation.解围之神:希腊或罗马戏剧中,用舞台机关送下来的消除剧情冲突或使主人公摆脱困境的神美国传统〔eo.〕Ex officio (by virtue of office).按照职务(出于职权)美国传统〔ex gratia〕Ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by the spillage.受到泄漏事故影响的所有人都得到了额外的补偿。剑桥高阶〔ex gratia〕Otherwise, they would not feel compelled to make ex gratia payments to customers they have wronged.否则他们是不会感觉必须对被冤枉的顾客提供补偿的。外研社新世纪〔ex gratia〕Otherwise, they would not feel compelled to make ex gratia payments to customers they have wronged.否则,他们不会觉得必须向那些没有受到公平待遇的顾客提供补偿款。柯林斯高阶〔ex gratia〕The sum was paid ex gratia.这是所付的一笔特惠款。牛津高阶〔ex gratia〕They made an ex gratia payment to the accident victim.他们为这起事故的受害者发放了慰问金。韦氏高阶〔ex officio〕She sits, ex officio, on the boards of eight major cultural institutions.根据职务需要, 她是八个主要文化事业单位的理事会成员。外研社新世纪〔ex officio〕The Bishop of Salisbury had been, ex officio, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter.索尔兹伯里主教已按职务规定成为嘉德勋位授予大臣。外研社新世纪〔ex officio〕The Treasurer is an ex officio member of all sub-committees.财政大臣是所有小组委员会理所当然的委员。麦克米伦高阶〔ex〕He's different from my ex.他和我的前夫不一样。外研社新世纪〔ex〕He's different from my ex.他和我的前夫不一样。柯林斯高阶〔ex〕I bumped into my ex in town.我在城里遇见了我以前的那位。朗文当代〔ex〕I ran into my ex at the mall yesterday.我昨天在商场碰见了我以前的那位。韦氏高阶〔ex〕Prices are per case ex cellars.价格是按每箱计算, 在酒窖交货付款。外研社新世纪〔ex〕The children are spending the weekend with my ex and his new wife.孩子们与我的前夫及其新夫人在一起度周末。牛津高阶〔ex〕The price is £1 500 ex VAT.价格为 1 500 英镑,不包括增值税。牛津高阶〔ex〕You're not inviting my ex, are you? 你不会邀请我的前妻,是吧?麦克米伦高阶〔provide〕The report was not ex pected to provide any answers.不要指望这个报告能提供什么答案。牛津高阶〔stick〕My ex is sticking on a divorce, but she'll agree once I offer her enough money.我前妻不愿意离婚, 不过我要给她足够的钱, 她马上就会同意。外研社新世纪〔x-div.〕Ex dividend.被除数美国传统Exis Power, a 58%-owned subsidiary of Exis Corp 埃克斯公司拥有 58% 股权的子公司 ── 埃克斯能源公司牛津商务All prices are ex dock New York.所有价格均为纽约港码头交货价。牛津商务All stock is sold ex warehouse.所有库存均以仓库交货价出售。牛津商务Although the suppliers were shown not to have been negligent ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by the spillage.尽管已经证实供应商并未疏忽,但所有受到溢出物影响的人都收到了补偿款。剑桥国际As of 11 May, the shares will be traded ex bonus.自 5 月 11 日起,交易的股票将不附红利。牛津商务He was present at the meeting ex officio.他出于职务需要出席了会议。牛津商务It was a bit embarrassing because two of my exes were at the party.真有点儿难堪,因为我过去的两个情人都在晚会上。剑桥国际Most standard sizes are available ex stock.大多数标准尺寸都有现货。牛津商务Prices start at £9 000 ex works.起价为工厂交货 9 000 英镑。牛津商务Shakespeare produces a very unsatisfying deus ex machina in ‘The Winter's Tale’, when, at the very end of the play, a statue turns out to be a real woman.莎士比亚在《冬天的故事》中制造了一个很不能令人满意的大团圆结局:在戏剧的最末处,一尊雕塑变成了一个真的女人。剑桥国际She is an ex officio member (= automatically a member) of the finance committee because she is head of the design department.因为她是设计部部长,所以是财政委员会的当然成员。剑桥国际The bonus was made on an ex gratia basis.这笔奖金是特惠金。牛津商务The cabinet will also attend the meeting ex officio.内阁当然也要出席会议。剑桥国际The price is €2 000 ex VAT.价格为 2 000 欧元,增值税另付。牛津商务The shares go ex rights on 9 August (= if you buy them after this date you will not receive the right to buy new shares).这些股票自 8 月 9 日起无权认购新股。牛津商务The shares will trade ex dividend from June 18.从 6 月 18 日起买卖的股票没有红利。牛津商务The sum was paid ex gratia.这笔款项是特惠支付。牛津商务There has been no deus ex machina to bring down either the president or his government.无论是把总统还是其政府搞下台的奇迹都没有出现。剑桥国际




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