

单词 dressing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕Mother came out of her room, looking stunning in her silk dressing gown. 母亲穿着她那件丝质睡袍从房间里出来,看上去真是漂亮。朗文写作活用〔Buffalo wings〕Fried chicken wings served with hot sauce and blue cheese dressing.布法罗鸡翅:加有热沙司和蓝色奶酪调料的炸鸡翅美国传统〔CLOTHES〕Most kids love dressing up. 大多数小孩子喜欢装扮。朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕Our mother kept a box of old castoffs and we spent hours dressing up, pretending to be princesses or pirates. 母亲有一箱旧衣服,我们把自己装扮成公主或海盗,一扮就是几小时。朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕She ran upstairs, stripped off her jeans and sweater and pulled on a dressing gown. 她跑上楼,脱去牛仔裤和毛线衣,换上睡袍。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Prepare a vinaigrette dressing with olive oil, white wine vinegar, and mustard. 用橄榄油、白葡萄酒醋和芥子酱做一份醋油调料。朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕A steward directed us behind the stage and towards the dressing rooms. 一名服务员指引我们到后台并去往化装室。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Somehow the woman had gained access to his dressing room and was waiting there when he came off the stage. 那名女子不知用什么办法进入了他的化妆室,在他走下舞台的时候正在那里等着他。朗文写作活用〔French dressing〕A commercially prepared creamy salad dressing that is usually pinkish in color and often sweet.经营用色拉调料:为盈利目的而调制的乳状色拉调料,常呈粉色并很甜美国传统〔French dressing〕A salad dressing of oil, vinegar, and seasonings.法式生菜色拉调料:由橄榄油、醋和香料制成的色拉调料美国传统〔INSTEAD〕She uses lemon rather than vinegar in her salad dressings. 在沙拉调料中,她用柠檬而不用醋。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table. 朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。朗文写作活用〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕Part of his act involves dressing up as a woman. 他演的短剧有一段要男扮女装。朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Drizzle a little French dressing over the salad. 在沙拉上洒些法式调料。朗文写作活用〔Russian dressing〕Salad dressing, such as mayonnaise, with chili sauce or ketchup, chopped pickles, and pimientos.俄式蛋黄酱:一种色拉调味品,(如蛋黄酱)含有辣酱或调味番茄酱,腌菜条和青椒美国传统〔STICK〕The first aid box has adhesive dressings and antiseptic cream in it. 急救箱里有胶布和抗感染药膏。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕The lemon juice gives the dressing its sharp flavour. 这种柠檬汁给调料添了浓烈的味道。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕This tart citrus dressing is great on salads. 这种酸味的柑橘调料拌沙拉味道棒极了。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕Elise was delighted I rang, but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard. 埃莉斯听到我打电话去很高兴,但又因为我没有早些去电话或寄一张明信片而痛骂了我一顿。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕Quickly tying a knot in his tie, John finished dressing and went to work. 约翰飞快地在领带上打了个结,穿好衣服然后去上班了。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕If you keep dressing like a slob, no one's ever going to ask you for a date. 如果你还是这样不修边幅,没有人会邀你去约会。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕The younger girls admired Louise, and tried to copy her way of dressing and talking. 年纪较小的女孩子崇拜露易丝,力图模仿她的穿着打扮和言谈方式。朗文写作活用〔adz〕An axlike tool with a curved blade at right angles to the handle, used for dressing wood.扁斧:一种类似斧的工具,其弯曲的刀片与把手呈垂直角度,用于修整木材美国传统〔antiseptic〕Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing.在烧伤处包上无菌敷料。牛津高阶〔antithesis〕The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing.与花哨的打扮形成鲜明对比的是这件小黑裙子。柯林斯高阶〔antithesis〕The little black dress is the antithesis of fussy dressing.这件小黑裙与花哨的打扮形成鲜明的对比。外研社新世纪〔backstage〕In or toward the area behind the performing space in a theater, especially the area comprising the dressing rooms.在后台:在或朝向表演场地后面的地方,特别是指构成化妆室的地方美国传统〔bandage〕Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it.在伤口处盖上敷料, 绑上绷带。外研社新世纪〔bandage〕Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it.给伤口盖上敷料并用绷带包扎起来。柯林斯高阶〔bathhouse〕A building with dressing rooms for swimmers.更衣室:为游泳者提供更衣室的建筑物美国传统〔bespeak〕His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence.他的衣着风格显得十分自信。牛津高阶〔boudoir〕A woman's private sitting room, dressing room, or bedroom.闺房:女人的私人起居室、化妆室或卧室美国传统〔boyishly〕Real women were dressing more and more simply and boyishly.真正的女性着装越来越简约, 越来越男性化。外研社新世纪〔caesar salad〕A tossed salad of greens, anchovies, croutons, and grated cheese with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, and a raw or coddled egg.凯撒色拉:由青菜、鲤鱼、油炸小片面包和磨碎的干酪轻拌而成的一种色拉,并用橄榄油、柠檬汁和生蛋或半生不熟的蛋装点美国传统〔cerate〕A hard, unctuous, fat- or wax-based solid, sometimes medicated, formerly applied to the skin directly or on dressings.蜡膏,蜡剂:一种油质、油性或蜡质的坚硬固体,有时加药剂,以前常直接用皮肤上或敷于药膏上美国传统〔comb〕An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair comb in shape or use.梳棉机:一种工具,如梳洗羊毛或其他纤维的梳棉机,在外形或用途上很像梳子美国传统〔counterpoint〕A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.上好调味料的辛辣与干果的甜味形成了对比。外研社新世纪〔counterpoint〕The dressing is a refreshing counterpoint to the spicy chicken.调味酱与辣鸡配在一起,别有一番滋味。韦氏高阶〔different〕He has a very different style of dressing.他的穿着风格很独特。韦氏高阶〔dress oneself〕She was dressing herself in her mother's old wedding gown.她正穿着她母亲的结婚礼服。21世纪英汉〔dress up〕I just love the fun of dressing up in another era's clothing.我就是喜欢穿另一个时代的衣服玩。柯林斯高阶〔dress up〕I just love the fun of dressing up in another era's clothing.我就是觉得穿另一个年代的衣服很有趣。外研社新世纪〔dress up〕Little kids usually love dressing up in their mothers' clothes.小孩子通常喜欢穿妈妈的衣服。剑桥高阶〔dressing gown〕A robe worn for lounging or before dressing.晨衣:着装前或休息时穿的袍子美国传统〔dressing room〕He waited in his dressing room until it was time for him to appear on stage.上台前,他一直在化妆室里等候。韦氏高阶〔dressing room〕The atmosphere in the dressing room before the match was tense. 比赛前更衣室内的气氛很紧张。剑桥高阶〔dressing room〕We had a great dressing room, with a lot of young, confident guys.我们有很强的团队合作精神, 有许多年轻而自信的队员。外研社新世纪〔dressing〕After breakfast, there will still be enough time for bathing and dressing.用过早餐后,还有足够时间洗澡和穿衣打扮。韦氏高阶〔dressing〕Clean the wound and put on a fresh dressing.清洗伤口并放上新敷料。牛津搭配〔dressing〕Many of our patients need help with dressing.我们的许多病人需要有人帮助穿衣。牛津高阶〔dressing〕Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.芬克尔斯坦小姐会为你包扎拇指的。柯林斯高阶〔dressing〕Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.在碗里将各种原料混成调料。柯林斯高阶〔dressing〕Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.把各种配料在碗里搅拌制成调料。外研社新世纪〔dressing〕The house was reconstructed with stone dressings.这幢房子翻造后用琢石贴面。英汉大词典〔dressing〕The nurse came to change his dressing.护士来给他换绷带。朗文当代〔dressing〕The nurse cleaned the cut and applied a dressing.护士清理了伤口并敷上了药。韦氏高阶〔dressing〕You have your choice of three kinds of salad dressing.有3种色拉调料可供你挑选。英汉大词典〔dress〕All children love dressing up.所有的小孩都喜欢玩乔装打扮的游戏。麦克米伦高阶〔dress〕Children often enjoy dressing up in their parents' clothes.孩子们常常喜欢把父母的衣服穿着玩。英汉大词典〔dress〕Kids love dressing up.孩子们都喜欢装扮成别人玩儿。牛津高阶〔dress〕She is dressing for the opera.她穿着正装去听歌剧。韦氏高阶〔dress〕She often spends hours dressing her hair.她常常花数小时做头发。21世纪英汉〔dress〕She'd had trouble dressing her hair.她原先不会梳头。外研社新世纪〔dress〕The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds.我给这个可怜的孩子包扎伤口时,她不哭也不闹。柯林斯高阶〔dress〕They're dressing the store's windows for Christmas.为了迎接圣诞节,他们正在布置商店橱窗。剑桥高阶〔dress〕We were dressing when the phone rang.电话铃响时我们正在穿衣服。21世纪英汉〔drizzle〕Drizzle some dressing over the salad.在沙拉上淋一些调料。外研社新世纪〔drizzle〕Drizzle the remaining dressing over the duck and salad.将剩下的调料淋在鸭肉和色拉上。柯林斯高阶〔dry〕This type of wound is best kept dry without a dressing.这种伤口最好保持干爽,不要上敷料。牛津搭配〔dubbin〕An application of tallow and oil for dressing leather.革用软化防水油脂美国传统〔facer〕One that faces, especially a device used in smoothing or dressing a surface.磨光机:进行表面磨光的某物,尤指用于使表面光滑或装饰表面的装置美国传统〔fidget〕He fidgeted his dressing gown.他摆弄着晨衣。外研社新世纪〔finish〕She had just finished dressing the children when the phone rang.她刚给孩子们穿好衣服电话就响了。麦克米伦高阶〔finish〕She had just finished dressing when the telephone rang.她刚穿好衣服,电话铃就响了。牛津搭配〔fumble〕She crept from the bed and fumbled for her dressing gown.她从床上蹑手蹑脚地爬起来,摸索着自己的晨衣。柯林斯高阶〔furrier〕One whose occupation is the dressing, designing, cleaning, or repairing of furs.毛皮加工者:从事毛皮处理、设计、洗涤或修补的人美国传统〔gaping〕The dressing gown had a gaping hole in it.那件晨衣上有个很大的洞。外研社新世纪〔gauze〕A thin, loosely woven surgical dressing, usually made of cotton.纱布:一种薄且稀疏的用于治疗的织物,通常由棉花做成美国传统〔gingerly〕She was touching the dressing gingerly with both hands.她双手小心翼翼地抚摸着伤口处的绷带。柯林斯高阶〔hairdressing〕The act of dressing or arranging the hair.理发:剪头发或做头发的行为美国传统〔harsh〕Harsh words were spoken in the dressing room after the match.比赛后,更衣室里有人说了些难听的话。麦克米伦高阶〔heck〕You have been one heck of a time dressing up.你穿戴打扮的时间可真长!英汉大词典〔herby〕This salad dressing is nice and herby.这种色拉调料很不错,有香草的味道。剑桥高阶〔his and hers〕My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.我妈妈送给我们一套情侣睡袍作为圣诞礼物。剑桥高阶〔hissy fit〕She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn't painted blue.她发脾气是因为她的梳妆室没有漆成蓝色。牛津高阶〔hourly〕Dressings are changed four hourly(= every four hours)to help prevent infection.每四小时更换一次敷料,以防感染。牛津高阶〔house (salad) dressing〕The house dressing is a creamy vinaigrette.普通沙拉调味酱是奶油醋沙司。韦氏高阶〔if〕Add a little more dressing if necessary.如有必要, 就再多加一点调料。外研社新世纪〔if〕Fry remaining peppers, adding a little more dressing if necessary.用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。柯林斯高阶〔improvise〕We used old shirts to improvise dressings for their wounds.我们用旧衬衫凑合着给他们包扎伤口。麦克米伦高阶〔jewel〕She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.她喜欢穿着体面正式的服装、佩戴价值连城的珠宝首饰。朗文当代〔kick〕Gerald gets a kick out of dressing as a woman.男扮女装给杰拉尔德带来极大乐趣。朗文当代〔land〕Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。英汉大词典〔laugh〕Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room.米基是个活宝,在更衣室里总是逗人笑个不停。柯林斯高阶〔laugh〕Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room.米基真是个活宝, 在更衣室里总是逗人笑个不停。外研社新世纪〔lemony〕The salad dressing was too lemony.沙拉酱的柠檬味太重了。外研社新世纪〔lemony〕The salad dressing was too lemony.这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。柯林斯高阶〔lose the dressing room〕If the owner believes he has lost the dressing room, it could spell the end for the manager. 如果球队老板认为总教练失去了权威,这就意味着他要丢工作了。剑桥高阶〔malarkey〕I like the socializing but I can't be bothered with dressing up and all that malarkey.我喜欢社交活动,但梳妆打扮这样的琐事却让我不胜其烦。剑桥高阶〔marinade〕Herb vinegars are useful mainly for marinades and salad dressings.香草醋主要用于做鱼肉用调味液和色拉调味汁。外研社新世纪〔marinate〕Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate.将它与法式色拉调料一同放入一只带螺旋盖的罐中腌泡。柯林斯高阶〔mayonnaise〕A dressing made of beaten raw egg yolk, oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings.蛋黄酱:一种用生蛋黄、油、柠檬汁或醋加调味品制成的酱美国传统〔mill〕Any of various machines for shaping, cutting, polishing, or dressing metal surfaces.轧钢机:用来塑造、切割、打磨或修整钢材表面的机器美国传统〔mix together〕Many people already buy packets of salad dressing seasonings to mix together at home.很多人已经在买沙拉调料包, 拿回家自己做沙拉。外研社新世纪〔negligee〕A woman's loose dressing gown, often of soft, delicate fabric.妇女长睡衣:妇女穿的宽松的长袍,通常由柔软的精细的丝织品制成美国传统〔oily〕The salad dressing was very oily.沙拉酱很油腻。韦氏高阶〔oil〕The dressing is made with oil, vinegar, and a pinch of herbs.调料是由食用油、醋和一小撮香草制成的。韦氏高阶〔old-fashioned〕That style of dressing is very old-fashioned here.那种服装式样在这里已算极老式的了。英汉大词典〔on the side〕For my salad, I'd like Italian dressing on the side.我的沙拉要配意式调料。韦氏高阶〔on the side〕I'd like a salad with the dressing on the side (= with the dressing served separately from the salad), please.我要一盘色拉,调味汁单独盛盘,谢谢。剑桥高阶〔own〕The star of the show needs his own private dressing room.那场表演的明星需要有他自己的私人化妆间。韦氏高阶〔pad〕The film is padded with scenes of the girls dressing up in costumes and doing tunes from musicals.这部电影拖泥带水, 有很多场景表现少女盛装打扮并演唱音乐剧歌曲。外研社新世纪〔part〕She's got a new high-powered job, and she's certainly dressing the part.她找到一份位高权重的新工作,当然穿得符合自己的身份。朗文当代〔patch〕A dressing or covering applied to protect a wound or sore.药膏,胶布:用于保护伤口或疼痛处的软裹或敷盖物美国传统〔peignoir〕A woman's loose-fitting dressing gown.一种宽大的女便服美国传统〔pop on〕She popped on a comfy old dressing gown when she got up.她起床时穿上了一件舒服的旧晨衣。外研社新世纪〔pose〕He criticized them for dressing outrageously and posing pretentiously.他批评她们衣着暴露而且矫揉造作。外研社新世纪〔prink〕She turned from the glass in the dressing room after a prolonged prink.她在化妆室镜前长时间打扮之后转过身来。英汉大词典〔qualification〕The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.医生说今天我可以出院了,不过条件是我得每天回来换绷带。剑桥高阶〔rascal〕I caught those little/young rascals dressing up in my clothes.这帮小坏蛋穿着我的衣服玩耍时被我抓了个正着。剑桥高阶〔real〕We will see whether the “save our cities” campaign is for real or just window dressing.我们要看看这一“拯救本城”运动是认真的还是仅仅装潢门面而已。英汉大词典〔recast〕She helped to recast her image by dressing differently.她改变了着装风格, 重塑了形象。外研社新世纪〔rid〕The doctor rid her of her pain by dressing the wound with ointment.医生在她的伤口上贴上药膏止住了她的疼痛。21世纪英汉〔robe〕A dressing gown or bathrobe.睡袍或浴衣美国传统〔routine〕Dressing is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine (=done regularly and not unusual) .穿衣打扮是我们每天必做的事情。朗文当代〔salad bar〕A counter in a restaurant from which customers may serve themselves a variety of salad ingredients and dressings.沙拉自助长条桌:餐馆中的自助长条桌,顾客可以从这里为自己取食多种沙拉配菜和调料美国传统〔salad oil〕An edible vegetable oil, such as corn oil or olive oil, that can be used in salad dressings.沙拉油:一种可食植物油,如玉米油或橄榄油,可用于沙拉调味料美国传统〔salad〕A cold dish of chopped fruit, meat, fish, eggs, or other food, usually prepared with a dressing, such as mayonnaise.凉拌食品:由切碎的水果、肉、鱼、蛋或其它食物组成的凉菜,常配有调料,如蛋黄酱美国传统〔salad〕A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用美国传统〔salad〕Toss (= mix) the salad with a vinaigrette dressing.用醋油调味料拌色拉。剑桥高阶〔sauce〕A flavorful seasoning or relish served as an accompaniment to food, especially a liquid dressing or topping for food.调味汁:用于辅配食物的调味汁或佐料,尤指汁状的佐料或调味品美国传统〔separate〕This will keep your dressing from separating.这可以使调料不沉淀。朗文当代〔shake〕Shake the dressing well before you put it on the salad.在放入色拉前把调味汁摇匀。麦克米伦高阶〔shake〕Shake the salad dressing well before using it.使用沙拉调料之前要充分摇晃。韦氏高阶〔shamble〕The old man shambled into her dressing room.老人蹒跚地走进她的梳妆室。英汉大词典〔sharp〕Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.加些芥末使调料带点辛辣味。朗文当代〔showtime〕It's close to showtime now, so you retire into the dressing room.开演时间快到了,你得进化装间了。柯林斯高阶〔slicker〕A tool for dressing hides.刮刀:一种用来刮兽皮的工具美国传统〔slop about〕She slops about in a dressing gown all day.她整天穿着便袍漫不经心地闲逛。外研社新世纪〔special〕He won't tell us the special ingredient in his salad dressing.他不会告诉我们他的沙拉调料里添加了什么额外成分。韦氏高阶〔spin〕Give the dressing gown another spin.用旋转式脱水机给这件晨衣再脱一次水。英汉大词典〔sponge〕A gauze pad used to absorb blood and other fluids, as in surgery or the dressing of a wound.纱布:用于吸血和其他流体透明的纱布块,用于外科和包扎伤口美国传统〔statement〕He's obviously trying to make some kind of statement by dressing like that.很明显,他穿成那个样子是想表现些什么。麦克米伦高阶〔sterile〕He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口。柯林斯高阶〔swordfish〕I had the grilled swordfish with a yogurt dressing.我吃了以酸奶为配料的烤剑鱼。外研社新世纪〔tallow〕Hard fat obtained from parts of the bodies of cattle, sheep, or horses, and used in foodstuffs or to make candles, leather dressing, soap, and lubricants.动物脂油:从牛、羊或马的身体的一些部位提取的硬脂,可被用作食料或制造蜡烛、皮衣、肥皂和润滑油美国传统〔taste〕I can taste sage in the dressing.我能尝到调味品中的洋苏叶。21世纪英汉〔tease〕To raise the nap of (cloth) by dressing, as with a fuller's teasel.使(织物)起绒:用缩绒工的起绒机通过梳理拉起(织物)上的绒毛美国传统〔that〕The dressing gown is frayed at the collar, but it is silk for all that.这件晨袍领边磨损了,尽管这样,它毕竟是绸的呀。英汉大词典〔toiletry〕An article, such as toothpaste or a hairbrush, used in personal grooming or dressing.化妆品:用于个人梳洗或打扮的一件物品,如牙膏或梳子美国传统〔toilette〕The act or process of dressing or grooming oneself; toilet.梳妆:梳妆或打扮的动作或过程;梳妆打扮美国传统〔toilet〕The act or process of dressing or grooming oneself.梳洗打扮:梳妆打扮自己的动作或过程美国传统〔toss〕To mix (a salad) lightly so as to cover with dressing.拌(食物):轻轻地搅拌(沙拉),以便在其上加上佐料美国传统〔trad〕His style of dressing is very trad.他的穿着风格是非常传统的。剑桥高阶〔triple〕She saw her reflection in the dressing table's small, triple mirrors.她在梳妆台的小型三面镜中照见了自己的身影。英汉大词典〔unaided〕Jack had difficulty dressing unaided.杰克自己穿衣有困难。麦克米伦高阶〔undressed〕Lacking sauce or dressing. Used of a salad.未加调味的:缺乏调味汁或调味品的。用于色拉美国传统〔vestiary〕A dressing room, cloakroom, or vestry.穿衣室、藏衣室或者法衣室美国传统〔vinaigrette〕A cold sauce or dressing made of vinegar or lemon juice and oil flavored with finely chopped onions, herbs, and other seasonings.酸酱油:由醋、柠檬汁和油加切得很细的洋葱、草药和其它调味品做成的一种冷调味汁美国传统〔weep〕The sore is still weeping a lot so you'll have to change the dressing once a day.感染处依然流出很多脓,所以你必须每天换一次药。剑桥高阶〔window dressing〕All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing – the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.所有这些精美光亮的小册子只是表面文章 — 事实是新商场将破坏附近的环境。朗文当代〔window dressing〕The reforms are seen as window dressing.这些改革被视为是装饰门面。牛津高阶〔window dressing〕These changes are being made for a good reason. They're not just window dressing.这些改变事出有因,并不是摆样子给人看的。韦氏高阶〔window-dressing〕The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.这些措施不过是装饰门面而已, 一旦投资者予以密切关注, 就会原形毕露。外研社新世纪〔window-dressing〕The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.这些措施也就是装装门面,一旦投资者认真探究,就会原形毕露。柯林斯高阶〔wrapper〕A loose dressing gown or negligee.宽松的长袍或长睡衣美国传统〔zax〕A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates.石斧:类似于短柄小斧的一种工具,用来修琢屋顶石板美国传统Dressings made from lint are very absorbent.绒布做的衣服极易吸水。剑桥国际He came to the door in an old dressing gown and slippers.他穿着旧的睡袍和拖鞋来开门。剑桥国际He is responsible for dressing the mannequins and arranging goods in the shop window.他负责商店橱窗内的模特装扮和商品陈列。剑桥国际He thrust his hands deep into his dressing gown pockets and said nothing.他把手深深地塞进浴衣口袋里,一句话也没说。剑桥国际He urged them to shuck their old-fashioned suits and start dressing stylishly.他敦促他们脱去过时的衣服,穿得时髦些。剑桥国际He was dressing the shop window. 他在布置商店橱窗。译典通He was poncing about in a yellow silk dressing gown.他穿着一件黄色绸袍四处招摇。剑桥国际His style of dressing is very trad.他的衣着风格很传统。剑桥国际I caught those little/young rascals dressing up in my clothes.我抓住了那些穿着我衣服的小捣蛋鬼。剑桥国际I quickly finish dressing in the morning when my mother says, “Get ready. We have to leave.” 早晨在我母亲说完“准备好。我们得走了。”后我很快就穿好了衣服。剑桥国际I'll make a quick oil and vinegar dressing.我来快速地做一个醋油调料。剑桥国际Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly. 珍因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。译典通Mix olive oil and vinegar to make a salad dressing.把橄榄油和醋混在一起制成沙拉调味品。剑桥国际Of all kinds of dressings there are, I like raspberry vinaigrette the best. 在所有的酱料中,我最喜欢覆盆子果醋。译典通She always made a point of dressing down on her first date with a man.她与男士第一次约会的时候总是穿得很随意。剑桥国际She is dressing for the party. 她在穿礼服准备去参加晚会。译典通She made a mixed salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato and pepper and tossed it in (= mixed it with) a vinaigrette dressing.她用生菜、黄瓜、西红柿和青椒做色拉,并拌上醋油沙司调料。剑桥国际She put a dressing on the mangled toe. 她包扎砍伤的脚趾。译典通She tossed the lettuce in French dressing.她用法国色拉调料拌生菜。剑桥国际She's got a very distinctive (= unusual) voice/walk/profile/way of dressing.她有很不同寻常的嗓音/走路方式/侧影/着衣方式。剑桥国际Small children usually love dressing up in their mothers’clothes.小孩子总喜欢穿上他们妈妈的衣服,特意打扮一番。剑桥国际The Evangelical Alliance has warned anyone dressing up as a witch that they could be endangering their sanity or even their lives.福音派新教同盟告诫每个装扮成巫婆的人,她们可能会危害自己的神志健康乃至生命。剑桥国际The children were dressing in the lobby, superintended by Mrs. Moffatt. 孩子们由莫法特夫人照应在门厅内穿衣服。译典通The clothes that had looked so beautiful on stage looked tawdry hanging in the dressing room.在舞台上显得如此华丽的服装挂在化妆室里看起来却俗丽而低廉。剑桥国际The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I've got to come back every day to have the dressing changed.医生说我今天可以出院了,不过条件是我得每天回来换绷带。剑桥国际The model has an individual way of dressing. 这个模特儿有著独特的穿衣方式。译典通The mother is dressing her baby. 母亲正为婴孩穿衣。译典通The reforms have been interpreted as window dressing.这些改革被看做是“门面工程”。牛津商务The sore is still weeping a lot so you'll have to change the dressing once a day.溃疡处脓水仍然流得很厉害,因此你每天必须换一次药。剑桥国际There's too much French/garlic dressing on this salad.这盘色拉中有太多的法国/大蒜调料。剑桥国际They're dressing Selfridges’windows for Christmas.他们在为圣诞节布置塞尔弗里奇商店的橱窗。剑桥国际This salad dressing is nice and herby (=It tastes of herbs).这些色拉调料很好,有一种草的香味。剑桥国际This salad dressing is rather vinegary (= has a lot of vinegar in it).这种色拉调料很酸。剑桥国际




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