

单词 drying
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕You wash the dishes, and I'll do the drying. 你洗碗,我来擦干。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Cover the pastry with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out. 在油酥面团上盖块湿布以防它干硬。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Early settlers preserved meat by drying and salting it. 早期移民用风干和腌制的方法保存肉类。朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC SERVICES|公共服务〕Facilities for washing and drying clothes are hopelessly inadequate in many hostels for the homeless. 在许多为无家可归者建的收容所里,洗衣和干衣设备严重不足。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕If the soil shows signs of drying out, water it sparingly. 土壤如果出现失水变干的迹象,就浇一点点水。朗文写作活用〔Thompson seedless〕A round-berried, green, seedless or nearly seedless variety of grape widely cultivated in the United States for table use and for drying as raisins.汤普森无籽葡萄:在美国普遍栽植的圆形绿色无籽或几乎无籽的各种葡萄,可直接做餐点来吃或做成葡萄干美国传统〔airing〕Exposure to air for freshening or drying.通风;晾:暴露于空气中使保持新鲜或干燥美国传统〔baste〕Meat is basted to keep it from drying and to improve its flavor.烤肉时浇脂油以免烤干并可增加风味。文馨英汉〔corncrib〕A structure for storing and drying ears of corn.玉米围垛:存放并干燥玉米穗的结构美国传统〔cross〕The bartender busied himself drying glassware, the cross of his trade.酒吧招待员忙于把玻璃杯具擦干,这是他那个行当的苦差事。英汉大词典〔crust〕Pathology An outer layer or coating formed by the drying of a bodily exudate such as pus or blood; a scab.【病理学】 痂:由身体的渗出液如浓液或血液等变干而形成的一层外皮或覆盖物;痂美国传统〔desiccant〕A substance, such as calcium oxide or silica gel, that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent.干燥剂,脱水剂:一种对水有很强吸附性的物质(如氧化钙或硅胶),常用作干燥剂美国传统〔dishtowel〕A towel for drying dishes.擦碟布:擦干碟子的毛巾美国传统〔drain〕Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.不用专门擦干平底锅——让它自己干就行了。剑桥高阶〔drier〕A substance added to paint, varnish, or ink to speed drying.干燥剂:加入颜料、涂料或墨水中用于加速干燥的物质美国传统〔drip-dry〕Made of a fabric that will not wrinkle when hung dripping wet for drying.能滴干的:由悬挂滴干后仍能保持不起皱纹的织物制成的美国传统〔dry off〕My umbrella's drying off in the hall.我的雨伞正放在走廊里晾干呢。韦氏高阶〔dry up〕Credit from foreign banks is drying up.外国银行正在逐渐停止信贷。外研社新世纪〔dry up〕He got up and stood beside Julie, drying up the dishes while she washed.他起身站到正在洗碗的朱莉身旁, 把洗好的餐具擦干。外研社新世纪〔dry up〕Reservoirs are drying up and farmers are worried.水库正在干涸, 农民们为此忧心忡忡。外研社新世纪〔dry up〕The river/well is drying up.河水/井水正在干涸。韦氏高阶〔dryness〕Credit from foreign banks is drying up.外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕He got up and stood beside Julie, drying up the dishes while she washed.他站起身站在朱莉身旁,她洗碗碟,他擦干。柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes.马德里加尔夫人开始擦干碟子。柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land.水库逐渐干涸,农民开始背井离乡。柯林斯高阶〔dry〕He was drying his hair with a towel.他在用毛巾擦干头发。朗文当代〔dry〕He will have to spend months in a special hospital, drying out.他将不得不在一专门医院呆上几个月戒酒。英汉大词典〔dry〕He's been drying out at a private clinic.他在一家私人诊所戒酒。朗文当代〔dry〕My lips and mouth keep drying out.我老是唇干口燥。英汉大词典〔dry〕Taking too much water for household use is drying up the river.民用水量过多使这条河日益干涸了。朗文当代〔dry〕Water the ground regularly to stop it from drying out.要定期往地上浇水,别让地面干透了。麦克米伦高阶〔dry〕Your shirt is drying on the clothesline.你的衬衫正在晒衣绳上晾干。韦氏高阶〔dunk〕Dunk the sponge in water every once in a while to stop it from drying out.时常把海绵浸在水里可避免它变干。剑桥高阶〔flake〕A frame or platform for drying fish or produce.晒鱼架:晒鱼或加工鱼时用的架子美国传统〔freebase〕To purify (cocaine) by dissolving it in a heated solvent and separating and drying the precipitate.加热吸用精炼可卡因:通过溶解(可卡因)于热熔溶剂提炼分离,分离出沉积物并使之干燥来净化(可卡因)美国传统〔freeze-dry〕To preserve (food, for example) by rapid freezing and drying in a high vacuum.使冷冻干燥:通过在高度真空状态下迅速冷冻并干燥来保存(如食物)美国传统〔harden〕Mortar hardens by drying.灰浆干了就变硬。英汉大词典〔hoofbound〕Afflicted with drying and contraction of the hoof, resulting in lameness. Used of a horse.挛缩足的:因遭受蹄的干枯和收缩而导致跛足的(用于马)美国传统〔irregularity〕The paint was drying in irregular patches.油漆一片片地慢慢变干了。柯林斯高阶〔irregular〕The paint was drying in irregular patches.涂料正在东一片西一片地变干。外研社新世纪〔kiln〕Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.窑:用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑美国传统〔laundry〕Drying laundry must not be allowed to peek out from behind the city's balcony walls.这座城市不准许将阳台晾晒的衣物外露。外研社新世纪〔linseed oil〕A yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of flax and used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes and in linoleum, printing inks, and synthetic resins.亚麻籽油:从亚麻籽中提取的浅黄色油,在油漆、上釉、油布、印刷油墨和合成松脂中用作干性油美国传统〔mop〕A household implement made of absorbent material attached to a typically long handle and used for washing, dusting, or drying floors.拖把:一种用于清洗、除去或擦干地板的家庭用具,将吸水性材料固定于典型的长柄的顶端美国传统〔mummify〕To make into a mummy by embalming and drying.使成木乃伊:通过防腐和干燥的方式制成木乃伊美国传统〔nicely〕The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。柯林斯高阶〔oast〕A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco.烘炉:烘啤酒花或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑美国传统〔oil〕Cricket bats should be oiled to stop the wood drying out and cracking.板球拍应该上油以防止木头干燥开裂。外研社新世纪〔oolong〕A dark Chinese tea that has been partially fermented before drying.乌龙(茶):一种在干燥前局部发酵的中国红茶美国传统〔oven〕A chamber or enclosed compartment for heating, baking, or roasting food, as in a stove, or for firing, baking, hardening, or drying objects, as in a kiln.烤炉,烤箱:如暖炉里用作加热、烤焙或烘烤食物的室或密封小间;或如火炉里用于点燃、烤焙、硬化、干燥物体的室或密封小间美国传统〔porter〕A dark beer resembling light stout, made from malt browned or charred by drying at a high temperature.黑啤酒:一种类似于淡色烈性啤酒的黑啤酒,用经高温烘干而成棕色或焦炭色的麦芽发酵而成美国传统〔rake〕He raked the coffee beans he was drying on the concrete floor.他把晒在水泥地上的咖啡豆耙拢。英汉大词典〔rank〕The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房内充斥着烘干制服的难闻气味。柯林斯高阶〔rank〕The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房里到处都是烘干制服的难闻气味。外研社新世纪〔rubbing〕The act of polishing, cleaning, or drying.擦:擦亮、擦净或擦干的动作美国传统〔shock〕A number of sheaves of grain stacked upright in a field for drying.禾束堆:坚在在田野中待干的多束谷物美国传统〔smoke〕People in Egypt were salting, drying, and smoking fish and meat 6,000 years ago.埃及人6000年前就开始进行鱼和肉的腌制、风干和熏制。剑桥高阶〔soda lime〕A mixture of calcium oxide and sodium or potassium hydroxide, used as a drying agent and carbon dioxide absorbent.碱石灰:氧化钙和钠或者氢氧化钾的混合物,用作干燥剂和二氧化碳吸收物美国传统〔stack〕The cereals should be stacked when drying up.谷物应在彻底干透后再堆起。21世纪英汉〔sun〕To expose to the sun's rays, as for warming, drying, or tanning.晒,曝:使暴露在阳光中,如为了取暖、烘干或晒黑美国传统〔sweat〕The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.干无花果上渗出许多小水珠。21世纪英汉〔tea towel〕A cloth for drying dishes; a dishtowel.茶巾:用于擦干的碟盘的布;擦拭巾美国传统〔ted〕To strew or spread (newly mown grass, for example) for drying.摊晒:为干燥(例如新割的草)而撒开或铺开美国传统〔tenter〕A framework on which milled cloth is stretched for drying without shrinkage.拉幅机:拉伸缩绒的织物以使其干后不缩水的一种架子美国传统〔towel〕A piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for wiping or drying.毛巾、纸巾:一块用来擦洗或干燥的布或纸,能吸收水分的美国传统〔washing-up〕You do the washing-up and I'll do the drying.你来洗碗,我来把它们擦干。剑桥高阶〔weather〕To expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, or coloring.暴晒:暴露于自然条件之下,如使风干、风化或褪色美国传统〔while〕I read it while you were drying your hair.在你吹干头发的时候我读了它。剑桥高阶Drying (= Removing liquid from) fruit, vegetables and milk is one way of preserving them for long periods.让水果、蔬菜和牛奶中的水分蒸发是使它们能长期保存的一种方法。剑桥国际Don't bother drying the pans-- just leave them to drain.别费神擦干那些锅了----就让它滴干吧。剑桥国际Fasten the two pieces of wood together with a clamp while the glue is drying.在等胶水干时把两片木头用夹子夹紧。剑桥国际Fish, meat and other foods can be cured using salt or vinegar or by drying.鱼、肉和其他一些食物可以通过用盐腌、醋浸和风干的办法来保存。剑桥国际I read it while you were drying your hair.我在你吹干头发的时候读的它。剑桥国际If you do the washing up, I'll do the drying.要是你洗碗,那么我就擦碗。剑桥国际People in the Middle East, India and Egypt were salting, drying and smoking fish and meat 6 000 years ago.中东、印度和埃及人在6000年前就开始进行鱼和肉的腌制、风干和熏制。剑桥国际The farmer raked the soybeans he was drying on the ground. 农夫把晒在地上的大豆耙拢。译典通The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤干。译典通The washing-up's done (= finished), but I've left the drying for you.我把碗洗好了,擦碗的活儿留给你了。剑桥国际Their sources of finance are drying up.他们的资金来源越来越少。牛津商务You do the washing-up and I'll do the drying.你洗碗碟,我来擦干。剑桥国际




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