

单词 engage in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPETE WITH〕The President's advisors were engaged in a fierce battle for power. 总统的顾问们正在进行激烈的权力斗争。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Expert advice is available for investors who wish to engage in future planning. 投资者如希望为未来制定计划可以征求专家的意见。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕To engage in an academic program that progresses faster than usual.参加速成学习:安排大学学习计划以使比正常速度更快前进美国传统〔acquaintance〕I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances engaged in photography.我在摄影界交游甚广。柯林斯高阶〔argue〕To engage in a quarrel; dispute.参与争吵;争论美国传统〔battle〕To engage in or as if in battle.作战:作战或好似作战美国传统〔belligerent〕One that is hostile or aggressive, especially one that is engaged in war.交战者:敌对的或爱寻衅的人或一方,尤指参与战争者美国传统〔busy〕Engaged in activity, as work; occupied.繁忙的:忙于活动如工作的;没空的美国传统〔chaffer〕One who engages in banter or good-natured teasing.取笑者,逗弄者:开玩笑或善意戏谑的人美国传统〔couturier〕An establishment engaged in couture.女式时装店:从事女式服装业的企业美国传统〔dialogue〕The government refused to engage in direct dialogue with the terrorists.政府拒绝与恐怖分子直接对话。牛津搭配〔discourse〕Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.候选人应该参加严肃的政治对话。朗文当代〔engaged〕They've been engaged in a legal battle with the council for several months.数月来他们一直在与市政委员会进行法律斗争。剑桥高阶〔engage〕He engaged in trade for a number of years.他做了好多年的生意。英汉大词典〔excavate〕To engage in digging, hollowing out, or removing.挖掘:忙于挖掘、开凿或运走美国传统〔extrapolate〕To engage in the process of extrapolating.推断:推断的过程美国传统〔farm〕To engage in farming.经营农场美国传统〔fisher〕One that fishes, as a person or ship engaged in fishing.渔民,渔船:从事捕鱼业的人或船只美国传统〔fool〕To engage in idle or frivolous activity.干蠢事:涉及无用或琐碎的行动美国传统〔give and take〕The candidates engaged in a lively give and take, witnessed by a huge television audience.几位候选人在广大电视观众面前你来我往,针锋相对,展开了一场激烈的辩论。剑桥高阶〔gymnast〕A person who is trained and skilled in gymnastics, especially one who engages in competition.体操运动员:一个受过体操训练,技巧成熟的人,特别是指那些参加比赛的人美国传统〔hump〕Vulgar Slang To engage in sexual intercourse with.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 与(某人)性交美国传统〔hypothesis〕It would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts.在我们还没掌握事实之前瞎猜是毫无意义的。牛津高阶〔intrigue〕The prime minister engaged in political intrigues against the king.首相参与了反对国王的政治阴谋。牛津搭配〔lark〕To engage in spirited fun or merry pranks.嬉戏:参与活泼的娱乐或善意的恶作剧美国传统〔live〕To engage in festive pleasures or extravagances.沉湎于欢乐或铺张浪费中美国传统〔logroll〕To engage in political logrolling.参与政治投票交易美国传统〔mock〕Before each debate, he is expected to engage in mock debate.在每次正式辩论前,他得先参加演习性的辩论。英汉大词典〔mutiny〕To engage in mutiny.参加叛乱美国传统〔odds〕His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour.他的部队只有在胜券在握的时候才打地面战。柯林斯高阶〔peddle〕To engage in the illicit sale of (narcotics).从事毒品的非法售卖美国传统〔postdoctoral〕Of, relating to, or engaged in academic study beyond the level of a doctoral degree.博士后的:博士学位后的学术研究的,与博士学位后的学术研究有关的或从事博士后研究的美国传统〔price war〕The airlines are engaged in another price war.各航空公司陷入了另一场价格战。韦氏高阶〔pursuit〕An activity, such as a vocation or hobby, engaged in regularly.有规律地从事职业或爱好等活动美国传统〔reverse engineering〕The company for years engaged in the reverse engineering of semiconductors.多年来这家公司一直都在从事着半导体的反向工程。麦克米伦高阶〔rumble〕Slang To engage in a gang fight.【俚语】 打群架美国传统〔rumormonger〕To engage in the spreading of rumors.传播流言蜚语,造谣美国传统〔stevedore〕To load or unload the cargo of (a ship) or to engage in the process of loading or unloading such a vessel.装(卸)货:给(船)装货或卸货或从事给船装货或卸货的过程美国传统〔subversive〕He was engaged in subversive activities .他参与了颠覆活动。朗文当代〔tipple〕To drink (alcoholic liquor) or engage in such drinking, especially habitually or to excess.酗酒:饮用(酒精饮料)或参与这种饮酒活动,尤指习惯性地或过度地美国传统〔tope〕To drink (liquor) habitually and excessively or engage in such drinking.狂饮,纵饮:习惯性地过度饮(酒)或陷入这种状况美国传统〔trap〕To engage in trapping furbearing animals.设陷阱:铺设陷阱并捕猎产皮毛的动物美国传统〔wench〕To engage in promiscuous sex with women. Used of a man.乱搞女人:与女人乱交性关系。用于男人美国传统〔windsurf〕To engage in windsurfing.风帆冲浪:参加风帆冲浪运动美国传统〔woolgather〕To engage in fanciful daydreaming.幻想,空想:涉及稀奇的白日梦美国传统A group of dissidents have been demanding the right to engage in politics.一群持不同政见者要求有权参与政治。剑桥国际He once engaged in anti-government activity. 他一度从事反政府的活动。译典通He was busily engaged in painting the furniture. 他忙于油漆家具。译典通The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand combat.战士们正在进行肉搏战。剑桥国际We encourage employees to engage in creative thinking.我们鼓励员工运用创造性思维。牛津商务




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