

单词 economist
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔advocate〕an economist who advocates abandoning the humanitarian and egalitarian goals 一个提倡放弃人道主义及平均主义目标的经济学家 英汉大词典〔background〕an economist with a background in business 有从商经历的经济学家牛津搭配〔demographer〕a politically astute economist and demographer.有着敏锐政治头脑的经济学家和人口学家柯林斯高阶〔disciple〕a disciple of the economist John Maynard Keynes 经济学家约翰 · 梅纳德 · 凯恩斯的信徒牛津高阶〔economist〕an economist of money 理财的人英汉大词典〔educated〕a Harvard-educated economist 哈佛毕业的经济学家韦氏高阶〔orthodoxy〕an economist arguing against the current financial orthodoxy 一位批驳现行正统金融观念的经济学家牛津高阶〔seer〕the economic seers who regularly provide The Economist with forecasts.定期为《经济学家》杂志提供前瞻性预测的经济预言家柯林斯高阶〔specialization〕an economist who has avoided narrow specialization.避免了专业范围过窄的经济学家柯林斯高阶an academic/business economist 学术/商业经济学家牛津商务the senior economist at Nomura Research Institute 日本野村综合研究所的高级经济学家牛津商务




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