

单词 alter
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔aim〕alter the aim to allow for the wind 考虑到风的因素而调整瞄准方向英汉大词典〔alter ego〕a trusted adviser who is the President's alter ego 作为总统挚友而受信赖的顾问韦氏高阶〔alter ego〕the effects of my pessimistic alter ego我个性中悲观一面的影响外研社新世纪〔alter〕alter an attitude 改变态度英汉大词典〔alter〕alter clothes that are too large 把过大的衣服改小英汉大词典〔alter〕alter course 改道英汉大词典〔alter〕alter for the better 好转英汉大词典〔alter〕alter one's mind 改变主意英汉大词典〔arrangement〕alter the arrangement of furniture in the room 把房间里家具的布置改变一下英汉大词典〔complexion〕findings that will alter the complexion of the problem.找到改变问题表象的方法美国传统〔consummation〕the consummation of a deal that would alter dramatically the course of his stewardship of the team一份将显著改变他的团队管理工作方向的协议的签署外研社新世纪〔ideologize〕attempt to alter and ideologize the fundamental character of our culture 试图改变我们文化的根本性质并使之符合特定意识形态英汉大词典〔materially〕plans to materially alter the external appearance of the building 大大改变这座大楼外观的计划麦克米伦高阶〔notice〕his failure to give notice of his intention to alter the property 他没有说明变更产权的意图朗文当代〔perception〕drugs that alter perception 改变感知的药物朗文当代




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