

单词 employment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕There are good employment opportunities in the field of healthcare, particularly nursing. 在医疗保健行业,尤其是护理行业中,就业机会很多。朗文写作活用〔BE〕In Japan, firms employing over 1000 people accounted for 50% of total employment. 在日本,员工超过1,000人的企业所聘的雇员人数占全部就业人数的50%。朗文写作活用〔CETA〕Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.综合就业和训练法案美国传统〔CONDITION〕Some knowledge of the French language is a prerequisite for employment there. 略通法语是在那里工作的先决条件。朗文写作活用〔EEO〕Equal employment opportunity.均等就业机会美国传统〔EXIST〕The system that guaranteed lifetime employment no longer exists. 保证终生就业的制度再也不存在了。朗文写作活用〔FEPC〕Fair Employment Practices Commission.公平就业实施委员会美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Sales have dropped dramatically, necessitating cuts in production and employment. 由于销量锐减,必须减产和裁员了。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕Companies must comply with European employment laws. 公司必须遵守欧洲就业法。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕There are two schools of thought. One wants to control inflation, while the other is more interested in boosting employment. 有两派观点,一派希望控制通货膨胀,另一派则更热衷于促进就业。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The main source of work here is public sector employment. 本地的工作职位主要来自公共部门。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Negotiators have made a breakthrough on the most difficult issue of employment security. 谈判人员在最难解决的职业保障问题上已有了突破。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The government has had to renege on its commitment to full employment. 政府只得违背了充分就业的承诺。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕How far can women be said to be colluding in their own lower employment status? 妇女职业地位较低,这其中的原因有多少是她们自己造成的呢?朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices. 政府通过了几项法律,保护妇女使她们在就业过程中免受歧视。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Worknet has a staff of 28 people, dedicated to assisting the community in their search for employment or training. “求职网”有28名员工,致力于帮助社区居民寻找就业或培训机会。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕Such demands include the absolute assurance of full employment.这类要求包括对充分就业的无条件保证。文馨英汉〔access〕Men and women should have equal access to education and employment.男女应当享有平等的受教育和工作的权利。牛津搭配〔adjust〕If your employment status changes, your tax code will be adjusted accordingly.如果就业状况改变,你的免税代码也会作相应调整。朗文当代〔affirmative action〕A policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment.反歧视行动,坚定行动:通过保证教育和就业平等机会的积极措施以纠正过去的歧视性政策或计划美国传统〔amalgamate〕The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.这几家不同的事务所将合并成为就业指导中心。剑桥高阶〔application〕A request, as for assistance, employment, or admission to a school.申请:就帮助、聘用或入学方面的申请美国传统〔axis〕Full employment is the axis of their campaign.充分就业是他们竞选运动的核心。英汉大词典〔balance sth against sth〕The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.需要在工厂对生态造成的影响与其带来的就业机会之间权衡比较。剑桥高阶〔base pay〕An amount or a rate of compensation for a specified position of employment or activity excluding any other payments or allowances.基本工资,底薪:补偿给特定职位的雇员或活动的一定数量或比率的薪金,不包括其它的报酬或津贴美国传统〔basis〕The basis of his employment is coaching basketball but he also teaches mathematics.他的主要职业是当篮球教练,但也兼教数学。英汉大词典〔bread-and-butter〕Employment and taxation are the bread-and-butter issues of politics.就业和征税是很重要的政治问题。牛津高阶〔break-in〕An initial period of employment or operation during which the performance of a person or thing may be evaluated and adjusted.试验性操作,初试阶段:雇佣职员或操纵机器的最初阶段,在此期间可对一个人或物的表现进行评估和调整美国传统〔child labor〕The full-time employment of children who are under a minimum legal age.童工:对法定最低年限以下儿童全日制的雇用美国传统〔civil rights〕Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.公民权包括法律上和就业上的自由、平等以及投票权。剑桥高阶〔clock〕The new employment bill will put the clock back fifty years.新的就业法案简直是倒退了五十年。朗文当代〔connive〕He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.他指控部长们与外国公司合谋损害就业权。外研社新世纪〔contract〕Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site.根据李女士的雇佣合同,雇主不能要求她到另一地工作。牛津搭配〔despair〕Her despondency arises from her inability to find employment.她之所以意志消沉是因为她无法找到工作。美国传统〔diploma〕Diploma holders have a far better chance of employment than those with no qualification.持有文凭者比没有资格证明的人就业机会大得多。牛津搭配〔discrimination〕The legislation would outlaw discrimination in employment, housing, and education.法律将禁止就业、住房和教育方面的歧视。麦克米伦高阶〔disemploy〕To deprive of employment.使失业:剥夺工作美国传统〔door〕To terminate the employment of; fire.不再雇佣;解雇美国传统〔dramatically〕Employment possibilities have increased dramatically in the past nine years.就业机会在过去九年间大幅增长。外研社新世纪〔eliminate〕The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.《反性别歧视法》并未根除就业中的歧视。外研社新世纪〔embody〕U.K. employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包含解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。外研社新世纪〔employment agency〕He found work as a mechanic through an employment agency.他通过职业介绍所找到一份机修工工作。韦氏高阶〔employment tribunal〕She took her case to an employment tribunal.她向劳资裁判庭提起诉讼。牛津高阶〔employment〕Employment has risen among people over 55.在年龄超过55岁的人中,就业人数已经有了提高。麦克米伦高阶〔employment〕Employment levels are unlikely to rise significantly before the end of next year.在明年年底之前就业率很难有大幅度上升。剑桥高阶〔employment〕After graduation, she found employment with a local finance company.毕业后,她在一家当地的金融公司找到了工作。麦克米伦高阶〔employment〕Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.耕作方法的改变严重影响了这个地区的就业。牛津高阶〔employment〕Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.毕业生感到找工作越来越难。牛津高阶〔employment〕He condemned those who were responsible for the employment of such execrable methods.他谴责那些采用这些恶劣手段的人。外研社新世纪〔employment〕He regularly drove from his home to his place of employment.他定期开车往返于家和工作地点之间。柯林斯高阶〔employment〕He took up employment with the company in May 2002.他于 2002 年 5 月开始受聘于这家公司。牛津搭配〔employment〕I've been looking for employment in the machine trade.我一直在寻找机械贸易方面的工作。韦氏高阶〔employment〕Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.许多经济学家认为全面就业是不现实的目标。朗文当代〔employment〕Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14.墨西哥的法律禁止雇用不足 14 岁的儿童。朗文当代〔employment〕One company terminated his employment after 30 days.一家公司在 30 天后就解雇了他。牛津搭配〔employment〕People move for various reasons: for employment, for a bigger house, for a better neighbourhood.人们搬家的原因多种多样:有时是为了工作, 有时是为了住更大的房子, 有时是为了住到更好的地段。外研社新世纪〔employment〕She had been out of employment for three years.她已经失业 3 年了。牛津搭配〔employment〕She hopes to find employment as a teacher.她希望找个教师的工作。韦氏高阶〔employment〕She was unable to find employment.她没能找到工作。柯林斯高阶〔employment〕The employment prospects for science graduates are excellent.理科毕业生的就业前景非常好。朗文当代〔employment〕The city is faced with inadequate housing and a lack of employment.这座城市面临住房不足和缺少就业岗位的问题。韦氏高阶〔employment〕The company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.这家公司是首批向盲人提供有意义的工作岗位的企业之一。牛津搭配〔employment〕The company's employment practices have been widely criticized.这家公司雇用人员的做法受到广泛批评。牛津搭配〔employment〕The government aims to achieve full employment within three years.政府的目标是在 3 年之内达到完全就业。牛津搭配〔employment〕The government is aiming at full employment.政府在力求达到全面就业。牛津高阶〔employment〕The magazine did well during the course of her employment as editor.在她受雇当编辑时,这份杂志还办得不错。韦氏高阶〔employment〕The new factory should provide employment for hundreds of workers.新工厂应能为数百名工人提供就业岗位。韦氏高阶〔employment〕The steelworks provided employment for thousands of people.这家钢铁厂为数千人提供了就业机会。牛津搭配〔employment〕The survey studied the employment status of people within the community.这项调查研究了这个社区住户的就业状况。牛津搭配〔employment〕These are the reasons why you should consider my employment.这些就是你应该考虑雇用我的原因。外研社新世纪〔employment〕They had survived the Depression without employment.他们在没有工作的情况下熬过了大萧条。外研社新世纪〔employment〕Was the employment of force justified? 使用武力是正当的吗?朗文当代〔engagement〕A specific, often limited, period of employment.聘用期间:特定且常有限的雇用期美国传统〔ensnare〕We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.我们发现自己陷入了雇佣法案的圈套之中, 因为它们并不能帮助解决劳资纠纷。外研社新世纪〔equal〕The company has an equal opportunities policy(= gives the same chances of employment to everyone).这家公司的政策是人人机会均等。牛津高阶〔establishment〕The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.创建新的就业领域是当务之急。剑桥高阶〔far〕Computers, far from destroying jobs, can create employment.计算机远非破坏就业,而是能创造就业。牛津高阶〔field〕Profession, employment, or business.职业,工作,事业美国传统〔figure〕Ohio's employment figures for December 俄亥俄州十二月份的就业数字朗文当代〔folk〕Will local folks get employment in the new business? 当地人会在这个新企业中找到工作吗?麦克米伦高阶〔foot〕He always has his best foot forward when speaking to his constituents. Put your best foot forward during an employment interview.当提起他的选区选民,他总是说出最好的一面以给人留下好印象。在用人单位面试时要尽量给人留下好印象美国传统〔fringe benefit〕An employment benefit given in addition to one's wages or salary.附加福利:雇主给雇员工资之外的优惠美国传统〔full〕It doesn't seem likely that we will see a return to full employment (= that all the people in the country will have a job) in the near future.近期内恢复全民就业似乎不太可能。剑桥高阶〔gainful〕Many graduates tell of months spent in search of gainful employment.很多毕业生都说,为了找到一份有报酬的工作,他们要花上数月的时间。剑桥高阶〔general〕The figures represent a general decline in employment.这些数字显示就业人数总体在下降。柯林斯高阶〔generate〕The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。柯林斯高阶〔gist〕The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible.他辩论的主旨是,全面就业是不可能的。朗文当代〔golden parachute〕An employment agreement that guarantees a key executive lucrative severance benefits if control of the company changes hands followed by management shifts.金保护伞:一种聘用合同,如果公司转手他人,该合同保证主要管理人员得到遣散费美国传统〔impact〕It is difficult to judge the likely impact of the changes on employment patterns.很难判断这些变化可能对雇佣模式产生怎样的影响。牛津搭配〔independence〕Employment gave young women a measure of economic independence.工作赋予了年轻女性一定程度的经济独立。麦克米伦高阶〔influential〕The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment.委员会左右着政府就业政策的制订。牛津高阶〔issue〕On your appointment, you will be issued a written statement of particulars of employment.正式任命时, 你将得到一份关于雇用细则的书面说明。外研社新世纪〔lag〕Changes in employment tend to lag changes in wholesale prices.就业状况往往随着批发价格的变化而变化。英汉大词典〔lazily〕Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。柯林斯高阶〔laziness〕Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行劳动法要变革, 奖勤罚懒。外研社新世纪〔learning curve〕There is a learning curve in the process of seeking employment.找工作有一个经验累积的过程。柯林斯高阶〔learning curve〕There is a learning curve in the process of seeking employment.找工作有个积累经验的过程。外研社新世纪〔major〕Age is a major factor affecting chances of employment.年龄是影响就业机会的一个重要因素。麦克米伦高阶〔metamorphosis〕The employment department has undergone several metamorphoses.就业处已经历了数次改组。外研社新世纪〔militate against〕The fact that he'd been in prison militates against his chances of getting fresh employment.他坐过牢这个事实对他找新工作不利。21世纪英汉〔mirror〕The jump in business confidence has been mirrored by the increase in employment.就业人数的增加反映出商业信心的大大增强。牛津搭配〔negotiable〕The terms of employment are negotiable.雇用的条件可以协商。牛津高阶〔net〕The net effect of this policy has been higher employment but lower wages.这项政策的最终结果是高就业率和低工资。麦克米伦高阶〔nonbusiness〕Unrelated to one's own business or employment.与某人自己的事务或职业无关的美国传统〔notion〕Employment decisions shouldn't be based on misconceived notions about age.聘用决定不应该基于对年龄的错误观念之上。麦克米伦高阶〔offer〕The company withdrew their offer of employment.公司撤回了原先的聘用提议。朗文当代〔omission〕Measures to control child employment are a glaring (= very obvious) omission from new legislation to protect children.新的儿童保护法规显然遗漏了对雇用童工加以遏制的措施。剑桥高阶〔outplace〕To terminate the employment of.终止雇佣…,解雇美国传统〔paid〕Neither of them is currently in paid employment.他们俩目前都没有挣钱的差事。牛津高阶〔particularly〕More employment will be created, particularly in service industries.将会创造更多的就业机会, 尤其是在服务行业。外研社新世纪〔particularly〕More local employment will be created, particularly in service industries.当地会创造出更多的就业机会,尤其是服务行业。柯林斯高阶〔pathway〕The course offers students a pathway to employment.这门课程为学生提供了一条就业之路。外研社新世纪〔pave〕This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights for women.这项决议为修改妇女就业权利创造了条件。牛津高阶〔penury〕They faced penury unless they could secure employment very soon.除非能很快找到工作, 否则他们就会面临穷困潦倒的境地。外研社新世纪〔persuadable〕The threat of employment persuades workers to moderate their pay demands.失业的威胁驱使工人们只好对工资降格以求。21世纪英汉〔phenomenon〕The employment problem tends to be a city phenomenon.就业问题是城市的常见现象。英汉大词典〔placement〕The initial rate of placement in civilian employment was slow.起初文职工作的就业安置率很低。外研社新世纪〔place〕The employment agency placed me with a local law firm.职业介绍所安排我到当地的一家律师事务所工作。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕She played up her experience during the employment interview.在雇用面试时她强调了她的经验美国传统〔positive〕Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment.她丈夫比以前乐观多了, 不久便重新开始了全职工作。外研社新世纪〔positive〕Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment.她丈夫自信大增,不久便重新开始全职工作。柯林斯高阶〔practicable〕The stadium shall undertake to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety of persons not in their employment.该体育场要在合理可行的范围内尽可能确保非雇佣人员的安全。牛津搭配〔prejudiced〕They think employment legislation is prejudiced in favour of minorities.他们认为雇佣法偏袒少数民族。外研社新世纪〔prerequisite〕A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.学位是做这级工作必备的先决条件。牛津高阶〔preserve〕Until the men went away to war, employment and sport were predominantly male preserves.在男人去战场以前, 就业和体育运动一直由男性主导。外研社新世纪〔project〕We need to project our employment needs better.我们必须更准确地预测就业需要。英汉大词典〔promise〕The promise of permanent employment is almost nonexistent today.终身聘任的可能性在今天几乎是不存在的。麦克米伦高阶〔proportion〕Only a small proportion of graduates fail to find employment.只有一小部分毕业生没找到工作。麦克米伦高阶〔prospect〕Getting the right qualifications will enhance your employment prospects.取得一些适当的资格证明将大大提高你的就业机会。牛津搭配〔prospect〕Prospects of/for (= opportunities for) employment remain bleak for most people in the area.该地区大多数人的就业前景还是很黯淡的。剑桥高阶〔prospect〕The prospects for employment in the technology sector are especially good right now.在科技领域找到工作的可能性现在特别大。麦克米伦高阶〔prospect〕Your employment prospects would be much better if you finished your degree.如果你取得学位,找到工作的可能性就会更大。麦克米伦高阶〔pull〕I've pulled out of active employment.我已经退职。英汉大词典〔push (sb) toward(s) sth〕New employment laws are expected to push more women towards working full-time.新的就业法预计将使更多的女性全职工作。剑桥高阶〔qualification〕Nurses in training should be given a guarantee of employment following qualification.接受培训的护士取得资格后应有工作保障。牛津高阶〔racial〕They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视。牛津高阶〔regular〕She couldn't find any regular employment.她找不到任何固定工作。牛津高阶〔remark〕Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.她对就业问题的评论引发了热烈的讨论。剑桥高阶〔remunerative〕A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.一位医生建议她去找一份赚钱的工作。外研社新世纪〔secure〕This could improve your chances of securing employment.这样也许会增加你的就业机会。牛津搭配〔seek〕To be eligible, you must show that you are actively seeking employment.为了取得资格,你必须表明你正在积极地寻找就业机会。麦克米伦高阶〔separation〕Discharge, as from employment or military service.解除,退伍:解除,如从雇佣关系或兵役中免职美国传统〔service〕Employment in duties or work for another, especially for a government.雇佣:被别人雇佣而任职或工作,尤指被政府雇佣美国传统〔sleep〕To sleep at one's own home, not at one's place of employment.在某人自己的家里睡觉而非在受雇的地方美国传统〔source〕The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health.政府希望在卫生领域开拓新的就业岗位。牛津搭配〔spell out〕The contract spelled out the terms of his employment.这个合同清楚地说明了他的雇用条款。韦氏高阶〔stipulation〕The only stipulation the bank makes is that you must be in employment.银行的唯一规定是你必须有工作。牛津搭配〔stress〕They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities, better transport and health care.他们同时也强调需要增加就业机会,改善交通和医疗保健服务。柯林斯高阶〔stride〕We have made great strides in areas like employment and housing.我们在就业和住房等方面取得了巨大的进展。牛津搭配〔supermom〕A mother who performs the traditional duties of housework and childcare while also holding full-time employment.超级母亲:即履行做家务、看孩子等传统职责同时又拥有全日性工作的母亲美国传统〔termination〕You are required to give the company six weeks' notice of termination of employment.你须提前 6 周通知公司离职。牛津搭配〔terms〕I will discuss the terms of employment with you later.之后我会跟你谈聘用条款。外研社新世纪〔terms〕These are the terms and conditions of your employment.这些是聘用你的条件。牛津高阶〔term〕Many students now have paid employment during term.现在许多学生在上学期间就从事有薪工作。牛津高阶〔through〕She got her first job through an employment agency.她通过职业介绍所得到了第一份工作。朗文当代〔through〕Training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through.她接受的婚姻指导师培训能保证她学业一结束就找到工作。柯林斯高阶〔transition〕This training course aims to smooth the transition between education and employment.这个训练课程的目的就是实现从学校到就业之间的平稳过渡。牛津搭配〔unattainable〕Many economists think that full employment is an unattainable goal.一些经济学家认为实现充分就业的目标是无法达到的。剑桥高阶〔union〕I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.我认为女性无论从事什么工作,加入工会都是有好处的。柯林斯高阶〔untapped〕Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.大龄人员是就业市场中未利用的资源。朗文当代〔usher〕The discovery of oil ushered in an era of employment and prosperity.石油的发现开创了一个就业和繁荣的新时代。朗文当代〔waged〕They want secure, waged employment.他们想要有工资的稳定工作。外研社新世纪〔waged〕They want secure, waged employment.他们想要稳定的、有工资的工作。柯林斯高阶〔work release〕A correctional program under which prisoners are permitted employment outside a prison while serving their sentences.劳动释放:犯人在服刑期间被允许在监狱外受雇工作的一种改正计划美国传统〔worker-priest〕A priest, especially in France, who spends time in secular employment for missionary purposes.工人神父:神父,尤其在法国,为传教的目的在世俗的职业中花时间工作美国传统〔work〕Only half the people here are in paid employment.这儿只有一半的人有拿工资的工作。牛津高阶A consumer boycott of the company's products eventually led to a change in its employment policy.消费者对该公司产品的抵制最终导致了其用人政策的改变。剑桥国际A large office requires the employment of many people. 一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。译典通Although the company sticks to the letter of the law, its employment practices are clearly unfair.尽管这家公司严守法律的字面意义,但实际执行雇用条例时显然是不公平的。牛津商务Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.耕作方式的改变已严重影响了这个地区的就业。牛津商务Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without regard to color or sex. 所有符合条件者不分肤色或性别均应享有平等的就业机会。译典通Full employment is a will-o'-the-wisp that politicians have been chasing for decades.充分就业是数十年来政治家们一直在追寻的幻想。剑桥国际Full employment is the axis of their campaign. 充分就业是他们竞选活动的核心。译典通Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.毕业生发现找工作越来越难。牛津商务He found employment as a mechanic. 他找到了一份机修工的工作。译典通I've been temping for an employment agency.我一直在一家职业介绍所做临时工。牛津商务I've registered with an employment agency.我已在职业介绍所登记。牛津商务It was an express term of the contract that their employment was for a period of four years.他们的雇用期为四年,这是合同中一条明确的条款。牛津商务It was made clear that the employment was not pensionable.已经明确这份工作是无权享受养老金的。牛津商务Many graduates tell of months spent in search of gainful employment.许多毕业生讲起了他们寻找能赚钱的工作的那几个月。剑桥国际Picnicking is a pleasant employment for our holidays. 远足是我们假日喜爱的活动。译典通Prospects of/for (= Opportunities for) employment remain bleak for most people in the area.这个地区的大多数人的就业前景还是很黯淡。剑桥国际She has negotiated a five-year employment contract with the company.她已和公司谈妥一份为期五年的雇用合同。牛津商务Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.船只在外国注册以逃避有关雇佣和安全的规定。剑桥国际Some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.有些经济学家认为在欧洲充分(全部)就业是无法达到的目标。剑桥国际Students who do well on work experience may be offered employment following qualification.工作经验丰富的学生取得资格后可以获得工作机会。牛津商务The employment problem tends to be a city phenomenon. 就业问题常常是一个城市现象。译典通The company is being questioned regarding (= about) its employment policy.公司的雇佣政策正受到怀疑。剑桥国际The court awarded the women $100 000 each to recompense them for nine years of lost wages and missed employment opportunities.法院判决给每位妇女十万美元以补偿九年间失去的工资和错过就业机会。剑桥国际The different offices will be amalgamated as / into employment advice centres.不同的办公室将被合并成就业指导中心。剑桥国际The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.建立新的就业区是当务之急。剑桥国际The figures flatter to deceive -- only one in five of these new jobs is genuine full-time employment, most are part-time or seasonal.这些数字是蒙人的----这些新工作中只有五分之一是真正的全日性的,大部分是临时的或季节性的。剑桥国际The government is developing policies to promote non-farm rural employment.政府正在制订政策以促进农村的非农岗位就业。牛津商务The government's record has been the least impressive on the employment front (=The government has not been successful in creating new jobs).政府在解决就业的工作中最没什么成绩。剑桥国际There is no guarantee of full lifetime employment.不能保证每个人终身都获得雇用。牛津商务These jobs offer low pay, few benefits and less employment security.这些工作薪资福利低,保障少。牛津商务They were seeking employment. 他们在找工作。译典通You must register with a government employment agency.必须到政府职业介绍所登记。牛津商务Your contract of employment terminates in May.你的雇用合同五月到期。牛津商务Your contract will set out the terms and conditions of your employment.你的合同将会说明你聘用的条件。剑桥国际




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